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Author: Subject: Age when you decided to make the plunge
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[*] posted on 1-31-2010 at 08:29 PM

Good luck to you and your family soulpatch. With your attitude and outlook, it sounds like you will do just fine...


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[*] posted on 1-31-2010 at 08:37 PM come I'm expected???

moving to baja is NOT for the faint of heart or has been a long, glorious but at times disturbing road for me. Like longlegs, I think lots of people move here as a result of a chain of events...need for a change etc.
For example, some coworkers of mine at the Biosphere Reserve in guerrero negro asked me to housesit thier terrific house for 3 months which was a step up from the tent sirena and I lived in. At the end of 3 months they called and said they werent coming back and I could just keep the house and all the furniture etc....and that was how I began to live in GN. Then I needed a place for all the furniture and stuff and found a 2 story house for $2,000 which we happened to have as the result of making an Imax whale movie....which was another fluke!! The pieces just all came together little by little. When I did go back to BC, Canada, I just couldnt concentrate on living there....I was always planning, packing etc. for baja and my heart just wasnt in canada any more.

In my case, the birth of sirenita sealed my fate. For the first years of her precious life, we were back and forth from BC to BC so I was homeschooling sirena.I wanted her to learn both languages and experience both cultures,...until one year she told me she wanted to be a normal kid...go to shcool, wear a uniform and not live in two countries...she said it was too hard saying goodbye to friends & family in both countries every few months. So she chose to live in Baja which seemed like a better place to grow up. That is when I knew I needed to work on my spanish!

It was a process that began in 1988, it took a few years to relocate entirely. While it has by no means been certainly has been a challenge...a learning experience but the good definately outweighs the bad. I am glad to have found Bahia Asuncion and Juan and our lives are full of joy....who wouldnt love being able to go to the beach every day?? I feel I can live a much richer life being poorer!

it's the end of january and we had an awesome day at the beach...the water was perfect for swimming and i got a little sunburn too...ate some fresh crab and life is good.

[Edited on 2-1-2010 by shari]

for info & pics of our little paradise & whale watching info
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[*] posted on 1-31-2010 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Timo1
This kinda really interests me too :lol:

So Timo1, what does YOUR schedule look like?:lol:
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[*] posted on 1-31-2010 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
The answers will be all over the place. I will say that by limiting it to people who are full-time Baja residents, you may be also limiting the sample pool based on wealth. Face it. If folks can afford two places to live, it changes the decision making process. For instance, for someone able to have two addresses, places such as Loreto, Mulege, or La Paz, which are wickedly hot and humid in the summer, become attractive locations for those who may only wish to live there 7-8 months of the year.

I disagree with you!:no: Barbareno posed her question to get the answers she was looking for; obviously part-timers need not respond because she plans on being full-time resident & she wanted input from full-timers. She doesn't care about part-timer input because that's not their plan. She locked in the "sample pool" she was interested in hearing from.

You have the freedom to ask the questions you want to ask within the perimeters that are important to you in your own posts....let others ask the questions they want to ask, with their own personal choice of perimeters. Don't be muddying up the waters! Fair???:rolleyes:
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 07:19 AM

Wow, am I the only Nomad under 40? Technically I am not an expatriat yet. Ask me again in a year. The only thing holding me back is money. I am no where close to retirement and have yet to strike it rich.
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 08:17 AM

Great thread! As I covered in my previous thread, I am ready to make the move. Legs and Shari, thanks for sharing. Yours are two positive stories, detailing moves to Baja permanantly, under 2 completely different circumstances/situations. Though everyone's will differ, a composite overlay start to show common denominators. I see the main one as the desire for a simpler, better life! As I research the pros and cons of the biggest life change I will ever make for me and my family, that main reason will stay in the front of my mind, and be the end result. I am sure! My wife was in Ensenada visiting her family, and the topic of our move came up. Turns out her sister, who is single, wants to come with us. She thinks that she and her son will have a better life than they have now in Ensenada. If this happens, I think it will make the move easier for my wife and I, for she and her sister are very close, so it should at least lessen her homesickness, which is sure to be a factor. Please keep the positive reasons coming, the negatives as well. The more information and histories I can proccess, the closer I get to walking away!!:bounce:
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by bajabass
Turns out her sister, who is single, wants to come with us. She thinks that she and her son will have a better life than they have now in Ensenada. If this happens, I think it will make the move easier for my wife and I, for she and her sister are very close, so it should at least lessen her homesickness, which is sure to be a factor.

