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LOL. We hit the press today- only in Spanish though. The gov't offices had already spread the word about the condo sales fraud accusations and
there was no point waiting until a decision on our concession appeal came back. Our goal is to protect investors in Baja, so we bundled it all
together in the appeal and took our best shot in 40 pages of photos and text.
The survey Jefe position doesn't exist? Rosarito SEMARNAT and TJ PROFEPA have been asleep at the switch and have allowed Baja Norte to be a land
title snake-pit for investors. We will see if Baja wants investors back bad enough to swallow the medicine and fix the problem. The state of Baja is
less than 60 years old and time will heal this. The hardest part about dealing with oligarchs is they don't feel it is necessary to respond to you at
all, let alone in a timely manner.
I have the SEMARNAT appeal available in English and Spanish in PDF format. Send a U2U.
[Edited on 9-7-2011 by Woooosh]
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By Gilberto Lavenant
Yesterday, Wednesday September 7, something happened that big surely benefit the inhabitants of the municipality of Playas de Rosarito, Presiding
Javier Aguirre Robles. This was in the Riviera Cultural Center of Ensenada.
In the plenary session of the Twentieth Legislature, chaired by Mr. Carlos Murgía Mejia presented a Point of Agreement, to integrate an Investigating
Committee that investigates all that is necessary to check the irregularities, abuses and crimes committed unscrupulous individuals who hold as owners
of Playas de Rosarito. Yes, although they Surprisingly, using legalistic tricks, surprising unsuspecting, and taking advantage of good faith, in some
cases, and buying intentions, in other two groups vivales have been engaged in robbing the rosaritenses and residents south of Tijuana. This is an
area of more than 19,000 acres, whose title was issued on July 30, 1879 by President Porfirio Diaz, on behalf of "Joaquin Machado, brothers and heirs
of Manuel Machado." The only true owner of the property, which sits almost the entire town of Playas de Rosarito and a part of Tijuana, died in
November 1910. Since then, cases have been reported in three trials to win intestamentarios Rosario, and fourth in 2000, for 9 people Machado Valdez
surname, so gruesome and irregular. Those who have observed the actions of the dossier on these sequences accumulated detected with ease the many
irregularities that were incurred, as the present Rosarito Beach as a vacant property, a 19.300 acre desert ranch, with a plan certified by Mario
Zepeda Herrera, being official cadastre Beaches Rosarito, who incidentally is currently serving as Director of Cadastre XX City of Tijuana, and an
appraisal on El Rosario, or Rosarito Beach, which states that no buildings of any kind. The expert in all this was a certain Cecilio Pintado, in case
you know, cuéntenselo who will have more confidence. It's dangerous. This issue is not new, many people have been robbed by these vivales taking
advantage of the ignorance on the subject have many rosaritenses. The "negotiations" begin demanding 50% of the land, deceive them by inviting them to
joint venture contracts and finally stripped of all its properties. It is aware Governor Jose Guadalupe Osuna Millan, and has not done anything about
it. He knows too Francisco Blake Mora, Secretary of the Interior, and has not done anything. The former mayor of Rosarito, Hugo Torres, had extensive
knowledge of it, but apparently "negotiated" not messing with the thugs in exchange that does not affect its properties. Two former mayor, José
Enrique Díaz Félix and Antonio Macias, are partners or employees of the robbers. There is evidence of it and that we will discuss in the next few
days. The issue was raised in recent days to the Deputy Julio Felipe García, coordinator of the parliamentary faction of the PRI in the state
congress, who, seeing the gravity of things, exposed him to fellow legislators Wednesday presented the corresponding Point of Agreement by the
Representative David Lozano. The approving vote was unanimous. In these schemes, which are not anything, because it speaks of amounts to several
million dollars in each case, involving two groups. On the one hand, the alleged heirs of Joaquin Machado and suspected his brothers, who accounted
for several damage Jaime Armando López Ferreiro. In the other group appears at the head Ramirez Pedro Campuzano, son of architect Pedro Ramirez
Vazquez, who takes refuge on a letterhead of a company called Moreno and Company. Among the lawyers in this group are Oscar Tellez Ulloa, Francisco
Contreras, Alfredo Alvarez Cárdenas, Alejandro Gonzalez Alcocer, and even Enrique Gómez Llanos, newly appointed member of the State Institute of
Access to Public Information. In the preamble, said Rep. Lozano that "... The question now exponemo, is of great importance to all residents of the
municipalities of Playas de Rosarito and Tijuana. In particular, we refer to the case of estate of more than 19 thousand 300 hectares known as "Rancho
El Rosario, or Rosarito" that covers the entire town of Playas de Rosarito and the southeast of Tijuana, which is building the knowledge that title
was granted on July 30, 1879 by President Porfirio Diaz in return for military services rendered by Manuel Machado, then died, and that the source of
the problem of land tenure, the expedition's starting point of that title. " The legislator said that this has resulted in addition of insecurity and
uncertainty in the land, that, 132 years away from issuing the Order of the Rosary, which committed a number of extortion , illegally obtaining
millions of dollars, by different people, under the premise of Joachim Machado said heirs or their supposed brothers. Something similar to what
happened in the case of ICSA, Real Californians, SA, a company that owns Tijuana said, having been awarded rights to the original owners of the Rancho
de Tia Juana. So many times has this type of robberies reported, which seemed all were involved in these crimes. PRI state legislators, seeing the
size of the irregularities, they decided to "take the bull by the horns." Yesterday he took the first step.
