Ultra Nomad
Posts: 2637
Registered: 8-29-2003
Location: on da border
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Mood: wait and see
This is supposedly a letter from someone in Venezuela to a friend of a friend who passed it along. I can't vouch for its veracity, and much of it is
really hard to believe. Frankly, I hope it's an April Fool's joke but none of it is funny. If it's true and all these proposals take effect, then
Venezuela, with a democratically elected president (Hamas was democratically elected in Palestine), is on a fast track to becoming a totalitarian
socialist regime that will make Cuba and North Korea look like laissez-faire governments.
It's a bit long and if it was in English would belong on the off-topic board. Sorry, but I don't have time to translate it. If anyone wants to
tackle it and has specific questions about certain passages, I'll try to help.
Sorry about the spacing. I cleaned it up a lot before pasting, but the width is not the same in edit mode as when posted, so it's hard to know how it
will come out.
NUEVAS LEYES QUE SER?N APROBADAS en VENEZUELA, algunas antes de finalizar el 2006.
Eliminaci?n de la medicina privada y de las empresas de seguros.
1.- Se decretar? la gratuidad del servicio de salud privado y se
pasar? la n?mina del Estado a todo el personal m?dico y auxiliar.
2.- Se expropiar?n las edificaciones, instalaciones y equipos pagando a sus propietarios el 5% de su valor de mercado en bonos del Estado con
vencimiento a 20 a?os.
3.- Se disolver? la actividad aseguradora privada, dejando en la
calle a todo el personal que labora en ella.
Eliminaci?n de la Educaci?n privada
1.- Se decretar? la Gratuidad de la educaci?n a todos los niveles y se pasar?n a la n?mina del Estado a todo el personal docente y administrativo.
2.- Se cambiar? la denominaci?n actual de todos los colegios
institutos privados utilizando a cambio nombres de personas o
apelativos que la revoluci?n considere oportunos. Como ejemplo representativo, se tiene contemplado que la Universidad Cat?lica Andr?s Bello
(CONFIRMADO CON UN DIRECTIVO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD) pase a denominarse Universidad Popular Andr?s Bello, pele?ndose desde hace
dos a?os y el director lo ha impedido.
Redistribuci?n de la propiedad inmobiliaria (OJO CON ESTO)
1.- Se legitimar? la ocupaci?n de los edificios desocupados que hasta la presente fecha alcanzan a 77 ? m?s, edificios s?lo en el Centro de Caracas
2.- Se autorizar? a que familias sin vivienda ocupen las denominadas segundas viviendas comenzando por los apartamentos y casas de playa, incluyendo
las ubicadas en clubes y finalizando con las ubicadas en zonas urbanas. Es decir Que si te sobra espacio una familia totalmente desconocida vivir? en
tu o tus casas
3.- Se obligar? a que en las viviendas actualmente ocupadas se
incluyan familias adicionales de tres miembros por habitaci?n
reserv?ndose la familia propietaria s?lo una habitaci?n por cada tres miembros y haciendo uso com?n con los nuevos integrantes de todos los servicios
de la vivienda.
Nacionalizaci?n de la propiedad privada
1.-Se nacionalizar? toda clase de propiedad privada conservando los due?os actuales su titularidad pero debiendo solicitar permiso al Estado para
vender o comprar al precio que determine el Estado en caso de que sea probada dicha solicitud.
Sustituci?n de la FAN por una milicia popular
1- Se pondr? en efecto el uniforme ?nico verde oliva para todos los componentes de la FAN.(ES UN HECHO HOY 9/6/05)
2.- Posteriormente se proceder? a disolver la FAN.
3.- Se crear? oficialmente una milicia popular que pasar? a hacer uso de todas las instalaciones y equipos de la FAN. Recuerdan la disposici?n al
IPSFA de asumir las obligaciones sociales a por los menos doscientos cincuenta mil Reservistas
4.- Se incorporar? a la milicia popular la oficialidad afecta al
5.- La oficialidad no afecta o con pasado dudoso quedar? cesada en sus funciones sin ning?n tipo de ingreso por retiro.
