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Author: Subject: Question About Pete's camp?

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[*] posted on 12-28-2021 at 11:28 PM
Question About Pete's camp?

Long, Long time reader but just never bothered to post. Maybe I will regret it.
I'm a local resident who travels extensively along Baja California and the San Diego area. Born and raised in this general area..
There has been a lot of changes along Baja California over time. Some good some really bad....
With this short introduction I have a question about Pete's Camp.

1--Why did they change from tent camping to RV'S only?
A--To get rid of "the mexicans" and their partying?
B--Leased properties and their owners want quiet time?
C--future set up for more properties and amenities for "US customers"(price increase)

2--Price change from $20 to $50...
A--is it because dumb tourists are willing to pay this for "front beach" camping because its cheaper than (California or anywhere in the US for that matter).

After reading this blog for a number of years and seeing the general behavior of people of a certain age and culture that travel Baja California. I get the perception that travelers by a large margin prefer "US accommodations" this gets more money to the property owners and gets rid of "the mexicans and their behavior" all with one simple change. Increased prices=less access

any input, additional hypothesis are welcomed..

Thank you and Safe Travels...
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 12:51 AM

Interesting question with some interesting descriptions:

"certain age and culture"
I will assume you are referring to grey-haired gringos. I hate to admit that I somewhat resemble that generalization. Others mention it on BN as well, generally in a derogatory manner. I have now been in Baja for almost 2 months this trip and now find myself trying more and more to get away from those very same folks that look like me. It has been a transition. I now judge restaurants by how many locals are there (restaurant this evening was 100% locals--other than us--and it was wonderfully enjoyable). I try to get further and further from town, as remote as I can, camp some, and am about to move to a much more remote and less "civilized" location for the next month.

"gets rid of the Mexicans and their behavior"
I can tell you that for some (hopefully many) of us, that is the last thing we want to get rid of. That, plus the beauty of the place, are its main draws. Add nice doses of off-roading, camping, fishing, hiking, and interacting with people that are ever more interesting as you get away from the cities, and the draw of this magical peninsula is overwhelming.

I realize this is rambling on, but I have been trying to come to grips with the fact that I find myself in the same quandary as you. What is happening to this place?

It is still great if you are on a moto or camping or otherwise off the beaten path, but the beaten path itself sure seems to have become overly commercialized and much less personal and interactive than before.

Regarding Pete's Camp--I have gone by it many many times and never even stopped. Even 20 years ago it seemed too gringo-ey for me. My in-laws leased a place in an RV camp on the west side of the highway in the same area, also about 20 or so years ago. We drove down to see them and the place would not even let me enter because I had a dirt bike with me! I finally got in after promising several times I would not unload it.

This, unfortunately, is what is happening everywhere here. I don't think it is necessarily a "no Mexicans" thing any more than it is a "no motos" thing. It might just be a "only me" or an "only me and my kind" thing, but it is taking over, and this guy of a "certain age and culture" does not like it any more than you do.

Safe travels to you as well, amigo.

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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 04:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chingatu  
I have a question about Pete's Camp.

1--Why did they change from tent camping to RV'S only?
A--To get rid of "the mexicans" and their partying?
B--Leased properties and their owners want quiet time?
C--future set up for more properties and amenities for "US customers"(price increase)

2--Price change from $20 to $50...
A--is it because dumb tourists are willing to pay this for "front beach" camping because its cheaper than (California or anywhere in the US for that matter).

Why dont you direct your questions to the owner/operator of pete’s camp?

Perhaps you did not ask “pete” because you are just trolling to see what chit you can stir up, eh?


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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 06:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by chingatu  
I have a question about Pete's Camp.

1--Why did they change from tent camping to RV'S only?
A--To get rid of "the mexicans" and their partying?
B--Leased properties and their owners want quiet time?
C--future set up for more properties and amenities for "US customers"(price increase)

2--Price change from $20 to $50...
A--is it because dumb tourists are willing to pay this for "front beach" camping because its cheaper than (California or anywhere in the US for that matter).

Why dont you direct your questions to the owner/operator of pete’s camp?

....... because you are just trolling to see what chit you can stir up, eh?

Goat aren't you "the pot calling the kettle black" (something you say that means people should not criticize someone else for a fault that they have themselves)?
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 07:42 AM

Some random comments
Pete’s still has tent camping at the north end of the beach with palapas. The south end is very high end with all the hookups and priced accordingly. The result is the best available near SF.
Real estate property is in high demand with city water and wired phones and internet and reasonable security. How many RV places have their own fire department like Pete’s? Pete’s property used to be available as purchase, but not now. Beach property has never been available for sale – lease only.
Amenities for the beach is very good with renovated restrooms and showers at the restaurant are all new.
Basically, no other place to camp near SF has had the money spent to do significant upgrades. And the result is higher cost.
Many think the restaurant/bar is a big reason for going there.
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 08:15 AM

for most people camping is a low budget way of traveling
but they hate leaving their home amenities behind
women hate it more than men
as soon as they can afford it, they move to RVs and hotels
Mexicans as well as foreigners
they never look back but rather ahead to owning a condo in Cabo

only for a few of us camping is a lifestyle and the preferred way of traveling Baja

Pete's Camp?
I personally hate organized camping
sharing bathroom and showers with others?
Compacted, urin soaked dirt to sleep on?
I prefer to find my own spot somewhere in the wild of Baja.
Disrespectful camp neighbors?
You can have that in any city - I rather camp alone.

