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Author: Subject: A half-decent cambio in San Ysidro?
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-1-2025 at 06:10 PM
A half-decent cambio in San Ysidro?

Did this long time ago, terrible experience. Recent reviews are still poor, unadvertised commission or they short-change you by $10-20 per one thousand (or both), or the rate is only valid for the first $200. And there is often a $800-900 limit, even with ID. With $CAD it's usually 3.0-3.5% cheaper buying USD in Canada and then changing to MXN before crossing than buying MXN in Canada - too far from Mexico, big spread.

[Edited on 2-2-2025 by Alm]
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Super Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-1-2025 at 07:38 PM

Living in Baja full time and refuse to have another Mex bank. Best deal Amazon card no fee and points. Plus always high exchange rate yes you always need cash too.
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Select Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-2-2025 at 08:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alm  
Did this long time ago, terrible experience. Recent reviews are still poor, unadvertised commission or they short-change you by $10-20 per one thousand (or both), or the rate is only valid for the first $200. And there is often a $800-900 limit, even with ID. With $CAD it's usually 3.0-3.5% cheaper buying USD in Canada and then changing to MXN before crossing than buying MXN in Canada - too far from Mexico, big spread.

[Edited on 2-2-2025 by Alm]

I have never been “shorted.” Always get posted rate.

I have seen differing rate for large amounts. Still better rate than home brick/mortar banks.

In SY i have done large amounts at Baja-Mex, 358 E San Ysidro Blvd. But money laundering rules have been changing so maybe you are stuck with limits…

Costco chula vista does large amounts (not sure what their max is), but their rate is not as favorable as cambios at the border.


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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-2-2025 at 08:26 AM

I've gotten foreign currencies from my bank - always a very good rate. They didn't charge a fee if over $300 USD. IMO, you shouldn't carry too much cash with you. ATMs along the way using a card with no foreign transaction fees is convenient.
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[*] posted on 2-2-2025 at 09:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
IMO, you shouldn't carry too much cash with you.

"Too much...."

Back in my poor and carefree youth when one could actually travel around México for under US$10/day and travellers checks were still a thing, I used to go into the bank to stock up on pesos and fuss about whether I should change US$100 or US$150, so as to not be carrying too much cash around.

And at the same bank I'd see businessmen walking away from the teller window tucking away thick stacks of pesos like a king's ransom.

Made me wonder about my petty little concerns.
Of course, those guys usually had a pistol in their belt. :light:

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-4-2025 at 05:06 PM

Thanks, Goat. Anything is better than brick and mortar banks, I never buy currency there.
In my town in Canada there are many Cambios, better rate for USD and MXN, but! it's cheaper to buy only USD and then change it to MXN at the border. Tried several times, second exchange within 5-10 days from the first one, always a better net result. The best of course is using a no-fee credit card where possible.
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[*] posted on 2-4-2025 at 06:15 PM

it's different for everyone, I'm by no means a fat cat but everytime I walk by my Santander I grab 9000p on the schwab card and throw it in the shoe box......EVERYTHING has gotten sooo expensive the last thing I worry about is a conversion rate.
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Super Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-5-2025 at 07:28 PM

Ensenada today 20.05 good rate stock up
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