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Author: Subject: Is It Safe to Go to Mexico?
woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2009 at 02:37 PM
Is It Safe to Go to Mexico?

t minus 4 days...... i'm guessing the answer is yes!:lol:

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Super Nomad


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[*] posted on 4-20-2009 at 04:43 PM

Depends on where in México?

Richard on the Hill

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[*] posted on 4-20-2009 at 06:55 PM

"K. Jill Rigby, a travel editor from Toronto spending four months in in San Miguel de Allende, a colonial-era city known as a haven for expats and artists, was mugged in February in an attack that left her on crutches for two weeks.

She doesn't think her mugging was related to the drug trade. Instead, she cites another concern in the country: the growing gap between wealthy and poor residents in tourist areas like hers. "

That last sentence has me worried here in Rosarito Beach. Not for visitors, but for all Americans living "the good life" in a third world country. The locals are getting squeezed hard and petty crime is up so far that the police knocked on doors a few weeks back and told us to make sure we kept locked everything up and to be watchful. Not against violent attacks, but against things people can sell or pawn quick for cash (a fast growing industry here without all the pesky laws and regulations).

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2009 at 11:38 PM

Unfortunately, the world-wide financial situation hits hardest on the poor. Way fewer jobs available up North. Huge drop in remittances. Tourism way down. So folks get just a bit more daring in order to eat.
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