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Author: Subject: palmeto99 - "5 o'clock Charlie"
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by arrowhead

Name: Pierce

Please do not retire in Mexico,visit Mexico, or invest in Mexico. The vast majority of people there think that all americans are to be fleeced and that any land they sell will come back to them someday. We will never return and are willing to give up what is ours just to be safe.

how funny. one of the websites above lists him as a RE agent for mexico. on one hand he advises against mex property for gringos, and on other hand he is selling property on website (pelican reef) targeted at gringos

[Edited on 8-6-2009 by mtgoat666]
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 10:42 AM
Pelican Reef Bar/Restaurant

No longer open! (Photo taken 11/2005)

[Edited on 8-9-2009 by tripledigitken]

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Crusoe
There are enough people on this website that could obviously identify this man and is saga.

I think Bruce Leech could add a lot to this story but, he's not posting anymore. Wish he would.
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 12:23 PM

Whatever happened to Bruce Leech? He was a regular poster.

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 12:25 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
Whatever happened to Bruce Leech? He was a regular poster.

He's up here now after a long time in Mulege. I don't see him but, I can feel his presence. :lol:
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 12:35 PM
Once a troll, always a troll...

That would be nice Dennis.
AH, why do you think Doug generated this thread? Pierce is/was like a cancer here. Logging on with various identities and salting many posts with harmful and disparaging words, over and over and over again. Besides that he ripped off a friend on mine and he hates anyone who loves Mulege.

That's enough for me!;D

btw, his 100's of posts and subsequent replies have all been deleted. Let me look and see if I saved any of those sweet words.

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 02:02 PM

Arrowhead, you make a good point. Sharksbaja has been spewing a lot of venom and innuendos here lately but he is woefully short of FACTS! As you mentioned, Pierce and Val did a LOT of charitable things here in Mulege. You mentioned that they helped after the hurricane. Actually, they set up and ran a collection and distribution center for the victims, collecting food, clothing, household items and cash. I know that for a FACT because I was there and was helping them.

They also helped the community by sponsoring and organizing numerous charitable events including fishing tournaments, food drives, pig roasts and barbecues. I know that for a FACT because I was there... helping! The Bomberos, Old Folks Home, orphanages and many individuals were the recipients of Pierce and Val's charity and good work. I know that for a FACT because I was there and helped them.

They weren't "run out of town" as Sharky and others has inferred. They left of their own free will to save their hides from unscrupulous persons (one in particular but who must remain nameless) who had "bought" officials who were going to throw them in a Mexican prison for trumped up charges. I know that for a FACT because I was there helping them to defend themselves against these people and to help strategize countermeasures.

I've known Pierce and Val for many years and have found them to be honest, caring and extremely generous people. I don't know of anyone who has gotten "screwed" by Pierce. On the contrary, I know of many who have been helped by them. If Sharky would care to provide some FACTS and proof instead of pure rhetoric, I'd be happy to set the record straight.

As for Pierce being the Troll, it isn't true and Doug knows it. It is my understanding that Doug has contacted Pierce stating that he (Doug) made a mistake by identifying Pierce as the Troll. That should put an end to it. I'm sure none of you guys are man enough to offer up your apologies also for the malicious and unfounded venom that you have been spouting... all without an ounce of proof or FACTS I might add.

I told Doug in an e-mail that we all need to take a step back, take a big breath and drink a cool Pacifico. The kind of behavior that many of you have been party to could, here in Mexico, have VERY serious consequences. Next time, you all had better use your heads before you commit your unfounded garbage to paper. You ALL owe Pierce an apology but, I am practical enough to know that I shouldn't hold my breath waiting for one.

If anyone wants to provide me with some FACTS to refute what I've said, you all- or most of you anyway- know where I live and my door is always open.

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 02:26 PM

So as it were, you are saying he has done nothing wrong.

Perhaps Rick some of us do not like being dissed by someone who won't reveal themself, that's my beef.

How does someone prove intangible goings on unless people raise there hands to your declaration.. Frankly I think he scares people. Does Doug need to post any and all his info to assauge any misdeed you think he's done?