[Edited on 9-8-2011 by Woooosh]
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Looks like the Estate Congress finally is deciding to acti against all those crooks that have defrauded the American real estate buyer and Mexican
pseudo owners.
It is the original source and it is in spanish, but I preffer you to have it in its original form and in case you have a question, make it here.
I put here the web link to the publication:
Por Gilberto Lavenant
El día de ayer, miércoles 7 de Septiembre, ocurrió algo que seguramente beneficiará en grande a los habitantes del Municipio de Playas de Rosarito,
que Preside Javier Robles Aguirre. Esto ocurrió en el Centro Cultural Riviera del puerto de Ensenada.
En la sesión del pleno de la XX Legislatura Estatal, que preside el Lic. Carlos Murgía Mejía, se presentó un Punto de Acuerdo, para integrar una
Comisión Investigadora, que indague todo lo que sea necesario para verificar las irregularidades, abusos y fechorías que cometen individuos sin
escrúpulos, que se ostentan como propietarios de Playas de Rosarito.
Si, aunque les parezca sorprendente, utilizando artimañas legaloides, sorprendiendo incautos, y aprovechándose de la buena fe, en algunos casos, y
comprándo voluntades, en otros, dos grupos de vivales se han dedicado a esquilmar a los rosaritenses y a residentes del sur de Tijuana. Se trata de un
predio de más de 19,000 hectáreas, cuyo título de propiedad fue expedido el 30 de julio de 1879 por el Presidente Porfirio Díaz, a nombre de “Joaquín
Machado, Hermanos y coherederos de Manuel Machado”.
El único propietario cierto de dicho predio, en el que está asentado casi la totalidad del poblado de Playas de Rosarito y una parte de Tijuana,
falleció en noviembre de 1910. Desde entonces, se han denunciado en tres ocasiones juicios intestamentarios para adjudicarse El Rosario, y una cuarta
en el 2000, a favor de 9 personas de apellidos Machado Valdez, de manera truculenta e irregular.
Quienes han observado las actuaciones del expediente relativo a dichas sucesiones acumuladas, han detectado con suma facilidad las múltiples
irregularidades en que se incurrió, como el presentar a Playas de Rosarito como un predio baldío, como un ranchito desierto de 19,300 hectáreas, con
un plano certificado por Mario Zepeda Herrera, siendo funcionario de Catastro de Playas de Rosarito, quien por cierto actualmente funge como Director
de Catastro del XX Ayuntamiento de Tijuana, así como un avaluo, relativo a El Rosario, o sea Playas de Rosarito, en el que se asevera que no presenta
construcciones de ningún tipo. El perito en todo esto lo fue un tal Cecilio Pintado, por si lo conocen, cuéntenselo a quien más confianza le tengan.
Es peligroso.
Este asunto no es nuevo, muchas personas han sido despojadas por estos vivales, aprovechando el desconocimiento que sobre el tema tienen muchos
rosaritenses. Las “negociaciones” empiezan exigiéndoles el 50 % de los predios, los engañan invitándolos a celebrar contratos de coinversión y
finalmente los despojan del total de sus propiedades.
De ello está enterado el Gobernador José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, y no ha hecho nada para evitarlo. Lo sabe también Francisco Blake Mora, Secretario de
Gobernación, y tampoco ha hecho nada. El exalcalde de Playas de Rosarito, Hugo Torres, tuvo amplio conocimiento de ello, pero al parecer “negoció”, no
metiéndose con los rufianes, a cambio de que no le afectaran sus propiedades. Dos exalcalde, José Enrique Díaz Félix y Antonio Macias, son socios o
empleados de los atracadores. Hay pruebas de ello y esto lo comentaremos en los próximos días.
