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Author: Subject: A Trip To Baja 2
Ultra Nomad

Posts: 4729
Registered: 11-15-2004
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[*] posted on 10-11-2005 at 10:20 PM
A Trip To Baja 2

So along we went; did I mention the little one was just 2 and the dog weighed 100 lbs ? Lots of stops, barks, screams, food and nursing breaks etc.......

We found our first slice of heaven at San Luis Reservoir off I-5 just south of San Jose. Clean baths, quiet, room to roam for the dog, safe surroundings for the bambino and the enchanting aroma of eucalyptus trees all around the camp !

As it turned out, we would need this first slice of heaven to navigate the next leg of the trip with our sanity intact. Chula Vista here we come !

Not a bad drive from there into LA but that is where the fun stopped. 2 hours of construction zones with an 8 1/2 foot camper in 8 foot wide lanes and a kazillion cars and trucks going nuts all around us !

When we got to Chula Vista Marina I had to peel the wife's fingers off the dash board and pour marguaritas down her throat until she regained her senses. Thank goodness for the tacky pool band with the fruit shaped microphones and the park full of grandparents for keeping our daughter busy for a few hours while we .... um ... recovered.

Full of fuel, full of propane, full of water, empty of... the other stuff, we headed across the border and down to Bufodora for a chilly night on the beach with some talkative gringos and then on to Catavina for the next night. Slow going with the 2 year old so far.

Ran into Ralph again at Catavina, he's a gringo from New Mexico that lives just outside of Ranco St Inez. We also met a couple from Arizona that had taken their two small kids to Baja for two weeks in their small car and forgot their tent.
We loaned them our spare and actually received it back in the mail with a nice "thank you" when we returned home.

An early departure got us to Santa Rosalia for bakery and poletas and then on to Mulege for a quick shop, laundry and a few libations. After trading a few drinks with Erol Flynn's trustafarian son (maybe?), we headed out towards the lighthouse to camp for the night. Water on both sides, cool breezes and quiet, heavenly.............. until 5:00 am when my wife shook me awake, "honey, there are people outside". Put on the shorts and t-shirt and go outside to check....

Turns out the shrimp boats were just returning and the noise was the fisherman talking as they walked home. "Se vende camarones, senior ?" Oh Boy !!
"Honey what was all the noise ?" she asked when I returned to the camper. "Two kilos of huge shrimp for $12", I answered !! Worth losing a little sleep over in my book !!

After a fresh shrimp omlet, we were off to El Requeson for a few days of heavenly nothingness......

(So far, our new used truck is doing fine.........)
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Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262