Where were you Rick when he was lamblasting anyone living on the rio? Why did you not defend your friend back when his venom was spewing all over this board? When he swore up and down he wasn't _____ or _____. Did you reply in kind?

Is it just a matter of taking sides or are there real crimes at hand. How would YOU actually know and what kind of proof could be provided on your end besides being a character witness? Isn't it a matter of "he said-she said" ?

btw, I am waiting for an apology from him.:rolleyes:

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Mexrick
As for Pierce being the Troll, it isn't true and Doug knows it. It is my understanding that Doug has contacted Pierce stating that he (Doug) made a mistake by identifying Pierce as the Troll. That should put an end to it.

If there is any truth to this, why hasn't Doug stated so in this thread.
Maybe it's on the way.:?:
We're waiting.

I think my photographic memory ran out of film

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 02:28 PM

As one of those here who was at the receiving end of palmetto99 (Pierces) nasty words I can say that even after the repeated insults and intent to hurt and discourage me and others here, for whatever reason, I feel sorry for the guy.

The photo of the bar looks like it would be a cool place to hang out. I don't drink anymore but I LOVE places like that, local hangout with locals and their stories, memories hanging all over the walls etc. Have to wonder what went wrong (figure of speech here as I really don't give a crap).

After many years of living in Mexico and being married with a Mexican and his family, bringing up a multinational family, doing business here etc., there are many many differences between our languages and cultures. We are neighbors in that we are on the same continent but in so many respects Mexico may well be on the other side of the planet we are that different.

When there are differences that are potentially devestating to one who does not fully understand them, the person who is becomes affected sees themselves as a victim when in fact they may not be. Examples are one that I have personally lived through, the employee lawsuit and the lay federal del trabajo and serving hamburgers to friends on good friday (oops), other examples are land issues. There are ways in which our cultures views differ as in how people should act what's acceptable what's not, others have to do with verbal respect like using correctly the tu and usted forms that do not exist in English.

Anyway what I am trying to get at is that things are SOOOOO different here we cannot apply the knowledge or procedures from where we came and expect them to work here. So when one does not see this, or jumps in with both feet without looking because they are moving too quickly then one can expect to encounter "problemas".

I never met this guy Pierce as far as I know yet he felt the need to push buttons in such a way as to want to affect me personally. Well it did work but only to the extent where when I got together with other nomads from Loreto the ubiquitous comment was "what an a-hole" regarding this offender. I am not sure why this guy dished out the abuse to me that he did but I knew one thing for sure, there was no way in hell anyone could have had a beachfront view of Carmen and Coronado as he claimed, and spew the kind of hatred he did, no way.

I sure hope he finds some peace within himself and can move forward.

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 03:20 PM

I can only say that pierce and Val are 100% real, honest, caring and giving people. They are #1 in my book and that's all I'm going to say.

Viva Baja

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Mexrick
that's all I'm going to say. said all you're gonna say so, now that that's over, give us some insight on your evaluation. Fill in some blanks for all of us.......Please.
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Mexrick
It is my understanding that Doug has contacted Pierce stating that he (Doug) made a mistake by identifying Pierce as the Troll.
My email reply to Mr. O'Shaunghessy in its entirety:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Nomad
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 17:09:28 -0700
From: Doug Means <>
To: pierce oshag <>

Dear Pierce:

I received your e-mail. I am certainly sorry if any angst has been
misdirected to you as I never intended any harassment.

As far as your threats toward me, my business and my livelihood are
concerned, I surmise that your lawyer did not review your e-mail as it
is apparent you are shooting from the hip at this stage. Please get
advice from a California attorney as I am quite confident that you are
mistaken with your assertion that my cost of defense will exceed your
final expenses associated with this matter.

I am hopeful that you will reconsider your position as you can rest
assured that there will not be a default judgment in this case. Why
would I allow that when you have already admitted this is a case you
can't win? Certainly the Court will not take your admitted waste of the
Court's resources lightly.

I am ready to move on beyond this incident and I hope you are as well.

