David Nuevo
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El Municipio de Mulegé, BCS has suspended all alcohol sales "until further notice". Anyone hear if the same thing might be happening in BCN?
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I think the news said that if a BCS municipality reaches covid level "red," then alcohol sales in bars are suspended. I think you can still buy booze
at market, just bars close. And they said mulege muni reached red?
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Any elections happening?
If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!
"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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Baja (north) went to level "orange" last week. Public spaces, restaurants, etc. have capacity limited to 50%.
You can still go to a bar and get drunk, but there is only room for half of your friends to join you.
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
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notice that tourist areas and areas near USA border have the majority of orange and yellow flags. away from gringos, things looking groovy green...
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David Nuevo
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I'm about 600 miles south of the border, not a major tourist area, no bars. ALL markets, depositos, Modeloramas, Sixes, etc. stopped selling any
alcohol today. Can't find current info on any "RED" status there.
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Yep, we were told that no more beers sales until further notice. Fortunately, I brew my own beer so I'm good for awhile!
School will also be virtual until at least the end of February.
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How do they do “virtual” in baja? I’m guessing laptops and high speed internet connectivity are not available to many or most kids in BCS, so
is “virtual” mostly doing lesson plans by book/pencil/paper at home?
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
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Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  |
How do they do “virtual” in baja? I’m guessing laptops and high speed internet connectivity are not available to many or most kids in BCS, so
is “virtual” mostly doing lesson plans by book/pencil/paper at home? |
My son (8th grade) meets with his teachers/classmates via Whatsapp. It's somewhat interactive. My daughter (6th grade) is assigned work and she
takes a picture and submits it via Whatsapp as well. We are very impressed with the curriculum/materials provided to the students.
Both of our kids also do math on Khan Academy as well as Spanish on Duolingo.
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Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  | Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  |
How do they do “virtual” in baja? I’m guessing laptops and high speed internet connectivity are not available to many or most kids in BCS, so
is “virtual” mostly doing lesson plans by book/pencil/paper at home? |
My son (8th grade) meets with his teachers/classmates via Whatsapp. It's somewhat interactive. My daughter (6th grade) is assigned work and she
takes a picture and submits it via Whatsapp as well. We are very impressed with the curriculum/materials provided to the students.
Both of our kids also do math on Khan Academy as well as Spanish on Duolingo.
Interesting. So a local kid could make do with just a smart phone for virtual school? Or is laptop needed?
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
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Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  | Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  | Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  |
How do they do “virtual” in baja? I’m guessing laptops and high speed internet connectivity are not available to many or most kids in BCS, so
is “virtual” mostly doing lesson plans by book/pencil/paper at home? |
My son (8th grade) meets with his teachers/classmates via Whatsapp. It's somewhat interactive. My daughter (6th grade) is assigned work and she
takes a picture and submits it via Whatsapp as well. We are very impressed with the curriculum/materials provided to the students.
Both of our kids also do math on Khan Academy as well as Spanish on Duolingo.
Interesting. So a local kid could make do with just a smart phone for virtual school? Or is laptop needed? |
A smart phone is not ideal but yes it works. Our son opens up Whatsapp on his computer.
Forgot to mention, my son attends class from 8 am to 1 pm. Each class is 50 minutes give or take. My daughter gets her assignment around 8 am and
has to turn it in by 12:15pm. Luckily for us both kids get all of their work done without us pushing them.
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Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  | Yep, we were told that no more beers sales until further notice. Fortunately, I brew my own beer so I'm good for awhile!
School will also be virtual until at least the end of February. |
Ration that stuff.
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Apples didn't fall far from the tree.
Give the wife a hug from us and a high five! 
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John Harper
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Our district distributed laptops to each and every child, and even free WiFi hotspots to families without internet service. My roommate in Campo
Lopez has an internet receiver powered by her solar power system. I think she said it was only about $20 a month. Hopefully any children within
cell tower coverage can have the same opportunity.
No one got an "owners manual" to go along with this virus, so let's just hold on and ride this out. Most of us are trying our best to deal with the
situation, but are fighting more than just a microbe.
Cutting off beer sales might be one issue to make me go off the deep end!
[Edited on 1-20-2022 by John Harper]
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You should see how upset Les was that he let his beer run almost out and then could NOT buy any yesterday! Thank goodness we are headed to the USA
this Friday for the weekend to drop Turkey bound boxes into storage.
LAPTOPS for each child, That is absolutely wonderful! I had one extra and the keyboard is bad so my computer aide just ordered another one. Three
kids in the 7 kid family need need laptops.
They study with their tutors at our hotel which now has slowpoke internet, but as of this next Saturday, will have high speed.
The system here is the same as BajaBoy's 6th grader - material is sent and the kids have until noon to turn it in, except for Ismael whose tutor can
only teach him in the afternoons - he has until 8 pm to turn in the work.
Now that the kids have internet at home, the tutors are going to send extra work to be done as well as load reading material for extra reading and
educational games.
If anyone in San Diego has a laptop lying around, I could really use it or alternatively, there is a computer guy who sometimes sells me used and
refurbished ones. I will check in with him today.