David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
EL ROSARIO WEEKEND #3 of 6: La Lobera
Saturday afternoon, after a few hours at La Bocana beach and a visit to thr ruins of the second Rosario mission site, Baja Angel and I returned to the
Baja Cactus Motel to clean up and see if Antonio had arrived yet. He was coming down from Tijuana this day... but, not there yet.
We set the odometer at 0.0 at the Pemex and drove to Km. 47.5 (6.0 miles), north on Mex. 1 for the unmarked dirt road to La Lobera... at 30-07.99',
115-45.54' (NAD27).
The road was recently graded and there is only one fork, where you go left (staying on the graded road). You will pass by some signs that (in Spanish)
say to stay out, private property... Visitors, tourists, etc. are to ignore them and continue! This is probably meant to chase off riff raff, grafitti
painters, or ??
At 3.0 miles from Highway One we arrived at the edge of La Lobera... It is a huge collapsed sea cave... or an underground beach with a sky light and a
sub terrainian entrance from the ocean... Sea lions have claimed it and it is perfect for them!
There is a nice rope fence surrounding the opening for safety and a sign advising not to mess with the sea lions. The caretaker came up to us all
smiles and said "mi casa es tu casa... and 20 pesos please to park". Hey, that was no problema as a lot of work went into developing the site and
scraping that road... A three level building was nearby and we learned it will become a lobster and seafood restaurant... with the lobster being
raised on site in a huge pool built for that purpose... abalone too!
[Edited on 6-1-2005 by David K]
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
As I walk around the huge crater, I get this shot looking at the sea entrance... The GPS at La Lobera is 30-06.64', 115-47.25' where I parked...
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
Another shot looking way down at the sea lions... they were also swimming in and out to sea while we were there.... Can you see my shadow? This is
[Edited on 5-31-2005 by David K]
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
Elizabeth and I walked down the coast a short ways to see some great sites...
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
Here Baja Angel is looking over the low cliff in a safe manner (laying down), as the waves slosh against the cliff face... A sea lion was just off
shore and kept 'spy hopping' on us!
In the distance is the future restaurant.
David K
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There were many interesting 'craters' that I assumed were once resting places of rocks... This entire area is really interesting and will make a good
side trip day tour for all you who are coming to the Baja-Rosario Festival in July.
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever
As we walk north of the future restaurant, the setting sun does its magic to the coastline.
The caretaker told me his name was Hernan Cortes (in jest, no doubt) and that all are welcome to come camp there... the area is kept totally clean of
trash... there were out houses for campers. The fee is 70 pesos (7 dollars) for overnight camping and includes up to a full day there. Day parking is
20 pesos.
Sr. Cortes says the restaurant is to open on Sept. 14.... We were given the tour up its spiral staircase, and the facility is already furnished with a
full kitchen... The view is breathtaking.
We return to El Rosario... still no Antonio, so we go to have dinner and pick the Baja Stone restaurant... We have Carne asada and fish tacos with
Tecate beer (which came in tall 16 onzas cans!)... We enjoyed it!
That was our Saturday in El Rosario...
STAY TUNED as Antonio ('BajaCactus') arrives with surprise passengers Lorenia and Little Lorenia!!! We all have breakfast at Mama Espinozas... See
photos in the next part (4)!