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Author: Subject: Asuncion trip

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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 04:40 PM
Asuncion trip

Every year myself and 2 amigos head south for a week of fishing to decompress. For 30 years I have been visiting various spots on the SOC side of the peninsula. I have always been curious about the Abreojos, Asuncion, Tortugas area but havnt been willing to gamble and explore a new area with only 1 week of vacation vs going where I knew for sure what I could expect.

Finally got bored with all the usual spots so this year we decided to try virgin territory. Crossed the border around 7:30am on the 6th, picked up our tourist cards and headed south. 1st stop, Las Poblanos taco shop in Maneadero for an early lunch. Best Tacos on the planet and the price was right...6 tacos, grilled jalepenos & green onions with 3 ice cold cokes for $8. Next stop was un-planned. We were just north of SQ scooting through mile after mile of tomato fields in an 80kph zone (50mph??? why???) when a federal cop in a shiny new Dodge Charger motioned me to pull over and have a look at his fancy radar gun which he had clocked me at 138kph. Oooops, sorry Sr officer, I was Ahhh just passing a slower moving vehicle, got a bug in my left eye and Ahhhh the morning sun in the other, it will never happen again. He bought my story hook, line and sinker and then asked for my license and registration as he pulled out his ticket book! I didnt think mordida worked with the federal guys but $30 later and we were back on the road (OK, this is the spot where you anti mordita folks jump in and screw up the thread, I just wanted to get on with my vacation, 10 minutes and $30 vs a day and a half, kind of a no brainer to me). Topped off the tank in El Rosario, stopped for a gatorade break in Catavinia and ended the day in GN at the Ballenas motel around 7pm.

Up early the next day, quick bfast of huevos rancheros and shrimp ommettes, topped off the gas and made our way to Vizcaino. Pretty much the same old, same old up untill now but onto virgin territory when we turned right and headed towards Bahia Asuncion. Stopped at the mercado to buy the supplies we would need for the week. I bought 3 cases of Tecate and some limes, amigo #1 bought 3 cases of Tecate and some limes and Amigo #3 bought 3 cases of Tecates and some limes! We were now fully stocked up on all the essentials!

Took 1.5 hours (63 miles) with the last 10 miles on a very smooth dirt road to Get to Asuncion. Stopped at a house on the bluffs and called Shari to get directions to her casa and she told us we were there. Pretty cool that she knew we were there before we knew we were there when we were there and she wasnt! (Huh?) I guess everyone knows everything in a small town!

I figured it was now appropriate to do two things; Open a beer (no, sorry, a CERVESA) and turn on my Baja clock where you dont need to know if its 3:17am or 8:47pm, only if its day time or night time. If its day time, get up. If its nite time, go to bed!

Didnt take long for Baja to start working on me (or maybe it was the Tecates!). Visited with Juan and Shari for a few cervesas (I mean hours) and headed out to the "San Roque" house about 1/2 hour outside of town on the beach.

Talk about heaven! Just what the doctor ordered! A very quaint, rustic cabin right on a beautiful beach with 2 ex pats in truck campers and 2-3 local pesacadors for neighbors. No phones. No TVs, No electricity and most important...NO NOISE! Just peace and quiet, 2 amigos and a cooler(s) full of ice cold tecate. Perfection!

Got up at "day time" the next morning and enjoyed a cup of fresh old fashioned, percalator brewed coffee and pop tarts for bfast and then dropped the yaks in the water for a recon trip. I have two cardinal Baja rules; #1-never drive at night and #2 never get on the water untill I have had a full 24 hour period to observe the weather/water patterns. So much for rule #2! I couldnt help it, Isla San Roque was talking to me and the water and weather were perfect. Then 4 hours later I remembered why I made rule #2. The wind picked up and the water got snotty. Oh boy is it ever fun paddling a yak through wind chop and white caps for 3 hours and then trying to get through the pounding surf line on a fully rigged fishing yak without crashing and burning when your arms feel like rubber after paddling your (BLEEP) off for the last what seemed like forever! Oh well, no better "A" ticket ride on the planet and it made the Tecates taste even better later on. Grilled up some fresh caught Jurel with beans and corn and then it was "night time"...went to bed!

