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Author: Subject: Mulege-Punta Chivato CAMPING
Senior Nomad


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rolleyes.gif posted on 5-28-2012 at 01:40 PM
Mulege-Punta Chivato CAMPING

:?: Does anyone have any info regarding recent experiences in camping, kayak and shore fishing and probably some clamming in these spots in Mulege? Any pics? how about stingray activity: I have two boys that love the ocean and just can't keep'em windy is it late September early October? we were at Bahia de los Angeles last early fall and it was really blowing for a couple of days however we caught lots of cabrilla from the shore; is it difficult to get drinking water and/or some extra supplies? There's some popular destinations in Bahia Concepcion like El Burro, El Coyote, El Requeson, Los Cocos and in Punta Chivato to the north Ensenada El Muerto, Estero -estuary- San Marcos and to the south Bahia Santa Ines. If you have been to any of these places PLEASE comment we will really appreciate your help, we're planning a two week camping vacation in the early fall... hopefully a great one!!!...again!!!
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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-1-2012 at 11:42 AM

supplies every few days in mulege. it will be perfect at that time. still warm but the water should be really nice. stingrays are always a concern everywhere. teach the kids to shuffle their feet, never lift them. the days of running full speed into the water are over, especially if you have ever had the pleasure of a stingray barb in your hoof.

pic out a spot at any of the beaches you mentioned and if needed just pack up and try another.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-1-2012 at 12:02 PM

I cruised into the bay area just north of the hammerhead point (Punta Ines, I believe) on May 22, for old times sake. This was directly off the main camping beach.

There was absolutely no one camping there.

And in the 30 second pass I made to as shallow as 4 feet, I probably saw 40-50 stingrays, skates, whatever they were. They love that area.

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