Cheap housing is the reason I moved to Mexico, and family ties are why I picked Tijuana. My wife is from Tijuana and she raised two fine sons here by herself. Dad bailed out when they were babies. They're both bachelors in their early 30s, working full time in white collar jobs and share a condo, but she still cooks for them, cleans, and does other things to make their life easier. It would have been a mistake moving away from them, she would be very unhappy. Maybe in a few years we'll move out of the war zone and rent the house.
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 08:42 AM

Must agree with Legs... and one can't get this kind of information from any book.. dog bites, having children, crushed feet, and more .. and it's all from various locations in the Baja.. such a deal

Want to thank those who have shared there lives with us.. As I'm thinking of moving down this way, but have decided to stay a year and find out what is going on..

I know I have posted before that I used to come down here in the 50' and 60's with my Dad.. my mother did not like Mexico at all.. thought it was dirty and overall just an awful place.. me as a kid with my brother.. hell it was paradise.. we loved coming done here.. no showers, sleeping in tents.. all the fireworks you wanted, and in Downtown Ensenada the police would be throwing fire crackers out in the streets with us, when our Dad was out on a half day boat and we did not want to go.. he would just leave us at the car and let us run the streets.. never had a bad time down here to date...

But, we stopped coming down when my Dad died in 1971.. it just was the same anymore.. we scatted his ashes at the rocks to the south of La Mision, it was his wish

Well, for me, had some surgery (back, fusion surgery) that left me in a hospital bed.. in 2001, was not supposed to walk, my employer finally want to get rid of me "potential liability" one year "human resources" required me to sign a document which got them off the hook for anything to do with me medically and then the next year I get a bad "report card".. Had asked a couple of Loan officers that were "crying" about a deal that I had killed due to SERIOUS environmental problems.. IF THEY WERE WEARING DRESS?.. Seems one can't offend anymore.. In my youth I would have looked them up!! but I was and old guy in a hospital bed, that was the best I could do..

Well, I pull the plug, just weeks before my 63 birthday in Nov of 2004.. I quite under "Doctors" orders.. so they could not fire me and close me out on all my "stock options" they had so generously given me over the past 13 years.. was able to cash out just before Allen Greenspan brought to the attention of God and County that the loans would be indexing "by the way" and who was going to be paying for them?? It was also very interesting that after these comments in Japan in 2006.. he has never been heard from, and his book received no real coverage, and he is now persona non qrata around the financial community..

Well, back to me.. I was in a hospital bed for years... again was told I would not walk, but after three years I was moving around, albeit very, very slowing... then I slipped on the new "pergo" floors the wife just had to have.. and fell and broke my left hip.. now that was a great one, my back is screwed up and I can barley walk, now I'm in the hospital with a broken hip.. I'm not doing very good, but the poor sucker next to me is dying, he fell land on lagging and broke his back.. he is not eating and responding to anyone.. I'm in the roof with him and I start trying to talk to the guy, he's a bit older than me, few years not much.. well the reason this guy is not responding is that he wore "hearing aids" in both ears and they fell out during his fall of around 30 feet and he can't "HEAR" anyone.. and the next challenge, is I'm told that I have to get out of my bed and move down to the "physical training area" so they can get me up and moving on my repaired hip.. I thank them and told them that would be impossible as I messed up from prior back surgery and can't walk to start with.. they get peeed at me and tell me they will tell the doctor.. said go get him.. He shows up and announces that he is Dr. X in charge of the Hospital's Department of "physical therapy" I told him congratulations on his position, however has he taken the time to read my "chart" well seems I've just peeed off someone else, just can't get it though my head that one is not allowed to "offend" anyone, no matter HOW MUCH they need it... he left in a huff, and I start asking for them to call an ambulance as I wanted out of here as quickly as possible.. was told that would not be possible as the have "responsibility" for me.. that's when I started using the F word and a lot of others I have picked up over the years.. the guy in the bed next to me, has got his hearing aids, and is laughing so hard he is crying from the pain.... they got me an ambulance and after all this they send me a questionnaire on my thought about the stay :lol::lol:

Well, it took me about 8 years but I finally got back up to where I can get around..

We had always planed to travel, but I just can't do airplanes, and I could buy a second house for what they want for the around the world trips on a ship..

I had been searching and searching, but could not find a single place in the wold that I wanted to go and live.. and then my Son said something.. how about where grandfather used to take you.. you said you always like it down there.. Well, that is what started me on this adventure..

First came in the car to the border, wanted to see how I could take the drive.. it was ok.. We were in a Honda CRV.. I was done in by the time we got back.. so, I bought a used full sized American car "used" never buy anything new.. (raised that way by and Okie who kept a spare everything in the back yard).. oh, we really liked having our friends over to our house growing up.. "if they don't like it, look the other way"

Well, I found this site from another where a young Mexican fella was sticking up for Mexico and it's positives.. this guy made start thinking... then the rest of you folks here did the rest..