Opened my eyes and noticed it was "day time", so I got up. Day two (or maybe it was day 3, didnt really care) was spent recovering from the prior days yak trip and emptying beer cans. Just relaxed and enjoyed the day. PERFECT weather day and night. BBQd a tri tip for dinner. Noticed it was "nite time, went to bed. Have you ever been in a place that was so quiet that you could hear it? Extreme quiet makes a very unique noise! I also took notice of how many frickin stars are in the sky down there. Absolutely amazing, wished I had had a telescope.

Got up and brewed another old fashioned pot of coffee while it was still nite time and Juan picked us up in his panga just as the sun was rising for a day of fishing on a boat that didnt need to be paddled!

Ran up the coast about 5 miles and started whacking 15-18 lb Jurel at a spot about 1/2 mile off of San Pablo and caught fish for hours on virtually every drop using Krocs and blue/chrome iron. Switched to a 12lb test rig to even out the odds and had a blast. I perfected the skill of catch and release. I would hook one, reel it almost to the boat and then it would break off. Takes years of practice to perfect this technique!

Next we decided to give our arms a rest and try trolling for tuna. So much for "rest" and "trying" to catch tuna. As soon as we put the reels in gear it was instant bendo, a double hook up on a couple of peanut tunas. The story was pretty much the same for the next few hours but the fish got bigger and bigger topping off at about 40lbs. Cedar plugs worked best but we also caught them on feathers and blk/purple rapalas. The most unique thing about this was we were only 1/4-1 1/2 miles off shore. darn near could have caught them casting from shore. Finished the day fishing for world class calicos at a reef on the way home. This was not a fishing day, it was one of the rare flat out catching days! And before any of you jump on my "BLEEP" we kept less than 3 legal limits, took one for dinner and gave the rest to Juan who cleaned and delivered them to families in town that could use a free meal. BBQd tuna, beans and ice cold Tecates for dinner on the beach...dosnt get much better than that.

Spent the next day enjoying the moments and recovering from sore arms. Did a little exploring in the back country. Took a nap and did a little body surfing. Went to town for ice and a shower. Got cleaned up, put on a tie (with shorts and T shirts of course) and went to a (maybe the only) resteraunt for a home cooked carne asada dinner. Muay Excellente! Had a beer drinking contest when we got back to camp but none of us can remember who won!

Next morning had a cup of fresh brewed Joe, packed the truck and headed for home as hurricane Norbert meandered up the coast. Bfast in GN and 8 hours later got a hotel room and hot shower at the Old Mill in SQ. Lobster dinner at Don Eddies with a few margarittas and off to bed.

Took another 8 hours to get home (El Cajon, Ca) the next day. The border was a mess and we got randomly selected for a visit to secondary. Bummer.

All in all this was an EXCELLENT trip and I would highly reccomend everyone add Asuncion to thier list of places to visit. Juan and Shari are awesome hosts and there is a variety of things to do in the area. Make sure to have Juan take you fishing, this guy knows his "BLEEP" and will put you on the fish. Shari will instantly make you feel right at home and is alot of fun to visit with for afternoon c-cktails! I am already planning next years trip!

Thanks Shari Y Juan...we had a blast and definetly worked all the "north of the border" kinks out of us. My only regret was that we only had a week!

Bob, Dave, Randy
San Roque, Bahia Asuncion, BC Sur
Oct 5-12
692 miles
10 cases Cervesa
4 dozen limes
Mucho Pescado
Mucho Good Memories
Great times with good friends new and old

Work is just something I do to keep me buzy between baja trips!
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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 05:06 PM

Great report. We can't wait to leave on the 26th. We'll be heading down to our place with our newborn. The plan is to stay about 3-4 weeks. We'll definitely enjoy some time at San Roque and might even make a trip up to Tortugas. Who knows....glad you enjoyed yourself. And thanks for sharing!


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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 05:25 PM

B Bum, I am drooling, and aching in Norcal, after reading of your trip. I have some vicarious aches reading of your kayaking and pole bending experiences. I wanna be where you were!! Thanks for the names of the places you stayed and ate. I gotta remember these places.