Doug Means

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
My email reply to Mr. O'Shaunghessy in its entirety:

I don't know what to make of that email. While it is an expression of regret, it is not an admission of error nor an apology. It appears to have been carefully crafted by an attorney to minimize damages.

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
btw, I am waiting for an apology from him.:rolleyes:

Yeah, well if Mexrick is correct, you libeled an innocent person. That letter you get just may not be an apology. Based upon the emails, it looks like Pierce is considering some legal action.

You are one person who really needs to learn how to STFU.

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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 05:23 PM

Soooooo Mexrick.......What were Pierce and Val accused of doing or not doing? Why did they leave Mexico? Please clear this up. Thanx ++C++
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 05:59 PM

Someone doth protest too much, methinks:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Nomad
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 15:49:11 -0700
From: pierce oshag <>
To: <>

Dear Mr. Means,

You do not mean any harm and you leave the posting up. That way the
marooons on your site can do your dirty work. This is going to be a long
email so read it twice as I do not want you to misunderstand.
I have a girl in my office that works for me that is great on computers.
She is not as good as you but she is sharp. I pay her to do invoicing
and the like and she spends most of her afternoons playing on the
keyboard so time is not an issue. Yesterday I gave her all the info we
received on both you and <redacted> from our lawyers skip trace
subcontractor. She spent most of today tracing all of your meeting
groups in San Diego and also your Facebook listing. She will
be compiling together a list of all of your visible contacts and
confirming contact info such as emails and phone numbers on all of
them. A narrative on your posting my info on your website in a
malicious effort to cause my family,employees and myself harm is being
prepared by her with the offending posts and that will start to go out
when she has it complete. I have also received from a member of your
forum some pictures of you and your family which we will also be
posting with both your home address and phone numbers to the websites
and blogs that we feel will give you the most bang for the buck. Nice
looking family. Your total lack of concern for my family leaves me no
choice but to show the same concern for yours. I have told my girl Lisa
to spend a minimum of four hours a day to get you the most exposure we can.
I have been told you are a pompous ass and it is most apparent with
your last email.
It seems that you really need the networking groups to get customers and
we just have to get a few of them to take a hard second look at your
questionable actions and a social recovery should not take less than two
years by my estimate. Lisa also says that the IT blogs for the smaller
tech companies is also one of our targets for a disinformation campaign
that should have the desired impact. While getting all this going might
seem a bit extreme, going after my family is not something I take lightly.
On another note, we have two of three of your credit reports and a fair
bit of information on you and <redacted>. Can you believe <redacted> owns
<redacted> and several <redacted> in California. Who
would have thought. All that money and he still drives a 5 year old
<redacted> 4 door.
Speaking of money, what the hell have you been doing since you left
school in Arizona twenty years ago. I thought you had some money. Filing
suit against you would have been a waste of time given your financial
condition. Its no wonder you are trying to network as much as you do.
You know Doug, its not that I cared about being mentioned on your site,
its the contact numbers and the nasty emails and calls that I got but
you will soon see what that feels like. I know that you think you are a
pretty sharp guy but I just will not let things go. Its a disorder of
some sort but I use it like an asset.
As you know, I called both your home and your office today to hash this
out but you did not want to talk. In light of that, I have moved up a
planned trip to Point Loma in the fall and should now arrive in a few
weeks. Maybe then we can have a nice face to face and go over how all
this is working out for you. I can use that time to firm up some lose
ends in terms of information while there as well .
In the meantime, call me when you think I have made my point. Enjoy the

Please note, we do not intend to do anything which might be considered
against the law in California or any other state. If we happen to do
something that you think is not right, please call us and we will take
it under advisement.


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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Mexrick
pierce... 100% real, honest, caring and giving...

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 06:25 PM

Hey Doug. Don't shoot question marks at me. The guy is innocent and you peeed him off. You made the bed. Lie in it!

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-6-2009 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Mexrick
Hey Doug. Don't shoot question marks at me. The guy is innocent and you peeed him off. You made the bed. Lie in it!

I admire your loyalty here. :)


When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
– Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

We know we must go back if we live, and we don`t know why.
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