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Author: Subject: Sky Med insurance for evacuation or ?
Paco Facullo
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[*] posted on 3-29-2018 at 03:40 PM

They say that God protects babies, fools and drunks,,,

Two outs three ain't bad...

Me thinks I'll takes me chances....
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[*] posted on 3-29-2018 at 04:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alm  
When you're in remote location and condition is very urgent, it won't matter how much or how little you paid for evac plan. They won't help you in timely manner. IMO, just keep "some" plan.

Stroke has 4 hours treatment window. Heart attack... depends how bad. People in big US cities die from heart attack even when ambulance arrives within 20 minutes. Survivors of the 1st heart attack are on death row, 2nd attack is very often lethal.

[Edited on 3-29-2018 by Alm]

very good points. the "widowmaker" events likely won't be helped by a Learjet arriving in 20 hours. my plan involves a full gas tank, and a plan to get the injured to a mexican hospital,or airport with scheduled air service or on-demand charter. asap. from the rancho thats an hour or less. if the event happened out in the bushes...well damn the luck. a buddy had to ride 3 days (motorbike) with a leg injury. almost lost the foot. that was followed by months of treatment at a stateside university hospital to save the foot. the same event near medical treatment would have been a minor deal.
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[*] posted on 3-30-2018 at 10:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

in my experience with med-evac, you need a competent patient-advocate on the scene with a fully-charged cell phone and backup battery.

That would be DW (or DH), most of the time.
That is, - if she/he is competent.
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[*] posted on 3-30-2018 at 11:11 AM

I went with the basic DAN membership which includes $100,000 of insurance for evac. purposes.
$35 a year VS over $200 for Sky Med.

You can drive yourself crazy with all the differences between all the plans but the main one for me was not to go bankrupt if I ever had to pay to get out of a 3rd world country or Mexico for that matter.

The major difference that I saw was that DAN does not pay for medical expenses and the more expensive policies pay for medical. I'll take my chances that maybe either my Medicare or my Blue Shield supplement might cover some of those expenses, who knows?

For me $35 a year will not force me into bankruptcy and have to go back to work if the unthinkable happens. If I die, so be it.

Go back to work or die, that would be a tough choice but leaning towards not going back to work! :biggrin:

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[*] posted on 3-30-2018 at 11:16 AM
Go back to work, or die?

I would have to compare the benefit package!

If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!

"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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[*] posted on 3-30-2018 at 07:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  

$35 a year VS over $200 for Sky Med....

...The major difference that I saw was that DAN does not pay for medical expenses and the more expensive policies pay for medical.

$200 a year including medical expenses is very cheap. Must be a different Sky Med. The one I looked into, costs from $600 a year for expats and from $800 for other members:
(Edit: weird page coding, plans don't open, click on the right for Expat etc).

For all this $$$, they basically provide transportation, with emergency medical on-board, if necessary.

Plus, more blurb in policy manuals on medical "assistance services", i.e. coordination, translators, delivery of medications (only delivery, not the meds), return of your pets or stranded vehicle etc.

Any chance you could post a link to that $200 plan or policy manual with details of medical expenses covered?

[Edited on 3-31-2018 by Alm]
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[*] posted on 3-31-2018 at 11:23 AM

Seems like older folks, with inevitable health issues, move back North to avoid the complications of getting North for medical care. Guess it depends on what those med issues are.

I know a guy, drunk, stepped off a top stair and misjudged the second step. Major break to femur. This was in Pescadero, not sure where he had MX surgery -- Cabo? By US standards, surgery was botched. He's had re-do's but regrets the MX outcome and walks with a severe limp and with a cane.

If someone has serious med issues, not sure you want to be down South with those problems. Not writing about soft tissue/bone stuff. Cardiac is a game changer.

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[*] posted on 3-31-2018 at 01:02 PM

"Any chance you could post a link to that $200 plan or policy manual with details of medical expenses covered?"
(Sorry, I don't know how to use the quote feature)

Unfortunately the link has lots of personal information and there is no way to cut and paste the exact information you are looking for.

Hear is a Readers Digest of what it actually says;
5 years $2,395
Member loyalty discount $400
1st time ultimate renewal discount an additional $700 discount
Brings the net down to $1,295
I had been going through what I think is a Sky Med broker. If you would like her contact information I will E-Mail her and ask her if it's OK to give out. I never have met this person and I cant imagine why she would not want her contact information out there but would like to check with her first.

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[*] posted on 3-31-2018 at 06:58 PM

Thanks Howard, got it. $260 per year after renewal and loyalty discounts. This is if you keep it for 10 years to get those perks.

Have read their policy, "medical services" that they mention are things other than treatment. People in Chapala are paying $1,500 a year for evac+treatment, it's treatment that costs.
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