Thanks for the story and I wish you many more.
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David K
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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 05:28 PM

You had a good dose of the 'Baja Feeling' alright!

Thanks for the great trip report!

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Mood: Anxious to get south

[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 06:26 PM


great Trip Report! We (wife and I) visited Bahia Asuncion last summer (07) and had a wonderful 8 nights. Juan and Shari ARE the Hosts with the Most for sure. Such a pretty area too. We took our Personal Water Craft (waverunner) out for a dual Island cruise, we rode our quads everywhere, I went fishing with Juan, we drove to Abreojos, we did it all...

Bahia Asuncion is definately high on the "Go Back" list!

Haven't had a bad trip yet....
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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 07:10 PM

BAJABUM, this was terrific and detailed report that the BajaNomads are known for. I commend you for taking the time to put it all into writing, and sharing it so that the rest of the would be Nomads can dream. time take a Hobie Adventure Island yak. When your arms get tired, you pedal. When your legs and arms are falling off, unfurl the sail and let the wind take you back to shore. Mine is set up for fishing also, but I am adding a Hobie Live Well to my Christmas list.


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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 08:08 PM

Thank you for your kind words...YOU guys rocked and we thouroughly enjoyed your company. Juan loved fishing with you too and REALLY was happy at the goodies you left for him! muchas gracias is a little reminder photo
It's cool you appreciated the "style" of San Roque! I think that was the first time anyone had seen a tie here! Cant' wait to see you guys again....true baja spirits.

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Mood: must be 5 O'clock somewhere in Baja

[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 08:15 PM


In cans.......???????


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[*] posted on 10-15-2008 at 10:19 PM

You never know when you head for a new place, do you.:?: So sorry to hear your trip was so lousy. ;D Nearly makes me feel good that we have not been able to get back down there.:mad: Next time you should stick with what you know. :biggrin:

Viva Asuncion :saint:

I drink Tecate in a can, add lime and some Clamato and maybe a little salt if you are ambitious. All the food groups. It tastes good and it's good for you!

Viva Tecate! :cool:

I only drink Pacifico if someone hands me one. ;D:dudette:

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[*] posted on 10-16-2008 at 03:54 PM

Great trip report. Man you couldn't ask for a better time then landing those tuna. My wife and I had a ever similar experience in Sept. Of course she got the biggest one at about fifty lbs.

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[*] posted on 10-16-2008 at 03:58 PM

Oh yeah Lots of Tecate too.:D
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[*] posted on 10-16-2008 at 06:25 PM

Like dangling a case in front of a Baja addict. Stop IT you are killing me... Just Wait 'Till I can get down there and post a trip log that makes you whine and drool with jealousy.
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[*] posted on 10-17-2008 at 04:45 AM

Excellent report Bajabum. Congrats on making it through all that with such a small amount of Tecate's.

Thats one thing we gotta do this next go around, is spend a night in San Roque.

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[*] posted on 10-17-2008 at 06:05 AM

EXCELLENT report! Especially liked your comment "Have you ever been in a place that was so quiet that you could hear it?'
Most appropiate.

Just do it!
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Mood: getting ready!

[*] posted on 10-17-2008 at 06:40 AM

ARE you sure you wrote this? Thats sounds like you copied out of an adventure book your so lucky. Im getting ready to go to work right now here in san diego couldnt sleep went to bed late last night, I bet the sunrise in the sea of cortez today is an awesome site DAM wish i could be there now......

READY SET.....................
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[*] posted on 10-18-2008 at 04:26 AM

Originally posted by beachbum1A
EXCELLENT report! Especially liked your comment "Have you ever been in a place that was so quiet that you could hear it?'
Most appropiate.

Reminded me of

Movie: Catch 22
Location: San Carlos bay (Guaymas)
Scene: Liza Minnelli... finally shuts up... looks out the window and
listens to silence itself.... and says: "ohhh...its so
quiet here you can almost hear a fish fart...."

God bless America
and Baja tambien
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