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Anyone live(d) in Loreto?
I'm looking for information about living in Loreto. Rentals (short and long term), availability of stores and medical care, really anything would be
great. Gracias
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What happened to Rosarito and Bajamar?
A well informed Baja California traveler is a smart Baja California traveler!
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I have never lived in Loreto but I have stayed/fished there and I go to the airport quite a bit. Has a lot of restaurants, the "mission" downtown is
a really nice area. You can get most of what you need, I hear medical care is pretty good. Just south there is a really big condo project filled
with gringos. And there is ample electricity which you will need for the summer A/C. It gets REALLY HOT along the Sea of Cortez in BCS in the
summer. We stay in Punta Chivato,(about 90 miles north of Loreto) but it is still off the grid (no electricity) - not a lot of summer dwellers,
including us.
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yes, I've lived in Loreto for 10 going on 11 years now. you'll probably hear from a number of other Nomads. lots of expats and seasonal folk here.
u2u me your email address and specific questions and I'll be glad to help.
reality\'s never been of much use out here...
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I drove south. 
Right now am in Punta Banda for the summer, since that's about as far south as I can go without the drive to NOB being too long. I'm hoping soon I
won't have to go NOB at all, or only very rarely.
I still want to drive the length of Baja. Hoping to plan a trip to a couple towns, such as Loreto, in the next month or two. Would love to live out of
my car for a couple weeks and just explore...
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Muchas Gracias BajaMama
rhintransit sending u2u now
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Where in Punta Banda are you?
Quote: Originally posted by nomana  |
I drove south. 
Right now am in Punta Banda for the summer, since that's about as far south as I can go without the drive to NOB being too long. I'm hoping soon I
won't have to go NOB at all, or only very rarely.
I still want to drive the length of Baja. Hoping to plan a trip to a couple towns, such as Loreto, in the next month or two. Would love to live out of
my car for a couple weeks and just explore... |
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Although I like Punta Banda, and many other places in BC,
I think BCS is nicer. But tastes vary.
Loreto is a very nice place. It has a lot of comforts in a small package. Did you check out Punta Chivato?
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Quote: Originally posted by BigBearRider  |
Although I like Punta Banda, and many other places in BC,
I think BCS is nicer. But tastes vary.
Loreto is a very nice place. It has a lot of comforts in a small package. Did you check out Punta Chivato? |
Yeah. I haven't made it further south yet, but I think that's how I will feel too. I'm just tied a bit to the US right now, but hopefully will be free
I will check out Punta Chivato. Gracias
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I'm surprised that my friend Howard has not posted on this thread. I truly suggest that nomana send a U2U to nomad Howard, who has lived in Loreto for
a number of years. He will undoubtedly be able to give you much help.
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funny line: I drove south! hahahaha
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Nomana, Loreto has it all and more. Rent a small place here for a month and it won't take you long to figure it all out.
Yes, it's hot as Hades in the summer. So what? The water and nights are warm, and the fishing is great. Snorkeling? Stargazing? Beachcombing? We've
got it here.
The grocery stores have gotten much better in the past few years. But you will develop your favorites and notice that you still need to hit at least 3
places to get exactly what you need to make lasagna. It gets you out and about and speaking the language.
We have a strong sense of community here, and matriarchal ties. No kids get away with anything, because somebody who knows their Mother tells her what
kind of mischief they were involved in over the grapevine.
Our restaurants are excellent, in waves. We have hairdressers, masseuses, cute clothes in the shops, and lots of neat junky artesania, along with
second hand stores.
The architecture is pleasing, and improving all the time. Lots of Baja history emanates from this location.
There is a new generation of environmentally minded folks who appreciate and value the beauty and resources of this beautiful pueblo.
There are also some talented, much loved and underpaid musicians and fine artists.
The Doctor is a well known respected gentleman and a good diagnostician. Get your evacuation insurance and fly to the US if anything serious happens
regarding your health. Other than that, we have lots of pharmacies, a curandero and a psychic healer, if you are so inclined. The small hospital will
hopefully be adequate at some point, but not yet. La Paz has fine hospitals, I have heard.
You will make friends here. Brush up on your Spanish, because the locals are your key to the real deal.
And this setting? Exquisite!
I Love Loreto.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla
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Loretana, great reply. Gracias. You sound right at home. I like that.
In the states I always went to multiple stores to get what I wanted, so no problem with that. I agree about talking with locals. It's really fun, a
great way to learn the language and the best way to find out where to go for what in the area. I very much appreciate their kind hearts and patience.
I haven't been to La Paz yet, but it's not far from Loreto, so I'm thinking I could go there for "big city" things.
The blue whales, scuba diving and beautiful geography are what interests me about Loreto. I also like that it's a fishing town. I think I could bear
the heat. Is there a cool breeze from the sea? How about hurricanes and humidity?
Any suggestions about rentals? I've looked a little and all I see are very expensive vacation rentals, which I am not interested in. Any little homes
set back into the mountains or hills a bit?
I'm happy to hear there are musicians and artists there. That is important. Are there art supply stores there? Oil painting, sculpting, welding...?
Someone in this forum posted about DAN. I think I'll look into getting something like that for emergencies.
Muchas gracias
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Gracias Bajahowodd
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Speaking of artists, Nomana,
I forgot to credit local artist Alejandro Curiel for his beautiful murals in the Loreto Municipal Building, including the Cochimi Princess in my last
post, and this one,

of local musicians. I know of some reasonable rentals, stay tuned!
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla
David K
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What a cool painting of Queen Calafia!
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Mood: I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.
Seeing as someone has volunteered me....
Nomana, been in the RV up in Vancouver Island, Wahington and Oregon for the last month and will U2U you in the next couple of days. I don't think the
people up here would know what a blue sky would look like! It sure is beautiful with all the trees and finally some lakes and rivers that have water
in them.
We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw
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Quote: Originally posted by Howard  | Nomana, been in the RV up in Vancouver Island, Wahington and Oregon for the last month and will U2U you in the next couple of days. I don't think the
people up here would know what a blue sky would look like! It sure is beautiful with all the trees and finally some lakes and rivers that have water
in them.
It is beautiful in the northwest. I think if I couldn't live in Baja, I would live there. Enjoy your travels.
Super Nomad
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Mood: I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.
No mana, check your U2U, I sent you 3 messages.
We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw
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...a great sunday market in Loreto...or is it on saturdays?
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