El asunto fue planteado en días pasados al diputado Julio Felipe García, coordinador de la fracción parlamentaria del PRI en el Congreso del Estado,
quien viendo la gravedad de las cosas, lo expuso a sus compañeros legisladores y ayer miércoles se presentó el correspondiente Punto de Acuerdo por
parte del Diputado David Lozano. La votación aprobatoria, fue unánime.
En estas triquiñuelas, que no son cualquier cosa, pues se habla de montos de varios millones de dólares en cada caso, participan dos grupos. Por un
lado, los supuestos herederos de Joaquín Machado y de los presuntos hermanos de este, a quienes durante varios daños representó Jaime Armando López
En el otro grupo, aparece a la cabeza Pedro Ramírez Campuzano, hijo del Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vazquez, quien se escuda en un membrete de una empresa
denominada Moreno y Compañía. Entre los abogados de este grupo aparecen Oscar Tellez Ulloa, Francisco Contreras, Alfredo Alvarez Cárdenas, Alejandro
González Alcocer e incluso Enrique Gómez Llanos, recién designado integrante del Instituto Estatal de Acceso a la Información Pública.
En la exposición de motivos, el diputado Lozano manifestó que “…El asunto que hoy exponemo, resulta de gran importancia para todos los habitantes de
los municipios de Playas de Rosarito y Tijuana. En particular, nos referimos al caso del predio de más de 19 mil 300 hectáreas denominado “Rancho El
Rosario o Rosarito” que abarca la totalidad del poblado de Playas de Rosarito y la zona sureste de Tijuana, inmueble del cual se tiene conocimiento de
que el título de propiedad fue otorgado el 30 de Julio de 1879, por el Presidente Porfirio Díaz, en pago de servicios militares prestados por don
Manuel Machado, entonces fallecido, y que el origen de esta problemática de tenencia de la tierra, parte precisamente de la expedición de dicho
El legislador dijo que esto ha dado lugar, además de inseguridad e incertidumbre en la tenencia de la tierra, a que, a 132 años de distancia de la
expedición del título de El Rosario, que se cometan un sinnúmero de extorsiones, obteniendo ilícitamente millones de dólares, por parte personas
diversas, bajo la premisa de decirse herederos de Joaquín Machado o de sus supuestos hermanos. Algo similar a lo ocurrido en el caso de ICSA,
Inmuebles Californianos, S.A., empresa que se decía propietaria de Tijuana, al haberse adjudicado derechos de los propietarios originales del Rancho
de Tía Juana.
Tantas veces se ha denunciado este tipo de atracos, que parecía que todos estaban involucrados en estas fechorías. Los legisladores estatales
priístas, viendo el tamaño de las irregularidades, decidieron “tomar el toro por los cuernos”. Ayer se dió el primer paso.
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apparently they are serious about it. They formed a committee to study El Rosario with the following members:
"La Comisión Investigadora de El Rosario, será presidida por la diputada Rosana Soto Agüero, representante del distrito electoral que corresponde a
Playas de Rosarito y parte del sureste de Tijuana, y la integrarán además los Diputados, David Lozano, quien presentó la propuesta del Punto de
Acuerdo, el Diputado Carlos Murguía, actual Presidente de la Legislatura, así como los Diputados Dado Alatorre y Fausto Zarate Zepeda."
What's your opinion of the team they put together?
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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A little news on the $5.6 Million fraud we are discussing on the Rosarito website:
"$5.6 Million Rosarito Beach real estate fraud targeting American investors. Two sellers promise clear land titles when none exists. One seller
(Playa Bonita Condos) is represented by Rosarito AMPI President Lic. Eduardo Rosales. The second seller is Otilia Ortiz Maldonado- a professional
land squatter. Federal Zone line not officially moved since 1976 and the Playa Bonita condo building actually sits in the Ocean (Marine Zone), not
even the Federal Zone.
When Otilia Ortiz Maldonado asked SEMARNAT to cancel a Federal Zone concession, Rancho La Costa Azul came to the aid of the concessionaire, Mr. Nava.
Rancho La Costa Azul claims to be the only legitimate land owner of the entire coastal strip of central Rosarito Beach. This is the first time the
map and the 1993 payment receipt to the Secretaria de la Reforma Agraria (SRA) for Rancho La Costa Azul land has been produced.