6.- Se consolidar?n todas las polic?as estadales y municipales bajo un s?lo comando.
Control de cambio
1.- Se penalizar? con c?rcel la tenencia de divisas en papel moneda
2.- Se prohibir? la titularidad de cuentas de divisas en el exterior obligando a sus due?os a repatriarlas y, en caso de negativa, se les aplicar?
pena de prisi?n
3.-Se eliminar? todo tipo de tarjetas de cr?dito o de d?bito para su uso dentro o fuera del pa?s.
Control religioso
1.-Se prohibir? cualquier clase de culto religioso fuera de los
2.- Se prohibir? la catequesis dentro y fuera de los templos
3.- Se prohibir?, a nivel nacional, la existencia de seminarios y
casas de formaci?n religiosa.
4.- Se expulsar? del pa?s a todo el clero no nativo.
Control de la identidad y participaci?n ciudadana
1.- Se pondr? en vigencia un nuevo documento nacional de identidad quedando autom?ticamente sin ning?n tipo de validez, los actuales.
2.- Se pondr? en vigencia un nuevo pasaporte quedando autom?ticamente sin ning?n tipo de validez, los actuales.
3.- A las personas que est?n en cualquiera de las listas firmantes no se les entregar? ni documento de identidad ni pasaporte a menos que se sometan
voluntariamente a cursos de reeducaci?n ciudadana, reconozcan por escrito; sus errores pasados y cumplan un per?odo de prueba sin papeles de
identificaci?n a satisfacci?n del Estado.
4.- Para el ejercicio de cualquier actividad p?blica o privada
(incluyendo la electoral) solamente ser? v?lido el nuevo documento nacional de identidad.
5.-La entrega del pasaporte para viajar fuera del pa?s estar?
supeditada a la discrecionalidad de las autoridades competentes.
Nacionalizaci?n de la Banca privada
1.- Se pasar? a la n?mina del Estado a todo el personal de la Banca privada
1.- Se restringir? el uso de TV de cable y satelital
establecimientos hoteleros y tur?sticos y a dependencias oficiales.
2.- Se restringir? el uso de telefon?a celular a personeros del
3.- Se eliminar? el acceso a Internet a personas naturales!
4.-Se exigir? el registro oficial de todos los PC en posesi?n de
5.-Se expropiar?n todas las emisoras de radio y TV pasando a integrar una sola red de transmisi?n a nivel nacional pagando a sus propietarios el 5% de
su valor de mercado en bonos del Estado con vencimiento a 20 a?os
6.-Igualmente se expropiar?n todos los medios impresos.
Despu?s de leer esta historia apocal?ptica tienen alguna duda hacia
donde apuntan los tiros de esta ROBOLUCI?N. ?No sabes a?n por qu?
dejan robar a manos llenas? Cuando despertemos espero no sea demasiado tarde para reaccionar.
Para muestra un bot?n. Es ya historia: Petr?leos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), desconociendo los derechos de doscientos y tantos ni?os y j?venes a una
educaci?n, y deshonrando un contrato de comodato que venc?a en el a?o 2014, se desaloj? el jueves 26 de agosto de 2004 al Liceo "Don Bosco" de sus
instalaciones ubicadas en Judibana, Estado Falc?n, Venezuela, en forma arbitraria y, seg?n la opini?n de expertos abogados,
jur?dicamente al margen de la legalidad
Nadie crey? que botar?an a 22 mil empleados de PDVSA de un solo plumazo.
Nadie crey? que realmente har?an una 'lista' con la gente que firm?.
Nadie crey? que realmente botar?an de los trabajos a gente que aparec?a en la "lista".
Nadie crey? que realmente no pondr?an libretas de racionamiento (Pregunten en Hig?erote a los que compran en Mercal como hacen)
Nadie crey? que realmente reemplazar?an a m?dicos
Venezolanos por m?dicos cubanos.
Nadie crey? que realmente se pondr?a operativo el adoctrinamiento en las escuelas bolivarianas.
