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Author: Subject: East Cape fishing-a spectator sport?

Posts: 322
Registered: 2-28-2009
Location: Buena Vista, BCS
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[*] posted on 12-17-2014 at 05:39 PM
East Cape fishing-a spectator sport?

East Cape fishing-a spectator sport?
Our town of Los Barriles is bustling. Many snowbirds and loco I mean local gringos that escaped the summer heat have returned. It is what many of the small businesses in our community have been waiting for. Lines at markets and the bank are long. Hardware stores are swamped and all the building contractors in town are busy. Yesterday I was up at my auto mechanic and cars were 4 deep waiting for service.

Conversely hardly a creature is stirring in the local resorts that host fishermen from March through November. Only a small handful of fishing boats are still in the water while most are in dry dock for the winter.

For me, aside from the tedious maintenance on our boats now is the time for reflection. I was looking back at a few of the fishing photos we captured from this season and at how much fun everybody had. Then I came to the realization that for me fishing has become more of a spectator sport. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to pass up my chance to pull on a rod. It has just come to a to point that I'm getting as big a kick and more satisfaction helping others to have the experience.

It was 2 years ago while a guest on Jen Wren III was battling a broadbill that I first realized how exciting it can be to observe. While the battle went on I emailed a good friend to share my thrill of getting the swordie to go. His reply was "good job, too bad you are not on the rod." That was the moment that opened my eyes. Pulling on the fish myself would not have made landing it any better. Yep, being able to get the bite for other anglers is doing it for me.

2014 brought so many good memories for so many. Posted here are just a few.

Mark Rayor
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Posts: 405
Registered: 3-27-2007
Location: Gardnerville, NV./ Los Barriles BCS
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Mood: No Bad Days !!!

[*] posted on 12-19-2014 at 02:48 PM

Great pics as always, thanks for sharing. Cant wait to get back to town.
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