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Author: Subject: Gonzaga Bay Trip 2/2006
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:29 PM
Gonzaga Bay Trip 2/2006

Hi Gang-

After a great 10 day trip to Baja in December, I returned to work 28/31 days in January. So, with a few days off last week, I bolted to Gonzaga Bay. Here's a brief report:

I left San Diego about 3:15am on Wednesday morning. Hit Mexicali border at 5:00am. I was pulled over and my truck big deal. Easy drive to San Felipe with an awesome was good. Picked up some pesos (later realized that I forgot my atm card at the bank, bought gas (had to wait a few minutes as they were raising the price and that they only had premium), and then headed south.

The road south of SF is incredible for the first 38 miles then it all goes to hell. But, the upside is that you are now forced to go slow. Before I would be lulled into thinking the road was okay and then potholes would surprise. NOTE: there are some killer vados so beware.

Road south of Puertocitos is in really bad shape. The road has always been rough but it's very rutted now. I averaged between 10-15 mph in my truck arriving at Papa Fernandez' at 1:00pm. I did make a number of stops along the way and explored a few side roads.

Paid for two nights camping ($5/night), set-up camp, and then went for a drive up a wash for some fire wood. I returned to camp and started fishing..I cought a couple of jacks and then lost my lure so figured it was time for a few more beers.

The next morning I woke to another awesome sunrise. Decided I should make a few more casts before coffee. After a quick breakfast, I went out for a long ride on my mountain bike. It was great to explore on my bike. I decide to stop at Papa's for breakfast upon my return. I had some coffee and juevos con chorizo for 55 pesos. Returned to camp, put on my wetsuit and went for a long swim along shore. I guess the water temp at 66.

In the afternoon, I drove south about 8 miles south of the Pemex and headed east on a side road. At about 4 miles I took a fork to the left. One more mile found me at a little oasis: Rancho Palmitas. Pretty cool place.

Returned to camp and fished a bit more. Turned on Sirius radio and enjoyed some comedy and more beer.

Friday morning awoke and went for a long trail run, picked up camp, and headed south out of town at 9:15am. The road south is in much better shape. Got to hwy 1 in about 1.75 hours avg about 25 mph.

Easy drive home with very little traffic. The wind had picked up though and was blowing hard in the desert. Stopped for lunch in San Quintin at El Paraiso...a must! Crossed SD border with 10 minute wait at 6:30pm.

Pretty much a perfect trip and now am looking for another busy month at work. If your car can handle a very rough road, the road from San Felipe is shorter and faster. But, there is much less wear and tear come down Hwy 1.


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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:30 PM

for those in need of more horsepower

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:31 PM

camp at Papa Fernandez

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:32 PM


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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:32 PM

Rancho Palmitas

[Edited on 2-6-2006 by Bajaboy]

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 06:34 PM

Let me know if you have any specific questions


[Edited on 2-6-2006 by Bajaboy]

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 08:05 PM

BajaBoy, Good trip report and pictures!! Where did you find such a good stretch of road? Rancho Palmitas is such a neat place, we locals don't broad cast those places along the road.:lol:

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 08:08 PM

Woops! Forgot to tell you, next go a little futher down the road and just a short distance off the main road is the green pools and some super hiking up the canyon. Check it all out on David K's pages, GPS and pictures.

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David K
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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 08:21 PM

Great report Zac!

Looks like your new Tacoma is serving you well... Let's compare tire wear. My BFGs are sure looking worn with only 18,000 miles! Thinking about the Coopers that bajataco now has on his Tacoma.

Anyway, that is cool you getting up to Las Palmitas oasis. The El Camino Real passes through there and then across the Santa Maria river bed, then up to the mission.

Here's a photo BajaMur took of me, with Las Palmitas in the background and Gonzaga Bay further off. Looks close to where you took your photo...

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 09:05 PM


About a mile from Palmitas the road can go to the palms or down to the wash. I explored up the wash about a mile or two but decided to turn around. Any idea what's up that way?

DK-my truck came with Bridgestone Desert Duellers. They are okay but I don't have the confidence that I had with the BFG mudders I had on my previous truck. And, I had my first flat in 20 years two weeks ago (picked up a razor blade) Turns out, Toyota installed a discontinued model. Anyways, I'll probably go to the BFG A/Ts when new tires are needed. To me, a few extras dollars is worth the comfort of knowing I have good tires, especially when I only have so many hours in Baja.


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[*] posted on 2-5-2006 at 09:49 PM

BajaBoy, I went about as far as you two years ago and there were lots of MC tracks, I figured it went on over and met the Santa Maria Mission track some where, but it could not be that easy could it? How about it Corky, where does it go?

Tires on Taco: At 14000 the BFG's that came on mine new in Feb 2004 were 3/4 gone, I happened on to a deal on Michelin LTX A/T LT 275 75 16R that was to good to pass up with brand new 2005 wheels and metal chrome hub caps. At now 23000 they show almost no wear. Yes they are noisy and rub a tiny bit but it has to be extreme conditions before I have to go to 4WD. Running 22 PSI over the same Baja roads I ran the first 14000 I gained 2 inches in clearance with no lift and get 16.9 highway miles, unadjusted speedometer, Yes you have to watch speed too.

