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Author: Subject: Favorite word of the day
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[*] posted on 12-10-2024 at 10:01 AM

I can imagine that aguinaldo is a favorite word during this time of year.

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[*] posted on 12-14-2024 at 09:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pauldavidmena  
I can imagine that aguinaldo is a favorite word during this time of year.

Speaking of which, those of you who actually live in Mexico, be sure and catch your trashmen next time they go by and lay some money on them as an aguinaldo.

Besides demonstrating your respect for local culture, you'll probaby discover your service improves.

True story: A place I lived in La Paz, was exactly on the borderline between two different trash pickup zones, with the result that frequently neither of the routes would pick up our trash.

Around December 15th, I when I heard the different routes' trucks coming down the block, I hailed them down and gave each crew a couple of hundred pesos aguinaldo with a smile and expression of appreciation for their service.

Never again did our trash sit out on the street after pickup time. ;D

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[*] posted on 12-18-2024 at 01:52 PM

If giving to the garbage collectors, just make sure you give to the guys who come with the regular garbage truck. There have been reports from some areas of Mexico of scammers coming to people's doors claiming to be garbage collectors, asking for their aguinaldo.

Also, aguinaldo and vacation pay are govt. mandated for any regular employees you have, like cleaners and gardeners. They are calculated according to specific formulas- it isn't a matter of just handing them some amount you think is appropriate. Employers should also get their employees to sign for the aguinaldo and vacation pay. I know several people whose employees filed demandas claiming they never were paid these mandated amounts, and in many cases, their employers were shocked, as the person had been working for them for years, they thought of the employee as a friend, or even "part of the family", who they never would have thought would lie and try to extract more money from them.

Or people have been bamboozled into giving out aguinaldo to workers they have no obligation to. For instance, if you hire an independent contractor who has a crew working for him, the contractor is responsible for the aguinaldo and vacation pay for his employees, not the homeowner.

It's wise, if you own a home in Mexico, to apprise yourself of labor law here so nothing comes back to bite you.
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Location: Tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de EU
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[*] posted on 12-18-2024 at 02:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
It's wise, if you own a home in Mexico, to apprise yourself of labor law here so nothing comes back to bite you.

Well put. Mexican labor law favors the worker in ways which catch many Gringos unawares.

You can buy the Ley federal de trabajo for about 10 bucks from Amazon Mexico, and it's some of the most relevant Spanish practice an ex-pat can do.

"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is, by how stupid he thinks I am."

"...they were careful of their demeanor that they not be thought to have opinions on what they heard for like most men skilled at their work they were scornful of any least suggestion of knowing anything not learned at first hand."
            Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

"Be kind, be patient, help others." -- Isabel Allende

"My gas stove identifies as electric." Anonymous

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