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Author: Subject: Cell Phone service

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[*] posted on 6-24-2020 at 08:47 PM
Cell Phone service

I am planning (date tbd) a motorcycle trip from Mexicali to Cabo San Lucas, Via Federal routes 5 to Route 1.
Can anyone tell me about the cell phone service. I currently have AT&T.
Thanks in advance.
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[*] posted on 6-24-2020 at 10:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ChrisandSandy  
I am planning (date tbd) a motorcycle trip from Mexicali to Cabo San Lucas, Via Federal routes 5 to Route 1.
Can anyone tell me about the cell phone service. I currently have AT&T.
Thanks in advance.

Att roams well in baja. Just activate your intl service before you leave.
Cell service only exists in/near towns. And some of the really small towns have no service.
Central Baja is rural, sometimes you drive for an hour or 3 with no town, no service.


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[*] posted on 6-24-2020 at 10:15 PM

The Goat is right.

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[*] posted on 6-25-2020 at 07:27 AM

hwy 5
North of San Felipe there are many stretches with dead spots
South of San Felipe it is even worse until you get way south.
If you have to communicate get an Inreach or the latest SPOT. Both are satellite and work everywhere.
If you are using your phone for maps be sure to load the maps for offline use. Works great and required in Baja.
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[*] posted on 6-25-2020 at 08:48 AM

I have AT&T service as well but I do have some type of North America Plan that I find very inexpensive.

Every drive down I am amazed how good the service is and how much service is available. Yes, there are stretches that it does not work but for the most part you will be fine.

That has been my experience but going down highway #1 all the way.

[Edited on 6-25-2020 by Howard]

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6-25-2020 at 09:39 AM
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[*] posted on 6-25-2020 at 12:48 PM

I have ATT&T, and it works a lot better than Verizon in Baja. Not as good in the states though.
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[*] posted on 6-25-2020 at 09:47 PM

Thanks for all of the great feedback. It sounds like I will stick with AT&T, and maybe get a satellite communication device to supplement, for texts and emergency communication when I'm in more rural locations.
Thanks again.
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[*] posted on 6-26-2020 at 08:47 AM

Go ahead and get the satellite device if it gives you peace of mind, but my experience has been that if you are traveling the federal highway you will never be remote from someone passing who will stop and render aid if you break down or need other assistance. Gringos on vacation might buzz by at 80 mph, but the Mexicans will almost always stop to help.
Other than that, its kind of nice to be off grid now and then. You can always catch up on texts and such when you arrive at the next town.

No b-tchin\' in the Baja.
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[*] posted on 6-26-2020 at 08:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ChrisandSandy  
Thanks for all of the great feedback. It sounds like I will stick with AT&T, and maybe get a satellite communication device to supplement, for texts and emergency communication when I'm in more rural locations.
Thanks again.

turn off your phone for the entire vacation. why would you want to ruin a vacation by carrying a smart phone and being annoyed by texts, emails and calls?
train your coworkers, family and friends to not expect a response when you are on vacation.
the road down baja is not very complicated -- it is one paved road, and a few towns and small cities along the way. get a paper map, and use it, and turn off the gps. exploration and adventure will happen when you turn off the navigation app and think for yourself, take the unknown road because it looks interesting, and talk to people along the way for directions.


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Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262