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Apology for JRbaja
JR has indicated that he feels:
(a) I tried to "embarrass (him) with BS."
(b) Have cost him his friendship with Bernie.
(c) Started a "fiasco" by "telling things the way (I) see them."
(d) I have not acted in standard fashion, as I did not first contact him privately about the issue.
(e) That I've made "BS allegations" and "false accusations."
(f) I owe him a public apology.
While I don't feel I've made any BS allegations or accusations - as what I posted was in fact true, I certainly am sorry for any embarrassment to JR
caused by what I posted.
I would agree that I did not act in my standard fashion of contacting someone privately first. For this I also apologize.
Regarding the relationship with Bernie part, only Bernie knows, but I doubt this issue could have solely caused such a situation if that is in fact
the case.
With item (c), I'd say isn't that the "pot calling the kettle black?" 
I closed the thread titled "foghornleghorn" when I discovered two of the usernames were posting from the same IP address.
Although the user "foghornleghorn" was a new signup, it was apparent they weren't new to the board - thusly the red flag that had me take notice.
The thread:
I posted the last note to the thread before closing it, stating:
"jrbaja, foghornleghorn, same IP. 'Nuff said."
I also removed the posting privileges of - and sent a u2u to - foghornleghorn.
While well aware that JR's ISP (which is the ISP of quite a few people that frequent this site) issues dynamic IPs, I had never witnessed two users
from that ISP using the same IP at the same time - meaning that the ISP is utilizing a proxy server. AOL is the ISP that is best known for doing
this. The other situation where users commonly have the same IP is when they are behind the same NAT router in (typically) a local office/home
environment. This is not a typical situation with dial-up accounts - which is what the situation was in this case.
So, foghornleghorn and JRbaja were using the same IP, but they WERE NOT the same person, nor in the same place - or on the same home/office network.
Their ISP is - and this was new news to me - using a proxy server.
During the process of looking into this in more detail, I inquired with JR:
"Are you telling me that you have no idea who foghornleghorn is - or might be?"
The response I received indicated he didn't know "exactly who it is" and "I don't lie!"... but at that point he was well aware of the identity of
foghornleghorn - which was Tom (Me No).
So JR, as I indicated to you, I'm really disappointed, as I thought I could trust you to be straight with me.
Doug Means
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by BajaNomad]
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Quote: | Originally posted by BajaNomad
aware of the identity of foghornleghorn - which was Tom (Me No).
Doug Means
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by BajaNomad] |
Which was my suspicion in the beginning.
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Sharksbaja]
capt. mike
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this is all soap opera stufff.......who cares????!!!
more surely to come on the next edition of....
"as the peninsula curves"......  
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Not that it matters anymore
but got any reason for this unless you were purposely setting me up?
"I would agree that I did not act in my standard fashion of contacting someone privately first. For this I also apologize."
"So JR, as I indicated to you, I'm really disappointed, as I thought I could trust you to be straight with me."
And as I told you Doug, I have been sticking up for you, even with MeNo, as many on here felt you were reading their u2u's. I disagreed but by not
admitting that I had in fact received a u2u from Me No, I sure found out who was being "straight" with me didn't I?
Anyone who thinks u2u'ing is a private matter on here had best think again. Certainly explains a lot about the coop group, the moderators, and the
bullchit that I got mad about
on here in the first place.
I just didn't realize Doug was one of the group until now.
To me, it put's a whole new light on the chicken chit on this board. But with the mentality of people like dk and jz who still think that Dougs
"insinuations" are true, you people deserve each other. birds of a feather so to speak!
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Paranoia, Paranoia......................
Lets get back to talking Baja.
Richard on the Hill
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Aha! Now I get it. JR is NOT foggyleg, who is really Tom, however Tom is actually MeNo, as Sharks already suspected although the Capt doesn't give a
sh!t, and somehow or other JR and Bernie who once were friendly have now become hostile, not that JR needed this since he already had David K to
exchange nasties with and besides that JR also appears to be at odds with Cindy, with whom he used to be good pals, or so I thought--and welcome to
the Age of Communication.
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by bajalera]
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If you followed all of the posts there would be many more names to that list. By his last post he is insinuating that he is leaving Nomad Forum, me
thinks he will find out he never had it so good as on this forum. I'm also sure he will want to come back but when you burn so many bridges it will be
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by comitan]
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Excellent summary, Lee. Thank you - now I think I get it, too. 
I'll come to you for future translations.
I have to sign off now - almost time for
All My Children.
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Here we go....................................................
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Strive For The Ideal, But Deal With What\'s Real.
Every day is a new day, better than the day before.(from some song)
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
“The sincere pursuit of truth requires you to entertain the possibility that everything you believe to be true may in fact be false”
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.51 cal   with a silencer.
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No, No, Let everybody hear it.
Richard on the Hill
*ABROAD*, adj. At war with savages and idiots. To be a Frenchman abroad is to
be miserable; to be an American abroad is to make others miserable.
-- Ambrose Bierce, _The Enlarged Devil\'s Dictionary_
David K
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Some thoughts...
I will remind you folks that Doug never said JR and Foghorn were the same person. He said they had the same IP, and JR knew that Foghorn was MeNo
(Tom) but lied to Doug, just the same. JR, don't be mad at Doug.
I do not like seeing this kind of stuff, it is not Baja-like or 'human'... and neither is calling most Americans and Canadians nasty names or any
names. There are good and bad in all countries... you can't 'profile' bad North American people by nationality.