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[*] posted on 2-7-2006 at 09:42 PM

There is a M/C trail that goes thru there and takes you towards Rancho Santa Inez.
It comes out on Mex 1 south of the rancho.


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David K
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[*] posted on 2-7-2006 at 10:50 PM

Hey guys... I covered this pretty well before, and Don Jorge even more... Here is a recap of the route to Mision Santa Maria from Gonzaga Bay...

a) The canyon (Arroyo Santa Maria)... The canyon entrance is a mile west of the Las Palmitas driveway... A short hike west, in the canyon brings you to surface water...

Here is where the quads were left and we began the hike... my famous David K points the way photo taken by BajaMur:

other pics from that 1999 trip when we rode to the mission from Santa Ynez, then hiked up the canyon from Gonzaga, then flew over it all at: and Mur has MORE at

b) The El Camino Real: It goes from Las Palmitas then up the Santa Maria arroyo 3/4 miles, then heads out of the arroyo up a side valley and stay north of the canyon all the way to the mission valley. It has been done on a m/c but with great damage as the boulders must be climbed over.

Here is the point the El Camino Real climbs out of Arroyo Santa Maria, going northwest: The GPS here is N29?41.733' W114?28.175' (NAD27)

Up on the side valley is this sign...

In 2003, my son and I returned and attempted to make it to the mission...

But, we lost the trail and the daylight ran low, we turned back... but we were more than halfway to the mission!

Don Jorge followed us a week or two after my trip report and made it to the mission and returned via the water filled canyon! Don Jorge has GPS and a trail map of the Camino Real and canyon route:

Trip log: GPS Directions (map datum NAD27 Mexico)

Take Hwy. 5 south 7.4 miles from Rancho Grande, turn west: 29?41.094'/ 114?24.566'

3.2 miles west of Hwy. 5, go straight where most traffic curves left for Las Palmitas: 29?41.278'/ 114?27.639'

0.8 miles from above, park at huge boulder: 29?41.68'/ 114?28.20'

Hike to north bank of Arroyo Santa Maria to: 29?41.733'/ 114?28.175' elev. 609'

Go northwest and climb out of valley, note ocotillos.

Along left side of side valley: 29?42.374'/ 114?28.566' elev. 741'

On first padre built switchback up: 29?42.669'/ 114?28.937' elev. 906'

On a ridge, trail continues northwest: 29?42.671'/ 114?29.425' elev. 1308'

On the Camino Real: 29?42.748'/ 114?29.482' elev. 1391'

Crossing ridges and little mesas: 29?43.008'/ 114?29.967' elev. 1477'

Drop along side of ridge, trail narrow: 29?43.074'/ 114?30.128' elev.1610'

End of today's hike just beyond this last clear sign of the old trail: 29?43.141'/ 114?30.189' elev. 1702'

From Don Jorge: JCN. ECR & bulldozed road: 29?43.12'/ 114?31.71' elev.1421' (End of bulldozed road, east of the mission: 29?43.033'/ 114?31.556' elev. 1,615' )

Mision Santa Maria: 29?43.888'/ 114?32.791' elev.1651'

Here's my sketch map to help you see the area...

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[*] posted on 2-8-2006 at 04:12 AM

David, I guess you mean that my Geo will not go through there!! I should know better than to follow Corky's MC tracks.

BTW Bajaboy, those horses belong to the rancher that lives up in the next canyon to Las Palmitas and he knows where all those trails lead, can not remember his name but he is interesting guy.

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[*] posted on 2-8-2006 at 07:10 AM

hey zac, you think the halibut might be in at playa rafael? were heading down in two weeks and may fish there on the wat to san fran. thanks
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[*] posted on 2-8-2006 at 09:28 PM


I was at PSR over Christmas and Pancho said there were plenty of halibut. I only fished for about 30 minutes or so. I had walked down to the water with a cup of coffee to enjoy the sunrise. About 5 minutes later, Pancho shows up with fishing poles in hand. Anyways, I threw out a few casts for entertainment but didn't really attempt to catch anything.

We did pick up 3 kilos of lobster and huge scallops for $40 from the divers. Let me know how it goes and say hello to Pancho for me.


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[*] posted on 2-8-2006 at 09:30 PM

Hey DK-

Thanks for the info. The main reason I went exploring that way was that I remembered your trip. I recall the palm trees in the wash but didn't see any water. I'd definately be up for exploring further up the canyon if I had another vehicle.


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David K
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[*] posted on 2-8-2006 at 09:44 PM

You bet Zac... You have to hike up the canyon (Arroyo Santa Maria) to find the pools... about 1-2 miles.

The El Camino Real is up above the north rim... no water until it drops into the mission valley.

It is interesting to hike on the original (pre-automobile) Baja highway! You can see where the padres (or their Indian slaves) built switchbacks in the rocky mountainsides.

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