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Author: Subject: san ignacio checkpoint

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[*] posted on 10-23-2021 at 06:59 AM

So just came through San Ignacio checkpoint on thursday...They apparently have got the msg on hasseling the people. Didn't even have to get out of the car, friendly as can be. I guess someone contacted the Govenors office and lodged a complaint. Hope this lasts a while....
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-23-2021 at 09:49 AM

Yup, went through it south on Thursday, north on Friday.
Asked where I was going south, then cursory inspection going north. The one inspector left my backpack alone.
It's really a crap shoot.
I've been lucky with over 80 trips through San Ignacio, and no problems.

That said, I also put my phone in my pocket, leave nothing interesting in the front and glove box and console, and all small electronics and interesting stuff in the car back/trunk.
While they inspect, I stand at the left rear of the vehicle and don't get distracted.

Bear spray in the driver's door pocket seldom elicits any curiosity.

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Junior Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-23-2021 at 10:27 AM

I posted my story about them on this forum 2 years ago. Same checkpoint same fat sergeant I'm sure. When I drive through now I keep all my cash and passport in my pants pocket on me. If any of those jokers try that, call the number on the post immediatly!!!!!! They will back off.

Be aware when you're going around the Todos Santos bypass, the local cops are staking that out too. They will accuse you of speeding in a 40km per hour zone. Just tell them to give you the ticket and they will back off as well.

Don't be intimidated, stand your ground but be nice.
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Super Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-23-2021 at 03:30 PM

We went through the check point an hour ago. Zero issues.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-23-2021 at 03:58 PM

Yeah it's a roll of the die at SI. Only things that change there: good crew and bad crew. I've got stories I won't post here. Not to be trusted.

The Todos bypass is another one. Easy pickings. Be firm, stand your ground. Don't speed in this area.

Also past the ck point leaving La Paz, near the propane facility going to Todos all the way to Cheko's. Don't speed through San Pedro, either.

US Marines: providing enemies of America an opportunity to die for their country since 1775.

What I say before any important decision.
F*ck it.
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[*] posted on 11-9-2021 at 09:37 AM

North bound about 5 years ago at the SI checkpoint they took my Mexican friend into the trailer out back and strip searched him, bend over and all. He was peeed.

During the Reagan war on drugs in the 80's, in BCN there was a permanent checkpoint complete with men's and women's designated trailers for strip searching. They also had canines, very thorough, and intimidating. At that time it was staffed by green uniformed "Federales", no longer in operation.
As per posted signs, It was funded/subsidized by the US government.

Travel the interior of this country and you will encounter random military checkpoints in every state, more so in the problem areas. Now common most everywhere in Latin America.
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Junior Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-6-2022 at 10:11 PM

NB in car solo with Dog today. I rolled the windows down as i was driving in to the checkpoint (so they could do an easy visual). Took maybe 2 mins- they glanced in and once they established i had been on holidays they said have a good trip.
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Mood: I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

[*] posted on 1-7-2022 at 05:37 AM

Northbound a couple of weeks ago just a quick search and I was on my way. Polite and professional. Was waived through Southbound.

We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw

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