To be down on Doug (for any reason) is really sad of any of you/us... Doug provides this site for true Baja lovers, for free. A TINY number are just
loving how they can mess it up or chase good folks off with their name calling and pointless blather or postings... to up their rank (as if that paid
something, lol). Posting links to a minor Baja forum only to get unsuspecting newbies to jump ship is also not cool to do to Doug and Baja Nomad.
While I have a lot of posts (the second most, after JR+SkiBaja), it is mostly about Baja or exchanging friendly conversation... I have a lot because I
am also the oldest active Nomad here (after Doug naturally)... posting before everyone else here since Doug started this new forum.
I do not dislike JR or have ever wanted to feud with him... I have been to JR's several times (in person he is nice), brought clothes and other stuff
for his projects. I do not know why he decided to disqualify my travel input here...?
I have only asked him many times to stop the anti-social, hate American, pesonal slander posts. He keeps putting 'DK' in several negative posts even
though I have kept out of this weeks garbage here... baiting me perhaps?
I am trying to keep to what I like doing the most, and most of you like... which is my trip reports, photos, historical tidbits.
Instead of a gossip center, let's have Nomad be (mostly) an information and Baja fun center... Okay?
Now, how about a rule here that says if you don't have anything nice to say about a fellow Nomad, keep it to yourself.
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Why do you always say stuff like this. Are you trying impress us while telling us you aren't or are you really that naive. Why is every other word
out of you mouth tooting your horn.
"While I have a lot of posts (the second most, after JR+SkiBaja), ... I have a lot because I am also the oldest active Nomad here (after Doug
naturally)... posting before everyone else here since Doug started this new forum."
David K
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Because one of the criticizms (from a few) is that I post too much... and you have already broken this proposed self controlled rule:
Now, how about a rule here that says if you don't have anything nice to say about a fellow Nomad, keep it to yourself.
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No "Nice" Rule Needed.
I've addressed this sort of request several times in the past. Maybe what we have here, as the warden in Cool Hand Luke would say, is a failure to
Let me try it another way. The discourse on this board doesn't need a rule that permits only "nice" posts. Such imposed restraints will not be
heeded by posters, because it is a fundamental aspect of human nature that we do NOT follow rules. Jesus, if we all followed what most people view as
the commonly accepted parameters for appropriate behavior, we and this board probably wouldn't exist! These people think you're certifiably insane
when they learn that you love spending time in (or, worse yet, are moving to or already living in) a country that in their view is lawless and
corrupt, unsanitary and uncivilized, and just generally dangerous.
You start imposing rules like theirs, you get on the slippery slope and it's just a matter of time before you start thinking like them and saying crap
like "How can you eat the street food down there? Don't they all cook everything in trash cans?" (My response is: "That's why I always demand to
see what they're cooking in. If they don't use a trash can, I'll go somewhere that does.")
Or how about this one: "What if you get sick or injured, aren't the medical facilities down there just totally primitive? (Response: "Absolutely,
but I've got a contingency plan. Since I can't afford to call a stateside jet copter to come and get me if I have a heart attack, I'll drive for
hours to get to San Diego, if I live that long. Or hey, I could avoid the drive altogether and just kill myself on the spot by swallowing my
Simply put, a rule requiring us all to be nice would be unenforceable and would encourage precisely the sort of narrow-minded and cloistered thinking
that I, for one, find totally unacceptable. I'm betting I'm not alone.
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neither is JZ.
Natalie Ann
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Quote: | Originally posted by David K
Because one of the criticizms (from a few) is that I post too much... and you have already broken this proposed self controlled rule:
Now, how about a rule here that says if you don't have anything nice to say about a fellow Nomad, keep it to yourself. |
David - Go back to your corner and put a lid on it, por favor.
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
.....Oscar Wilde
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Quote: | Originally posted by Hose A
self explanatory. 22 members registered in August 2002.
Or click on member- click on registration.
UID Username Status E-Mail: Site: Location: Registered: Posts:
1 BajaNomad Super Administrator San Diego, CA USA 8-1-2002 808
2 Rida Member 8-10-2002 0
3 LALA Member 8-11-2002 0
4 ironchef Member 8-12-2002 0
5 musicideas Member 8-15-2002 0
6 g_looi Member 8-15-2002 0
7 rajesh_madaan Member 8-19-2002 0
8 Rebecca Member 8-19-2002 0
9 ran_ey Member Austria 8-25-2002 2
10 David K Member San Diego County 8-30-2002 5093
11 Bajabus Member Elias Calles B.C.S. or NC USA 8-30-2002 399
12 Skeet Haggerton Member 8-30-2002 2
13 M Moderator Laguna Niguel, CA. 8-30-2002 119
14 Wayne West Member 8-30-2002 0
15 lizard lips Member Ensenada 8-30-2002 133
16 Jack Swords Member Nipomo, CA/La Paz, BCS 8-30-2002 168
17 SEATWILL Member 8-30-2002 26
18 reefrocket Member Idaho 8-30-2002 171
19 Minnow Member 8-30-2002 56
20 Mexray Member Near Lodi, CA 8-30-2002 399
21 Paulina Member Morro Bay 8-31-2002 156
22 karen sulewski Member 8-31-2002 0 |
What is self explanatory? Somehow I missed the point!
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OkHose, cmon, tell him to look for the biggest poster. Who was he talkin' to??
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