Rancho La Costa Azul fully supports Mr. Nava in his plans to create a “Beach Fitness Trail” and begin the Rosarito Malecon on his concession. RLCA is
the original Malecon designer in 2000.
No action by SEMARNAT or PROFEPA for three years despite numerous denuncias being filed by. Mr. Nava including a YouTube video of this exact problem.
Both SEMARNAT Rosarito and PROFEPA Tijuana have supported the squatter and the Playa Bonita condos for unknown reasons. Mr. Nava is claiming these
agencies are corrupt, incompetent or both. "
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
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De: CWoooosh
Asunto: RE: last letter
It is an interesting process. I have read through the Ley General De Bienes Nacionales. Where do I find the exact laws about a Prescripcion Positiva
not being “legitimate” for Federal Zone land? Can I find it on line somewhere? Is that an additional publication?
I will l send a separate letter and demand asking ZOFEMAT to re-measure the Federal Zone. I think that is what he wants from me. Step by step.
The Ley Federal de Reforma Agraria section national Land, it say that National land is not acquirable by any other mean, but through a national Land
title issued by Terrenos Nacionales.
It also say that all the other authorities beside the National Land office does not have jurisdiction to give away in property National Land and in
consequence, any such transaction is by law void and inexistent.
In the Ley General de Bienes Nacionales you will find that National property is – Inprescriptible, inalienable e inembargable. In other words, you
cannot acquire it by any other legal procedure but the issuing of a National Land Title.
The Mexican Constitution article 27 main text say that all the land inside Mexico´s borders are by nature and to start National Land.
Also you will find out that there are two kinds of national Property, Public and private, Public is like a National park or the Government palace and
also Federal Zone, you cannot acquire it by any lega procedure and I mean no legal procedure can give it away, also any such operation would be
illegal, a fraud and void; the other kind is Private National Property like National Land that they can legally sell to you, but through a special
procedure, named Enajenacion a titulo oneroso de Terrenos Nacionales.
Absolutely there is no other way, specially not through a civil lower court like the one that is knowing about a prescripcion positive.
Also you must know that Presripcion positive mean that they have a valid title and that is not true in your case; second, prescripcion mean that the
judge name you as the owner in the mean while the true owner or a bigger right appear, that way, your never become the true owner, only in the mean
while the true owner come forward and claim the property, in this case the nation.
As you see, this is just a way for them to try to establish a land right, not stable in time.
Also as soon as new measurement for Federal Zone is done, based on the law you give to me, it will come back to National property public kind Federal
Zone. In other words, they have no way to win, they are just trying to stay there for a while, sustained only by corruption of local authorities.
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Thanks Raphael.
Even without having the Federal Zone re-measured I think we have good legal points to make. ZOFEMAT moved the federal line all the way to the street
in 2008. It is not official or published , but that is the line they are now issuing concessions against, and it works for this case. This means
ZOFEMAT accepts that all claims to the “Ganados Al Mar” being “private property” were erased when the Federal Zone line moved over it in 2008. Ms.
Ortiz did not have any legal claim in 2008- not until 2010 and that is for land that no longer exists. In 2008 the entire area was Federal Zone and
she had no legal basis to claim that land as her private property. No legitimate land owner came forward to claim the Ganados al Mar prior to 2008
and the Prescripcion Positiva created in 2010 has no legal weight. That makes the land “National Public Land” since 2008.
I did see in the national land law where preference is given to conservation, recreation and public access. This land has been a public access point
for the disabled since 2008 and future plans to use it for conservation and recreation are compatible with the objective of the National Land laws.
Private development is not compatible with that objective.
If I win, this would do is take away her right to get it as private property and return it to national land. The land would be National Land again
with no concession against it. Then anyone could apply for a concession and they should award it based on the preference for conservation,
recreation and public access.
Did I get this right?
Terrenos ganados al mar, does not mean it become private property, it becomes National Land and you have to buy it from National Land.
Just remember that any, buy any land to start it is National Land and Terrenos Ganados al mar, mean the sea uncovered a piece of land, in other words,
it start to exist as dry land and by that definition, it is National Land.
No, it make that land Private National Land and if it is defined as Federal Zone, then it becomes Public National Land.
The land is national >Land to start and has never been other kind, they may try to re define it, but they have no jurisdiction or power to do it,
they are an administrative authority and only a Federal judge may have jurisdiction to recognize it as other kind.
