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PSA: Paranoid Personality Disorder
Just a Public Service Announcement on Paranoid Personality Disorder. Yes, there's a reason. No, there's nothing really further to explain at the
Paranoid Personality Disorder is defined by a distrust of others and a continuous suspicion of their intentions. These individuals
have long-term, widespread and firm beliefs that other people have sinister motives that are hostile, threatening or demeaning. Even friendly
gestures by others are often interpreted as being manipulative or malevolent. These beliefs are steadfastly maintained in the absence of any real
supporting evidence. They suspect strangers, and even people they know, of planning to harm or exploit them when there is no good evidence to support
this belief.
As a result of their constant concern about the lack of trustworthiness of others, individuals with this disorder constantly challenge the loyalties
of friends and loved ones. They may also be jealous, secretive and scheming. This often results in social isolation and the individual may stay at
home, planning how to react to any perceived personal attack. Interactions with others are characterized by wariness and not infrequently by
hostility. If they marry or become otherwise attached to someone, the relationship is often characterized by pathological jealousy and attempts to
control their partner.
Despite the pervasive suspicions they have of others, individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder are not delusional (except in rare, brief
instances brought on by stress). Most of the time, they are in touch with reality, except for their misinterpretation of others' motives and
intentions. Sufferers are not psychotic but their conviction that others are trying to "get them" or humiliate them in some way often leads to
hostility and social isolation. Although those suffering from this disorder do not generally lose touch with reality, they are usually unable to
recognise their own negative feelings. They will not confide in others as they fear betrayal, even if those others prove trustworthy and honest.
Sufferers habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions to validate their prejudicial ideas or
biases. They tend to be guarded, suspicious, hypersensitive, easily slighted and unforgiving. They have extreme trust in their own knowledge and
capabilities. Personal perceptions of others' behavior may lead to angry or aggressive outbursts.
Individuals with this disorder often have problems with close relationships because of their excessive suspiciousness and hostility. Their combative
and suspicious nature may elicit a hostile response in others, which then serves to confirm their original expectations. Individuals with this
disorder have a need to have a high degree of control over those around them. They are often rigid, critical of others, and unable to collaborate,
although they have great difficulty accepting criticism themselves. They are often attuned to issues of power and rank, and tend to develop negative
stereotypes of others.
This disorder appears to be more common in men than in women.
Some other common characteristics:
# Tendency to experience excessive self-importance, manifest in a persistent self-referential attitude;
# Preoccupation with unsubstantiated "conspiratorial" explanations of events both immediate to the individual and in the world at large.
# Doubt the commitment, loyalty, or trustworthiness of others, believing others are using or deceiving them.
# Perceive attacks on their character that are not apparent to others; they generally react with anger and are quick to retaliate.
# Cannot see their role in problems or conflicts, believing they are always right.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
– Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
We know we must go back if we live, and we don`t know why.
– John Steinbeck, Log from the Sea of Cortez
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There are those who would point their finger at me but I know it`s really them and I`m perfect.
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Chicken Coop Groupers!
Oops, better not forget the laughing bobblehead!
lizard lips
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I know some people in Punta Banda who fit this disorder, and no Dennis, it's not you but you know who I'm talking about I'm sure.
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Quote: | Originally posted by lizard lips
I know some people in Punta Banda who fit this disorder, and no Dennis, it's not you but you know who I'm talking about I'm sure.
All of 'em...except me and your dad.
lizard lips
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You hit the nail on the head sir.....
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Just who are we talking about here? Let me guess .......
1 ......
2 ......
3 ......
4 ......
5 ......
Bob Durrell
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Quote: | Originally posted by BajaNomad
Just a Public Service Announcement on Paranoid Personality Disorder. Yes, there's a reason. No, there's nothing really further to explain at the
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They're number two on just Bob's list...
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Quote: | Originally posted by BajaGringo
They're number two on just Bob's list...
Just Bob....That's perfect. A star is born.