Nadie crey? que realmente obligar?an a los colegios a ense?ar la historia torcida, como no es.
Nadie crey? que realmente obligar?an a los empleados p?blicos a ir en contra de su libre albedr?o.
Nadie crey? que realmente arremeter?an con plomo a sangre fr?a contra el pueblo.
Nadie crey? que realmente infiltrar?an a cubanos y a libaneses en las estructuras militares.
Nadie crey? que realmente dejar?an que Vargas muriera de indolencia despu?s de la tragedia
Nadie crey? que realmente dejar?an que salvajes domesticados invadan propiedades privadas y se adue?en como amos y se?ores.
Nadie crey? que aprobar?an la ley del ejercicio profesional (no s? si es cierto, pero me dicen que si, que finalmente ya se aprob?)
Nadie crey? que realmente la constituci?n estaba siendo cocida a la medida de un dictador
Nadie crey? que realmente la oposici?n no se hab?a posicionado aquel fat?dico Abril.
Nadie crey? que realmente regresar?an aunque la oposici?n fuera aberrantemente en contra de la misma constituci?n aquel fat?dico abril vistiendo de
Nadie crey? que realmente tendr?an que correr a las bombas
lacrim?genas, perdigones y balas cuando se marchaba con banderas y pitos.
Nadie crey? que realmente escasear?an los pasaportes para salir del pa?s
Nadie crey? que realmente le negar?an pasaportes a los hijos de los que firmaron a favor del refer?ndum revocatorio presidencial.
Nadie crey? realmente que colocarle la c?dula materna a ni?os sin c?dula era la mejor forma de control a los ni?os de la oposici?n
Nadie crey? que realmente la GN y la FAN se quedar?an "Institucionales" a pesar de las aberraciones institucionales ocurridas dentro y fuera de sus
Nadie crey? que realmente los militares venezolanos quedaron para vender pollos y yuca.
Nadie crey? realmente que la ley de medios seria aprobada.
Nadie crey? realmente que el decreto 1011 seria aprobado.
Nadie crey? que realmente el presidente comenzar?a a contar su periodo desde la aprobaci?n de la nueva constituci?n.
Nadie crey? que realmente se aprobar?a la Ley del Tribunal Supremo
Nadie crey? que realmente se est? discutiendo la nueva ley de
propiedades en la Asamblea Nacional.
Nadie crey? que realmente pondr?an preso a Capriles.
Nadie crey? realmente que despu?s que la OEA y el Centro Carter vieran las magnitudes de las marchas podr?amos perder nada.
Nadie crey? que realmente los tramposos har?an trampa (15/A)
Nadie crey? realmente que Horacio Medina y Juan Fern?ndez son voceros y factores importantes de un sector del pueblo, no los Dioses del Olimpo.
Nadie crey? que realmente pod?amos perder el RR... es m?s, mucha gente todav?a cree que no perdimos.
Todo esto y m?s esta pasando y el resto va a pasar.
[Edited on 4-7-2006 by Oso]
[Edited on 4-7-2006 by Oso]
All my childhood I wanted to be older. Now I\'m older and this chitn sucks.
Junior Nomad
Posts: 65
Registered: 10-25-2004
Member Is Offline
Google language tools..
did it's usual job....
NEW LAWS THAT WILL BE APPROVED in VENEZUELA, some before finalizing the 2006. Elimination of the private medicine and the companies of insurances.
1. - The gratuidad of the private service of health will be decreed and the list will go of the State to all the medical and auxiliary personnel. 2.
- The constructions, facilities and equipment paying to their proprietors 5% of their value of Treasury bill market with victory to 20 years will be
expropiar?n. 3. - The private insuring activity will dissolve, leaving in the street all the personnel who toils in her. Elimination of private
Education 1. -
The Gratuidad of the education will be decreed to all the levels and they will go to the list of the State to all the educational and administrative
personnel. 2. - One will change to the present denomination of all the schools private institutes using in return names of people or names that the
revolution considers opportune. Like representative example, it is had contemplated that the Catholic University Beautiful Andr?s (CONFIRMED WITH a
DIRECTOR OF the UNIVERSITY) has been happening to denominate Popular University Beautiful Andr?s, fighting itself for two years and the director has
prevented it.