The Federal Zone authorities have been corrupt for years and they move the Federal Zone line to your paid convenience; in the case of the
Developments, they define the front row of houses as Federal Zone to allow the owners to avoid paying the development or they move the line to give
more land to the development, it has been their business for decades, but if you uncover their doing, the law is very clear and measurements exact;
they have no way of maintaining a unlawful situation for a long time.
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An Update. (Things can move slow down here)
The Director General of ZOFEMAT has been sending me e-mails telling me what he needs. It is very awkward for anyone in Mexico to send direct e-mails
and this man has been the only one I have ever run into. That was nice and I told him how much I appreciated it. He asked me to create a legal
justification for why he should deny the squatter the land as her private property. He also wrote to let me know no fraud has been committed by her
or the Playa Bonita Condos because there is no victim yet. In Mexico it is not a crime to sell what you don't own until someone actually buys it.
(Ask the buyers at Trump Baja or La Esmerelda how that worked out for them).
We also wrote a letter to the DG of ZOFEMAT stating our legal basis for requesting an accurate and published Federal Zone line measurement to put an
end to the shenanigans- which hasn't been done since 1976.
No word back on whether our concessions have been cancelled. By law we are entitled to a hearing before they cancel it and have asked for one.
Interestingly the Mexican national real estate law is in plain- English (LOL) fits into a document about 60 pages that isn't that hard of a read. I
was able to get to the parts I needed on the Federal Zone and had Ramuma53 give it a once-over before I sent them off. We both share the passion on
this topic- so I thought it was fair to give him editing privileges. It was HUGE that he did that for me- thanks Raphael.
[Edited on 10-24-2011 by Woooosh]
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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Zeta magazine (Francisco Navarro) came over today to do an interview on this. Not so much on the concessions, but the sale of the properties in the
FMZT (The squatter and Playa Bonita Condos), promising a legal land title to both. He requested the interview by e-mail last week- so we forwarded ALL
the documents to him over the weekend.
He said he had already talked with PROFEPA, who was conducting an investigation. After us he was talking to someone at city hall in Rosarito. So it
looks like this reporter will get what he needs to write the story which is likely to be done in a few weeks he said. I'd like to see him unravel
this mess in a week...
The reporter did not know about the Baja State investigation into Rosarito Beach land title frauds. We gave him the article with the names of the
committee members. We showed him the Rancho La Costa Azul map and the SRA Payment receipt.
Points we made: We let Eduardo Rosales (AMPI President) off the hook for trying to sell the Playa Bonita condos in July. He was the lawyer for Playa
Bonita who threatened us all, but he did remove the listing once he sent a survey crew out and learned the truth. He gets props for that. We did
point him towards a Realtor named Gustavo Torres, who currently has the building listed for sale for Medical Tourism (not as individual condos). I
believe he may be the same Gustavo Torres who is in charge of economic development and real estate for the city of Rosarito Beach.
The reporter had all the info needed on the squatter attempting to sell for $199K I guess. He had all the documents. I did have a copy of a CFE Bill
for the condo building I showed him (I found it on the ground when walking my dogs- really). He wrote down all the numbers- Aries Management is the
name on it. Before leaving he took some pics of the disabled beach access and the Ortiz house.
[Edited on 10-24-2011 by Woooosh]
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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Quote: | Originally posted by Woooosh
We did point him towards a Realtor named Gustavo Torres, who currently has the building listed for sale for Medical Tourism (not as individual
condos). I believe he may be the same Gustavo Torres who is in charge of economic development and real estate for the city of Rosarito Beach.
Gustavo Torres is the son of Rosarito's former mayor Hugo Torres Chavert.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Dave
Quote: | Originally posted by Woooosh
We did point him towards a Realtor named Gustavo Torres, who currently has the building listed for sale for Medical Tourism (not as individual
condos). I believe he may be the same Gustavo Torres who is in charge of economic development and real estate for the city of Rosarito Beach.
Gustavo Torres is the son of Rosarito's former mayor Hugo Torres Chavert. |
I'm pretty sure that would be the Zeta reporters next stop at the Rosarito Palacio then- with real estate ad in hand.
I wonder if Zeta Magazine is neutral when it comes to real estate politics? Current Mayor Robles is same political party as former Mayor Torres.
On another thread I saw where trailers were going to be removed by Hugo Torres to put in a marina. Today I read where Robles is ticked-off the
Governor of Baja did not move those plans forward for federal funding. Anyone else heard this? Also worth noting is this marina and boardwalk
project is still within the Rancho La Costa Azul coastal map area I believe.
[Edited on 10-25-2011 by Woooosh]
\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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