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Author: Subject: Baja angler dies

Posts: 5027
Registered: 9-12-2011
Location: Baja California
Member Is Offline

Mood: Move on. It is just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book- just turn the page

[*] posted on 7-18-2013 at 06:22 PM

I agree. Anyone over 50 or younger who has a history of cardiac problems or episodes of shortness of breath or tightness in the chest during activity should go for a stress test. It is very sad to lose someone you love prematurely, and if you smoke, STOP!!
Originally posted by vacaenbaja
You do not have to be out of shape and overweight to suffer
the same fate. My friend, a big fitness buff and diet conscience
person was driving when he felt what seemed to him a bit
of indigestion. He continued to drive on to the gym to work out.
The next day as he was heading out to the gym he again
felt an uncomfortable feeling. This time he headed to the
ER. The folks at the ER seeing this in shape strapping figure
assured him that it was most likely indigestion, but they will
hook him up for an EKG anyway. The technicians jaws dropped, and a doctor was called for consult. The doctor told my friend that he had had a heart attack a while back. Upon further testing and examination they found all four arteries to
be 95% blocked. They told him that he needed surgery right
'then and there and that they had a team ready. My friend
declined asking for a few days to tie up some loose ends.
Well he took the chance and waited four more days and
then got his quadruple bypass. Moral of the story Make sure
you have your will etc. in order and nothing on your computer that you don't want your heirs to see!
If you can afford it get a heart scan or other tests to make sure that you are not a ticking parking meter ready to go
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Super Nomad

Posts: 1205
Registered: 1-27-2004
Location: California Central Coast
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Mood: Press On Regardless!!

[*] posted on 7-20-2013 at 02:34 PM

This turns out to be very timely in my case. I have had some symptoms lately and saw my doctor who sent me to a cardiology group in San Luis Obispo. Did a stress test and some imaging and found that my left coronary artery is fully blocked.
Went to the Cath lab at French Hospital here yesterday for an angiogram and the attempt to put in a stent was unsuccessful so I am in hospital for the weekend and having surgery Monday afternoon. I have been assured that the problem is repairable and they think I have no heart damage but it could have been very bad had I not seen my doctor. This hospital is ranked in the top 50 in the US in Cardiology and the Doctors at Coast Cardiology have a great reputation. I am looking at this as opening a new chapter at age 69. Those of you who know me are aware that I had gotten in better physical shape recently and ironically it was some of that extra exercise that exposed my problems. This hospital has a great staff and I have Kathy, my kids, her kids and a number of friends as constant company.

You'll see me in Baja as usual this winter on one of my motorcycles and Kathy and I will do our annual 2 week trip in Oct.

Go get a checkup!
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Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262