Redistribution of real estate property (EYE WITH THIS) 1. - The occupation of the vacated buildings will be legitimized that to the present date
reach to 77 either the more, buildings only in the Center of Caracas (EYE WITH the DECREE FOR EXPROPIAR the BUILDINGS OF the ASKED FOR COWHERD the
21/02/05 BY MAYOR GREATER J. BARRETO) 2. - It will be authorized to that families without house occupy denominated the second houses beginning by the
apartments and houses of beach, including the located ones in clubs and finalizing with the located ones in urban zones. It is to say That if exceeds
space to you a family totally unknown will live in your or your houses 3. - It will be commited to that in the houses at the moment occupied
additional families of three members by room include themselves reserving themselves the propietary family only one room by each three members and
making common use with the new members of all the services of the house.
Nationalization of the private property 1.-Se will nationalize all class of private property conserving the present owners its titularidad but having
to ask for permission to the State to sell or to buy to the price that determines the State in case that this request is proven.
Substitution of the FAN by a popular military service 1 will put in effect the uniform TODAY only green olive for all the components of the FAN.(ES a
FACT 9/6/05) 2. - Later it will be come to dissolve the FAN. 3. - A popular military service will be created officially that will happen to make
use of all the facilities and equipment of the FAN. Recuerdan the disposition to the IPSFA assume the social obligations to by the minuses two hundred
fifty thousand Reservists 4. - The officiality will be gotten up to the popular military service affects the regime. 5. - The officiality does not
affect or with doubtful past it will be stopped in his functions without no type of entrance by retirement. 6. - All the estadales and municipal
police under only a commando will consolidate.
Control of change 1. - The currency possession will penalize with jail in paper money 2. - The titularidad of currency accounts will be prohibited
in the outside forcing to its owners to repatriate them and, in case of refusal, prison sentence 3.-Se will be applied to them will inside eliminate
all type of debit or credit cards for its use or country. Religious control 1.-Se will prohibit any class of religious cult outside temples 2. - The
catechesis and outside temples 3 will be prohibited inside. - It will be prohibited, at national level, the existence of seminaries and houses of
religious formation. 4. - One will expel from the country all the nonnative clergy.
Control of the identity and citizen participation 1. - A new national document of identity will be put in use being automatically without no type of
validity, the present ones. 2. - A new passport will be put in use being automatically without no type of validity, the present ones. 3. - To the
people who are in anyone of the signatory lists not it will give to neither identity card nor passport unless they are put under courses of citizen
reeducaci?n voluntarily, recognize in writing; their last errors and turn a period of test without papers of identification to satisfaction of the
State. 4. - For the exercise of any public or deprived activity (including the electoral one) it will only be valid the new national document of
identity. 5.-La gives of the passport to travel outside the country will be supeditada to the discretion of the competent authorities.
Nationalization of private Bank 1. - One will go to the list of the State to all the personnel of the private Bank Communications 1. - The use of
TV of satelite cable and hotel and tourist establishments and to official dependencies will be restricted. 2. - The use of cellular telephony to
personeros of regime 3 will be restricted. - The access will be eliminated Internet to natural people! 4.-Se will demand the official registry of
all the PC in possession of 5.-Se individuals will expropiar?n all the radio transmitters and TV happening to integrate a single communications net at
national level paying to their proprietors 5% of their value of Treasury bill market with victory to 20 years 6.-Igualmente all the average forms will
be expropiar?n.
