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Author: Subject: Baja Cactus

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[*] posted on 7-28-2007 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by lencho
Originally posted by Bob and Susan
for us "non-cow" eaters (by marriage ONLY)

Aracherra is called flank steak in the states....

I've been confused for years about what arrachera (note spelling) really is. All the Spanish definitions I've read say it's the diaphragm, which appears to be "skirt steak" rather than "flank steak". (See

Has anyone here with knowledge of bovine physiology actually watched a Mexican butcher cut these things out?


Larry , These three confusing cuts come from different parts of the cow

Flap - comes off the loin area ( top lower back )

Skirt - is the muscle that pulls downward on the diaphragm to inflate the lungs. It is a flat draping muscle thus its name

Flank - is from the rear belly , I believe an abdominal muscle

The term "arrechera" is used mostly for the skirt steak but I have seen it used for all three depending how the meat is prepared , usually butterflied
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Bob and Susan
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[*] posted on 7-28-2007 at 09:01 AM

a guess 40 years in the restraunt business WOULD qualify you as "knowledgeable"

now...i'm a pollo eater...
melys in mulege for lunch...
BBQ pollo:saint::saint:

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