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Ultra Nomad
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Towing 4WD
I have an 84 4wd small size Dodge pick up. I want to tow it to La Paz and I have heard stories about not towing 4wd.
Anybody know about this stuff ?

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it is not so much about 4 wd than about auto-trans or manual box.
All manufacturers of automatic transmissions recommend not to tow a vehicle for more than 20 mls and no more than 40 mls in speed.
Makes sense to me, as the oil in the auto-trans is reacting on the power from the rear tires and not from the engine - even if in "N" > nutral
And it is about lubrication somehow.
Disengage the front (4 wd) and disconnect the driveshaft to rear (take it out) and y'll be fine.
The front only 'works' when engaged, right?
And without the driveshaft in place you can tow the vehicle to the moon, nothing can hurt the trans as no power is transferred from the tires to the
Recommendation: Towing over a long distance a towbar is really relaxing.
Much better than a rope.
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some trannys if you remove the rear drive shaft all the fluid will leak out. bettr to just remove it from the rear pumpkin and tie it up out of the
way. same with the front. good luck
Bob and Susan
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Susan and I just picked up our tow bar in San Diego yesterday for a Samuri we purchased.
The manufacture only talks about automatics.
These tow bars are made for manual transmissions and automatics with a transmission pump.
Just put the transmission in neutral and unlock the steering wheel.
I've seen these Suzuki Samuris towed all over baja. They are 4 wheel drive.
I think I will disconnect the battery since the ignition will be on for the tow.
Don't use a rope to tow....
Select Nomad
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If you have the operating manual that comes with it when new it will explain how to tow it. Otherwise check with a dealer. Most after market tow bars
bolt to your front bumper (you have to drill holes), I would suggest you modify it so it mounts where the front tow hooks are or make it so it mounts
to the frame. Any good welding shop can do it for about $50. Most 4x4 can be towed by putting the transfer case in neutral, transmission in neutral
and key on to unlock the steering wheel, and disconnect the battery. Some don't have transfer case neutral like the Toyotas in which case you'd have
to disconnect the driveshaft. Again check with the manual and/or dealer.
Also when towing avoid S turns in parking lots or stop signs or you'll be pulling the front wheels sideways.
[Edited on 7-26-2004 by TW]
Ultra Nomad
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I have a Bronco II, with electric transfer case and automatic hubs - no nutral in transfer case unless I remove motor and manualy put it there.
Instructions are to disconnect rear driveshaft, but I've towed it 5-6 thousand miles without and it's still 4 wheeling at 305,000 miles.
No Bad Days
\"Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference\"
\"The trouble with doing nothing is - how do I know when I\'m done?\"
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And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
Elite Nomad
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If you can wait till February I'll drive it down for you.
Ultra Nomad
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That's the second offer
I've had for that.   
I'll be making plenty of trips guys so we will work it out for Feb. as well.

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well opinions are going 180 degrees apart.
Just putting in "N" is a bad idea with a Dodge. A Dodge is not a Suzuki.
Towbars are there for any towing > just safer than ropes.
Espacially when the vehicle you are towing got no brakes(when engine is not running and the power is lost)
Or do you want to risk that the vehicle in rear is slamming in the front one????
Disconnecting the battery > another bad idea.
You cannot flash the lights or honk the horn in case of an emergency of the guy who is steering the towed vehicle.
Now it depends on:::: Is the vehicle you wanna tow > immoble?
Be careful , you might not have power brakes and steering.
A dangerous attempt to tow over long distances.
If the vehicle you wanna tow has a running engine (well than you don't need to tow it!) but that's the best you can have as brakes and steering is
Otherwise I would highly recommend , get a doggy cart from U-haul > those where you can lift the front wheels into.
Take care my friend, what you are intending to do might cost you more (exident) than renting a doggy cart.
AND: you only need one person to drive that road train.
Ultra Nomad
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Yallz Crackin me up !!
It runs, I don't want to stick anybody in it because we will be having too much fun in the van, and it's about 800 miles of some really really bad
Germanicus, I HIGHLY recommend you take a drive down it and explore a little prior to enacting your plans.
Thanks to all for the advice. Dinners ready.