After reading this apocalyptic history they have some doubt towards where they point the shots of this ROBOLUCI?N. You still do not know why let rob
lavishly? When we wake up I hope is not too much late to react. For sample a button. It is already history: Petro'leos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA),
not knowing the rights of two hundred and so many children and young people to an education, and dishonoring a comodato contract that won in 2014,
evacuated Thursday 26 of August of 2004 to the Grammar school "Don Bosco" of their facilities located in Judibana, State Falcon, Venezuela, in
arbitrary form and, according to the opinion of expert lawyers, legally to the margin of the legality NOT TO FORGET... Nobody thought that they would
hurl to 22 thousand employees of PDVSA of single plumazo. Nobody thought that really they would do one ' list? with the people who signed. Nobody
thought that really they would hurl of the people works who appeared in the "list". Nobody thought that really they would not put rationing notebooks
(They ask in Hig?erote that they buy in Mercal since they do) Nobody thought that really they would replace to Venezuelan doctors by Cuban doctors.
Nobody thought that really the indoctrination in the bolivarianas schools would be put operative. Nobody thought that really they would force the
schools to teach twisted history, as it is not. Nobody thought that really they would force to the employees public to go against his free will.
Nobody thought that really they would attack with lead to cold blood against the town. Nobody thought that really they would infiltrate Cuban and to
Lebaneses in the military structures. Nobody thought that really they would leave Vargas died of indolencia after the tragedy Nobody thought that
really they would leave wild domesticated invade private properties and masters and gentlemen appropriate themselves like. Nobody thought that they
would approve the law of the professional exercise (I do not know if it is certain, but they say me that if, that finally already aprobo ') Nobody
thought that really the constitution was being cooked to the measurement of a dictator Nobody thought that really the opposition had not positioned
that fat?dico April. Nobody thought that really they would return although the opposition was aberrantly against the same constitution that fat?dico
April dressing democracy. Nobody thought that really they would have to run to the tear pumps, pellets and bullets when it left with flags and
whistles. Nobody thought that really they would be scarce the passports to leave the country Nobody thought that really they would deny passports to
him to the children of whom they signed in favor of the presidential revocatory referendum. Nobody really thought that to place the maternal
certificate to him to children without certificate Nobody was the best form of control to the children of the opposition thought that really the GN
and the FAN would remain "Institutional inside" in spite of the happened institutional aberrations and outside its institutions Nobody thought that
really the Venezuelan military were to sell chickens and yucca. Nobody really believed that the serious means law approved. Nobody really believed
that approved serious decree 1011. Nobody thought that really the president would begin to count his period from the approval of the new
constitution. Nobody thought that really the Law of the Supreme Court would be approved Nobody thought that really the new law of properties in the
National Assembly is being discussed. Nobody thought that really they would put prisoner to Capriles. Nobody really thought that after the O.A.S.
and the Center Carter saw the magnitudes of the marches we could lose nothing. Nobody thought that really the cheaters would make trap (15/A) Nobody
really believed that Horacio Medina and Juan Fernandez are spokesmen and important factors of a sector of the town, not them Gods of the Mount
Olympus. Nobody thought that really we could lose the RR... is more, much people still thinks that we did not lose. All this and more this passing
and the rest is going to happen.
Junior Nomad
Posts: 65
Registered: 10-25-2004
Member Is Offline
Yeah, I hated to do it to us all....
.. but mi espanol is so weak I couldn't get the gist of it... although I could have guessed.
I hope you're right that it's a 'Katrina myth'.... if it's not, and they lock down the communications, it'll be hard to tell what else is happening
in country. This thing makes Hugo seem redder than Fidel.
Can't wait for ALMO.... <very weak grin>
Quote: | Originally posted by grover
Quote: | Originally posted by neilm Google language tools...
did it's usual job... | Good lord, man; don't DO that to yourself!
The reason it hurts so bad to read it in Spanish is that it's B.O.I.L.E.R.P.L.A.T.E. And rather poor quality at that.
I'll go out on a limb and equate it with some of those "Katrina accounts" that made the rounds.
"Volunteer Doctor at the Astrodome" was my personal favorite among those.
Which is not to say Jugo isn't really coming out of the closet. What did we expect after announcing recognition of Carmona for a Whole Two Days?
Latin America has turned, and we're doing our best to lose Pakistan right now. |