We came down in October of 2009 and have been renting since then.. I really like it down here.. as I did years ago.. my only problem.. I can't do what I used to do.. and that is the hard one.. I would so like to wet a line but can't cast anymore.. can't surf, can't walk on the beach, can't get out and just enjoy it .... but, I can see it, and all pictures you folks put up, help a lot... thank you all very much, plus food, conversations, and so much more.. again thank you

I don't know what we are going to do for sure, I happy just renting right now.. I don't have the worry of repairs and that.. owing a house, not big on my list anymore, and really it never was.. it was something you just "HAVE" to do in our world .. you can disagree with it.. but, if you're not into some type of real estate, it will bite you at some point.. just the way it is.. it seems.

My only real concern is what happens when you want to go back, if you do... want are the issues one would face.. I have friends that moved to Europe a long time ago, and gave up their U.S citizenship, they still don't have a problem with it.. the come and visit every once in a while.. from Denmark, France and Germany.. yea, I looked at those too... but lived there for three years and I don't like the "cold" and I also don't like the heat.. worked in El Centro too..

The weather in North Baja seems to be just right to me.. I don't have any problems with the people either, everyone has been so nice to me... and I really mean that

Ok, I've put mine up.. it will 6 months next month, and the lady is asking me to extend, as too are our great neighbors.. who turned us on to this house, (also from Baja Nomads Susan and Richard) thanks.. they let use their freezer when ours stopped.. to save my tamales and burritos.. now that is important stuff..

Hope this fits in with the theme as that is my intend.. I have not found another place that gives me what I can get down here in the Baja.. "Happy Trails"

and Cyanide41.. if I could have, back in 1963 I would have stayed then, but, I too was not rich.. and had to work my entire life to be able to come back down at 67.. but, it was worth the wait.. that's my story and I'm sticking to it...

It's all good..

ps, I should probably take this into word and clean it up.. but, think you get the drift.. to old to care about grammar and the rest.. I do use spell check, but, ...........:):)

[Edited on 2-1-2010 by wessongroup]

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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 08:46 AM

i cant belive how many words i have to "look up":?:

for us simpletons...
gamelons = identical or fraternal twins

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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by k-rico
Originally posted by bajabass
Turns out her sister, who is single, wants to come with us. She thinks that she and her son will have a better life than they have now in Ensenada. If this happens, I think it will make the move easier for my wife and I, for she and her sister are very close, so it should at least lessen her homesickness, which is sure to be a factor.

Cheap housing is the reason I moved to Mexico, and family ties are why I picked Tijuana. My wife is from Tijuana and she raised two fine sons here by herself. Dad bailed out when they were babies. They're both bachelors in their early 30s, working full time in white collar jobs and share a condo, but she still cooks for them, cleans, and does other things to make their life easier. It would have been a mistake moving away from them, she would be very unhappy. Maybe in a few years we'll move out of the war zone and rent the house.
A major key in a successful move is the happiness of everyone involved. I have already decided La Paz would be the best place for my wife and her goals as a doctor. The presence of her sister and nephew will add to both her and her son's comfort level. Also, the last time I checked, there are plenty of fish, lots of sunshine, warm water, and plenty of Pacifico in La Paz!!!:biggrin: Call this Nomad 51!
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:00 AM

wessongroup, tough luck! Sounds like you deserve a nice, fancy, hot jacuzzi on a deck overlooking he ocean!! Would that be good? I hope the pains fade way.
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Bob H
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:20 AM

Wow, what a great thread.... and some very interesting stories!
Bob H
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:22 AM

It sure is a great thread. I have been going back and re reading even. I really appreciate the feed back.

I was hoping of having the best of both worlds but that doesn't seem to be an option at the present. So like Longlegs I will have to get off my fanny and do some major research. And what better place then here.
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:40 AM

Hey Barbareno, how old are you? When did, or will you take the plunge?
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:44 AM

I am 52 bajabass. When....depends on when the house sells.
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:45 AM

Originally posted by bajabass
Hey Barbareno, how old are you? When did, or will you take the plunge?

Yeah....How about some fotos and vital details. We don't allow in just anybody, ya know. :lol:
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:48 AM

Good luck! I am trying to sell my business, and I am done here. Have you decided where you are going?
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:50 AM

Hey Dennis, they let you and I in:lol:
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by bajabass
Hey Dennis, they let you and I in:lol:

I moved down on a holiday. :lol:

Just a is the day they observe Constitution Day. SALUD
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[*] posted on 2-1-2010 at 10:04 AM

Salud Dennis, and all Nomads. Is this the day the constitution was signed? Need to know these things. Are the cervecarias closed?:(
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