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Quote: | Originally posted by BajaNomad
They tend to be guarded, suspicious, hypersensitive, easily slighted and unforgiving. They have extreme trust in their own knowledge and
capabilities. Personal perceptions of others' behavior may lead to angry or aggressive outbursts. |
Quote: | Originally posted by DENNIS
Quote: | Originally posted by JESSE
A big mistake many make is to think that just because some Mexicans stay silent even when hearing offensive comment about Mexico or Mexicans, means
they don't get it, or don't have the guts to do something about it. Trust me, they do, and they will like we say here "dejarsela ir toda" (let it all
fall uppon them) when the time is right or get a good chance.
So...what the *** is that. A threat? |
Quote: | Originally posted by DENNIS
C'mon, Jesse...what does that mean? Tell us. |
Quote: | Originally posted by JESSE
Dennis, i honestly don't have a clue about what are you talking about, or why you are mad. My comments have in no way anything to do with you at all,
in fact, you wheren't even on my radar on this discussion. So whatever made you angry, you are sooooo wrong i can't even comprehend.
Quote: | Originally posted by DENNIS
YO MAMA. She knows. Ask her. |
lizard lips
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BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell.
Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The
covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.
It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members
stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.
It has long been a widely expressed view that the monitoring is being done by various groups of citizen informants, members of various community
policing type programs. Based on recent research conducted it seems most likely that the people being used to follow Targeted Individuals around are
what society and the government in some countries refer to as, "covert human intelligence sources". They can also be known as Citizen Informants.
Another slang terms that is often used to describe these individuals is the term Snitch or Snitches.
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Quote: | Originally posted by lizard lips
This stuff is old. Sharky is grave digging instead of playing with himself.
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Quote: | Originally posted by boldliars
BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell.
Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The
covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.
It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members
stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.
It has long been a widely expressed view that the monitoring is being done by various groups of citizen informants, members of various community
policing type programs. Based on recent research conducted it seems most likely that the people being used to follow Targeted Individuals around are
what society and the government in some countries refer to as, "covert human intelligence sources". They can also be known as Citizen Informants.
Another slang terms that is often used to describe these individuals is the term Snitch or Snitches. |
Could you put this in drunken children's terms?
Do we know you?
Skipjack Joe
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Quote: | Originally posted by boldliars
BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell. |
There. I feel better already.
Select Nomad
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Quote: | Originally posted by boldliars
BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell.
Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The
covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.
It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members
stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.
It has long been a widely expressed view that the monitoring is being done by various groups of citizen informants, members of various community
policing type programs. Based on recent research conducted it seems most likely that the people being used to follow Targeted Individuals around are
what society and the government in some countries refer to as, "covert human intelligence sources". They can also be known as Citizen Informants.
Another slang terms that is often used to describe these individuals is the term Snitch or Snitches. |
welcome back fulano, arrowhead, nancy, maggie, whoever you are or want to be!
for a minute there i thought you were author of that incoherent conspiracy rant,... but seems you are just a cut/paste technician  
tag, you're it!
[Edited on 4-20-2010 by mtgoat666]
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Just because I'm not paranoid
doesn't mean they aren't out to get me! 
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Quote: | Originally posted by mtgoat666
Quote: | Originally posted by boldliars
BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell.
Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The
covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.
It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members
stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.
It has long been a widely expressed view that the monitoring is being done by various groups of citizen informants, members of various community
policing type programs. Based on recent research conducted it seems most likely that the people being used to follow Targeted Individuals around are
what society and the government in some countries refer to as, "covert human intelligence sources". They can also be known as Citizen Informants.
Another slang terms that is often used to describe these individuals is the term Snitch or Snitches. |
welcome back fulano, arrowhead, nancy, maggie, whoever you are or want to be!
for a minute there i thought you were author of that incoherent conspiracy rant,... but seems you are just a cut/paste technician  
tag, you're it!
[Edited on 4-20-2010 by mtgoat666] |
Well what comes around goes around. BajaNomad, your leader and creator of this farce of a thread is the cut-and-paste king. So if you want to play
footsie with anyone play it with him.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Quote: | Originally posted by boldliars
BajaNomad is ignoring the people that get their jollies out of making others lives a living hell. |
There. I feel better already. |
Remember I did not start this BS thread. If you want to be the spelling police then do it for everyone on the board. Don't make an exception with me
because I said something that you don't like. There are many OTHERS here that you can correct.
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