San Carlos and the Long Night
When I took those photos, I was with my dogs who always travel with me and one of Andis puppies, "Willy".
I generally stop every once in a while to let the dogs be dogs and stuff. This trip was no exception other than the fact that immediately after
resuming driving after these stops a horrid smell would engulf the inside of the van.
After inspecting to see if I had stepped in something bad or the dogs forgot to wipe or whatever, I realized it was probably one of Willies cute
tricks. My dogs are much better trained.
So, we are driving out to San Carlos for the first time and the road is really washboard so I am following the side path which is much smoother. I
had to cross back onto the road in a few spots but generally could go about 35-40.
I am on the main road to San Carlos and see another place to cross onto the smooth road and do so, in spite of the wire I see about 6" off the
ground across the entrance.
So, back up to speed when I see a truck stopped up ahead. It's the guys putting up the wire I just ran over. They are putting it up to keep people
like me on the main road. As well as the racers who sometimes use the road.
We have some beers, I found out I passed the place I was looking for a few Km's back but yep, this is the right way to San Carlos and it's about an
hour. Cool.
Except for the Willy issue which is still highly in effect.
We arrive at San Carlos and I talk to the Mexican fishermen who show me where the windsurfing camp is and I go meet a couple of the guys there. Nice
guys, nice place, time for camp.
Generally when it is raining, I let the dogs sleep in the van. Under the present circumstances, and not being absolutely sure that Willy was the
culprit, I set up the tent for the odiferous beasts, whichever one it was.
Alls well, dinner for all, a little exploration, very little rain, dogs are set, ice cream and to bed.
Until about one in the morning when I hear dogs barking and realize it's pouring. So much so that I can't see the tent out the windows. Uh oh, I am
assuming it has blown over the cliff so I get up and open the door.
It is pouring and I can barely see the tent about 6' away. But, I can make out Willy, sitting in the doorway of the dry tent, barking and growling
at Andi and Big and not letting them in. What a JERK!
Andi is Willies Mother. Big is twice as big as Willy. They were wet, I was dry, back to bed for me. Work it out you mangy mongrels. Kick his arse!
Wake up in the morning and dogs are all in the tent so I guessed they fixed his greedy butt. Decided to head further south so went back out the
road to the east. Many deep crossings, fouled plugs, time outs to dry things, the worst grades I have ever encountered because of the rain, slick clay
and angles. Nothing quite like having to stay on the gas going downhill on a winding slippery road. Weeee Haaaaa!!!!!
That was my San Carlos Dog Trip. Willy hasn't traveled with us since. Just in case.