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Author: Subject: Baja GPS Waypoint List conversion tool for Viva Baja GPS figures
David K
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[*] posted on 8-19-2019 at 11:25 AM
Baja GPS Waypoint List conversion tool for Viva Baja GPS figures

Back in the early 2000s, GPS was getting really popular and I began recording points all over the peninsula and shared them on this page on my website:

In those days, we were using the Baja Almanac map book and the map datum (a way maps are drawn) for it (and all Mexican topo maps then) was NAD27 Mexico. NAD 27 is North American Datum of 1927. Neal Johns (the Aridologist here) was who suggested that to me.

Now with Google Earth being so popular, and the last Almanac published in 2009, having waypoints the same as Google Earth is more useful. Google Earth uses Map Datum WGS84. This is also the factory setting of the GPS units. The difference between NAD27 Mexico and WGS84 is not great, but when trying to find the exact spot, a few hundred feet to a 1/4 mile can be a big deal.

A nice tool is online that you can copy and paste in the NAD27 waypoints from my list and convert them to WGS84 so you can spot it on Google Earth. This tool has an online satellite or street map that shows the position as well.

Here is where the tool is located:

The drop-down menu for Current datum needs to be changed to "North American 1927 (NASL)" (NASL is the Mexico NAD27)

The Convert to menu needs to be changed to "North Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)". It is at the top of the menu.

You need to add a - (minus) sign in front of my latitude figures after you paste them in the box. The / does not need to be removed from between the longitude and latitude.

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[*] posted on 8-19-2019 at 02:27 PM

You can go to a place like and find someone to convert all those for you. Would probably cost you less than $100.

You should make that one long page and eliminate the next page links. Add sectional nav links to the top to make it easier. Upwork can help you with that as well, really cheap.

[Edited on 8-19-2019 by JZ]

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[*] posted on 8-19-2019 at 02:55 PM

nobody will use waypoint lists - too much work
unless you want to maybe find ONE point
several? No way!

Information needs to be shared in file format
gpx, kmz, kml etc

Harald Pietschmann
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David K
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[*] posted on 8-19-2019 at 03:15 PM

Yes, well, thanks... This page dates back to 2002 or so. Maybe it is more of historic interest?

We only had handheld GPS devices and my list was asked for back then. It may have no use to anyone anymore, but it is still there and I simply wanted to share a tool to convert the figures to WGS84 for Google Earth applications without needing to use your GPS to convert the figures. As I said, there is a satellite map on that site and it is more recent images than Google Earth (has the Coco's Corner bypass construction).

The list is divided into areas of Baja.
The reason it is multi-page is because of the web page tool I had back then had a limit on how much per page (dial-up speed issue, maybe?).

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