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Author: Subject: Questions heading down 5 for the first time
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-17-2015 at 07:13 PM

350 miles. did that include stopping for a visa?
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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 09:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by baja99  
You mentioned a change in plans- continuing on to LA Bay. Done the El Centro to LA Bay drive twice in the last month. One time, 6.5 hours, the next time just over 7. One flat on the dirt road. :) Topped off in San Felipe, and had plenty when we arrived in LA Bay. Enjoy your trip!

Thanks for this.....I'm hoping i don't have a flat (obviously). Tires are about 50% so don't want to expend on new ones just yet. I'm not a stranger to dirt but it has been a while.

Can anyone give an idea of the border time at the east gate? Tecate was pretty much in and out which was a breeze.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 11:56 AM

from El Centro I don't think I have ever made it to LA BAY in 7 hours. But I only average 50 MPH when there are no dirt roads or borders to cross. Takes me closer to 8. Last time at the East crossing I got pulled over and it still only took 15 minutes (but I have a permanent resident card so this did not include time at the immigration office). You then have a few miles of city driving to go through to get to hwy 5.
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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 12:05 PM

Yup, that's what i'm figuring. Google says 8hrs15mins. and i'm inclined to do your speed most of the way averaging prob. 50-55mph. It will most likely be the longest leg of the trip down Baja...

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 01:27 PM

you will enjoy it.
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 01:53 PM

No diesel at Gonzaga Bay. You may get some at Chapalla at the roadside station (where 5 intersects 1), but they are not there all the time. For piece of mind, I bring an extra 5 gallon can or two of diesel when I drive that route. Good luck!
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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 03:04 PM

thanks for that. I've always had good mileage with the cummins and this trip i won't be pulling my harley trailer (alas, the end of an era, sold her this summer) should do well for diesel....i'm sure that SF to BofLA will be ok....if someone knows different, i'm all ears..

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David K
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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 03:13 PM

It's just under 200 road miles from San Felipe to Bahia de los Angeles, an easy 1/2-3/4 tank depending on tank size of course. All paved except for 23 miles of graded dirt and construction detour road beginning about 12 miles south of the Gonzaga Bay Pemex/Alfonsina's Jcn./Rancho Grande store.

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[*] posted on 9-18-2015 at 03:20 PM

^^ thanks, David, good to know stuff, for sure....

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