I had to spend the night earlier this year at Pete's Camp.
Great beach
too many people
bathrooms in bad shape
2 chitters for many people
noisy Gringo race crews
some cool overlanders
pleasant Mexican neighbors

I had avoided that place since 1986
I will not go back

Pete's Camp.jpeg - 84kB

Harald Pietschmann
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 10:31 AM

chinga tu - right back atcha.
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 10:58 AM

Your user name alone may attract hostility with every post. Whether you "regret" it or not, depends on your intentions.
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 12:58 PM
Petes Camp and owners in general

Property owners have right to make changes as they want. They may enjoy less disruption just as many permanent residents of camp may.
I would be much more concerned if government were forcing changes because all properties would be the same.
Private owners making changes/improvements allows for diverse facilities at different locations.
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 02:47 PM
Question About Pete's camp?

Thank you all for your input and everyone's valuable contribution.

My Username is just merely a survey of how well you may know the culture. I can care less if you get offended.

The owners have every right to change anything they want that's just the way it is. I'm not debating that. Just the intentions and purpose or goal in mind and Who gets affected? Can't pay cannot play? If the noise is a concern why have a poker run? a uniquely American pastime!!!

I mentioned the "certain age and culture" it was more meant for anyone over 40 yrs and north of the border be it American or Canadian since that's the primary age demographic that you find out there.

I pursue some of the same activities that everybody mentions. Some amenities at times, but more often camping in a secluded beach is more attractive for me at the very least the less people the better. Don't get all out of shape for making you think...

As always take care and safe travels!!!
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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 02:56 PM

Never been to Pete's and don't plan on going.

See Baja California in 4K:

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[*] posted on 12-29-2021 at 04:04 PM

I prefer the smell of napalm in the morning to the sound of RV generators droning on all night.

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John M
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[*] posted on 12-30-2021 at 01:24 PM
Pete's Camp update Dec 30

I spoke with a representative using the telephone number listed on their website. She confirmed that all of the beach front camping sites are now suited for RV's and have hook-ups and the old wooden palapas torn down - I should have asked about "Full" hook ups including sewer, but I didn't. She said it is something they've wanted to do for quite some time and this past summer was their opportunity.

Last time we were there was saw some new palapas on the edge of the water channel, between the fire station and the restaurant and she said that these would be available for other campers(tents). The RV sites are $50/night. They are ok with tent camping on the beach at the RV sites but at the full price.

Don't shoot the messenger.

John M

[Edited on 12-30-2021 by John M]
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Both Oceans

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[*] posted on 12-30-2021 at 08:30 PM

Hey Chingatu, I personally like your name, it's creative. Your post/questions hit the donkeys on the ass. Some persons don't enjoy the truth regarding what's happened in Baja in the last 10 thru 20 years, with all the changes. There are many places that prefer having foreigners than locals because they can charge more that's the reason why such a price increases and of course the locals become upset. On the other hand foreigners all help greatly stimulate the economy for many. It is a double-bladed sword.
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Mulege Canuck

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[*] posted on 12-30-2021 at 08:33 PM

Thanks for that info John. It works out better for me anyways. I never enjoyed staying there but my wife liked the place, WTF. Now I can find a place further south. I might try “David’s Shell Island Resort”
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[*] posted on 12-30-2021 at 11:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John M  
The RV sites are $50/night. They are ok with tent camping on the beach at the RV sites but at the full price.

Use their beach access road, drive a quarter mile north or south and tent camp for free. Certainly have access to the bar restaurant and I imagine showers too. Or, go further south and have a beach to yourself.

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Harald Pietschmann

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[*] posted on 1-14-2022 at 06:28 PM
New Image

Posted today on FB
Looking SE

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[*] posted on 1-14-2022 at 06:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mulege Canuck  
Thanks for that info John. It works out better for me anyways. I never enjoyed staying there but my wife liked the place, WTF. Now I can find a place further south. I might try “David’s Shell Island Resort”

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[*] posted on 1-14-2022 at 10:05 PM

I missed this gem of a newbie post when it first showed up here. Going by the date, I was probably driving by Pete's Camp about the time it was posted (I didn't stop).

I spent very little time in any places with internet service, and my phone plan doesn't include data, so I had more of an "Old school" Baja run for ten days.

I also tend to distance myself from the "old gringo" type folks that seem to annoy Chingaboy, but everywhere I went, there I was! My dog put up with me though, so maybe I'm not that bad.

[Edited on 1-15-2022 by AKgringo]

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1-14-2022 at 10:14 PM
David K
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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 07:22 AM
Pete's Camp (El Paraiso) Km. 177.5, in March 2017

Beach is 1.1 miles from the highway.

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