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Author: Subject: Trip Report to BOLA and Asuncion

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Mood: Embarrased Harry Reid is a Nevadan

[*] posted on 8-13-2007 at 01:42 PM

Man, He's gonna love that.:bounce: Nothin like internet access in baja.:spingrin:

Proud husband of a legal immigrant.
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Mood: Strongly - Missing Baja

[*] posted on 8-13-2007 at 04:22 PM

Great trip report. The day by day happenings really lay out a vivid picture in between the ears. Next time it's Baja time (October - April) will have to leave the Coors Can parked at BOLA and head over to Shari and Juan's place. They sound like great people. Again fantastic report, it was refreshing to read it. :O:tumble::tumble:

Sometimes you really do question; why you are and where you are.
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[*] posted on 8-13-2007 at 07:48 PM

thanks jim for the report, anything on the fishing in bola? looks like ill be towing my boat down again next month for do-dos and yellows, only hope the trip is as good as the last but then again i am in baja.:coolup:
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"

[*] posted on 8-14-2007 at 08:38 AM

So uh, whoever Mr.Miserable Cuss is..uh tell me why exactly would I wanna kick your butt??? did I miss something here? Ya know I find it facinating how rude men from the united states are to each is so embarassing when you dis each other and treat each other so badly here in baja. It really does bother me when people not from here come here and then treat others who come here like crap...why???? Santiago happened to be a very nice, generous, concientious baja traveller who happened to have a nice wardrobe.....and deserved better was his first time in San Roque and was at least man enough to ask for some advice.

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-14-2007 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by shari
why exactly would I wanna kick your butt??? did I miss something here?

Oops; He said "Shirley" not Shari.

You are right though, all this macho hoo-ha is, how shall I say ......... but then, that would be rude.

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Mood: Embarrased Harry Reid is a Nevadan

[*] posted on 8-14-2007 at 08:54 AM

Shari, It's the "I was here before you" mentality. Like somehow you are invading their space. It goes the other way too. If you offer advice to a new person who has not asked, they will often look at you sideways and not say a word. Not that I would ever do that. I have written on this subject before. It is too bad, but it is what it is. :lol:

Once again, great report Santiago.

Proud husband of a legal immigrant.
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[*] posted on 8-15-2007 at 09:04 AM

I once read a study on how bank tellers will remember you if your fingers happen to touch theirs. The teller may deal with hundreds of people in a day, but if you happen to touch, you will be the one they remember.

I read another study that looked at healing rates in a doctors office. The doc hired a consultant when healing rates sky rocketed. People were healing slower and infections were rampant, why? The consultant questioned everyone in the office and found that they had hired a new receptionist. The patients said "the old receptionist was so nice. She would always great us by name and ask how we were doing. She seemed to really care about me as a person. I miss her. The new receptionist is curt and doesn't give me the time of day." The doc refilled the position with a compassionate person and the healing rates returned to normal.

There is a real reason that most of us feel good around smiling, friendly people and this is particularly so in Mexico where the pursuit of good feelings is the norm.

Abrazos Forte Amigos e Amigas

Avia Bien

These are very healthy sentiments.

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Location: bahia asuncion, baja sur
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"

[*] posted on 8-15-2007 at 09:12 AM

OOOPS once again...weird how I clearly read my name in the butt kicker bit...maybe subconciously I DO want to kick his butt???:?: but I'll leave that to Shirley and I know she can do it!

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Mood: Inquisitive

[*] posted on 8-15-2007 at 09:56 AM

This is just the strangest capper to an otherwise excellent trip report that I can ever recall seeing on Nomads.

Clearly, message boards leave much to be desired as a complete communications tool. Information, yes; communication, so-so.........

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Capt. George
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[*] posted on 8-15-2007 at 10:53 AM

coo-coo coo-coo coo-coo

\"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men\" Plato
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