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I will !!!
thanx again for your advice > I highly appreciate ANY advice.
My plan is: Exploring the Baja for at least 6 month (and I am fully aware that nobody can learn everything about a foreign country within 6 month)
I will travel the Baja for those 6 month ( it's an estimate. If it takes a year > fine with me)
And I would also appreciate meeting you!
(If you agree)
> same wit Skeet/Loreto < (he doesn't know yet)
I will have a meeting before even entering Mexico with Daid K and Bob H @ the San Diego region.
Both concidered nice guys !!!!!
I'll keep you posted about any progress here.
Kind Regs
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OK.....Ok...I have to offer my .02 cents.
Bedman here, in Stealth Mode >>>>>>>
I tow a Suzuki Sidekick 4W, 5 speed manual tranny with Detroit lockers behind my motorhome. Here are the rules for "Suzuki" towing. I Repeat
....."SUZUKI" Towing.
The 4 wd Transfer case is shifted into "Neutral" .
The Transmission is shifted into 2nd gear. (Thats Right, 2nd gear)
The key is put in the on position. (You need the Steering wheel Unlocked)
The Battery is connected. (No battery=No lights)
You need to connect the turn, brake and running lights And a ground wire to the towed vehicle.
Every 200 miles you need to stop the tow vehicle and start up the "Towed" vehicle and gently rev it for 2 minutes. This lubricates all the moving
parts in the tranny, transfer and rear end.
JR, I can probably get you more definitive information for your Dodge 4 wheel drive, but I need more Definitive info about it. Is it Manual trans?
What motor? What model Dodge?
You can rent a "T" bar tow rig. It will attach directly to your towed vehicles bumper and if you have a tow ball on the towing vehicle it will connect
directly to that. The wiring is pretty straight forward. More than likely you have a 4 wire loom. left turn, right turn, brake, and running lights.
Let me know and I'll get you the info.
Bob and Susan
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We haven't towed our Suzuki yet.
Got the tow bat on but I need weld to the frame.
How fast do you drive????
Our new Suzuki will only go 65MPH full out...75MPH downhill!!!!
If we put the thing in 2nd gear we'll only be going 15MPH.
That will increase our time down Mulege to 5 days.... 
Why do we need the battery hooked up? The current comes from the tow car like a trailer.
200 miles is about all the distance we can drive till we need a "pitstop"...old age you know
Ultra Nomad
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It says 1984 Dodge Power Ram 50 Sport.
It has a manual 5 speed trans.
Personally, I had never seen one of these trucks. I hear they are the same as a Mitsubishi but definitely a new one on me.
Thanks you guys.
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Bob and Susan,
Hmmmm.......How fast.... Well, I've been accused of going too fast. 4Baja (SteveooOO) says I drive at a pretty good clip. I guess I average on Mex #1
about 60 or 65 on the straight aways. In the states I've been up to 80 with the little Suzuki hanging on back there for Dear Life.
Couple of reasons for the battery to remain hooked up.
#1 Convenience!! Who wants to go to the hassle of disconnecting it?
#2 If you have a radio it loses all of the preset channels.
#3 The tow cars battery and alternator have to send the juice to the towed car. The longer the wires the weaker the power at the lights.
#4 The battery in the tow car will not go dead. As you so aptly pointed out " The current comes from the tow car like a trailer" Hence the tow car
will keep the Towed cars battery charged and the lights will be visible during daylight hours.
Also.....just for the record. Are you using a Brake Buddy? Or do you have brake assist for the Towed car? I know the Brake Buddies are expensive, but
if you have a light vehicle towing it's a good idea.
When you shift the "Transfer case" into Neutral it disengages the transmission and when you put the "Transmission" in 2nd gear, it's still basically
in Neutral. (The Owners manual will confirm this. Read it!) The reason you put the Tranny into 2nd gear (I've been told by Suzuki Authorized Dealers)
is so the Tranny will continue to turn slowly and sling oil to lubricate it.
Hope this info helps. I've towed my Sidekick almost 40,000 miles and have never had a problem.
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I'll look it up tonight and get you an answer .
Ultra Nomad
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Thanks Amigo !!!
I'd hate to have my van break, go to pull it with the truck, and it doesn't work either. I did buy a new tow rope and some pillows though!
Muchas gracias para su ayuda.
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Seems that anybody that knows the definitive answer on How to Towa 1984 Dodge Ram 50 4X4 is either dead or can't remember last Tuesday!!
I've asked 4 different Mechanic friends and the best answer they could give me is:
#1 Disconnect the rear drive shaft.
#2 Shift the transfer case into Neutral.
Even the Dodge Ram Guys at and the good folks at Good Sam RV Towed Vehicles web site were scratching their heads.
If I get any more info in the next few days, I'll email you ASAP!!
Bob and Susan
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Thanks for the answer...
When you buy a "New" ($1450) 1986 Suzuki Samuari sometimes the owners manual is missing
I never even thought of the fact that when you shift the transfer case out of gear your 2 wheel drive doesn't work. I'll put it in second as you said
to keep it oiled.
I did think it would be in gear and it would be turning the engine....stupid uh...
No extra brakes...Our Dodge 4x4 3500 will stop it...I think 
We will tow it only way.
You are also right about the's a pain when you disconnect the battery. I'll work around it.
I haven't wired it yet but just plan to wire it like I would a boat trailer then I am sure the lites will work.
[Edited on 7-29-2004 by Bob and Susan]
[Edited on 7-29-2004 by Bob and Susan]
Ultra Nomad
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There's a little adapter you usually need when running turn signals etc of a towed import from "US" made auto. Just a few bucks at Kragen or Auto
Zone. Might want to check.
No Bad Days
\"Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference\"
\"The trouble with doing nothing is - how do I know when I\'m done?\"
Nomad Baja Interactive map
And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
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