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Author: Subject: the shortest, longest trip ever. or something like that!
woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 03:28 PM
the shortest, longest trip ever. or something like that!

Sooo, not much sleep last Friday night. Picked up junior at the airport at 9:30pm from a Xmas visit with his mom for 12 days in Oklahomie. Up at 2am to start packing the truck, hit the ATM and then the road. We were surprised by the lack of police on the drive. Not one car or motorcycle was seen going down or coming home, except for the hiway police. Military checks were routine.

Arrived at the beach to find perfect DOH glassy walls from here to way down over there. After a “few” cold ones to toast our arrival and good fortune we scrambled into our wetsuits and traded waves between the 3 of us and a couple other guys for 2 hours until it was time to set up camp before sunset. Shared dinner and stories with our new neighbors who told us that we just scored the best session in the past 2 weeks!!! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Sleep came easy that night as the long drive and longer waves took their toll on our minds and bodies.

Up before the sun and WTF? 25 mph north winds blowing straight offshore. Reeg and Scott decided to try their luck and I relaxed on the beach. Reeg scored the wave of the day that he somehow managed to make all the way down the point.

Around noon we decided to go fishing a couple of miles upstream. So, with a backpack full of “refreshments” and a fistful of swim baits we set off through the desert. My first cabrilla went close to 4.5 pounds and when I tried to bounce him onto the rocks my pole snapped in two. My brand new surfcaster combo that I bought at the last Day at the Docks was now in two pieces, but the line was intact and I started hand lining that bigmouth up the 20 foot rock wall. Within ˝ hour we landed 2 more 2-3 pounders and 6 others either chewed the swim bait in half missing the hook or followed the bait right to the surface but refused to take it. Finally all of our baits were ruined and with the “refreshments” dwindling we started our hour long walk back to camp.

The surf had dropped overnight but was still fun even though the wind was really howling. Reeg started to feel funny around dinner time and went to bed. Soon we could hear him getting sick. We kept him hydrated with Gatorade and water, but he wasn’t feeling very good. The wind Roared that night and by morning the ocean was a complete washing machine. 35 mph winds straight offshore had the swell beat down to nothing and even a 60’ fishing boat was seeking shelter in the cove.

We voted to just get Reeg on the road and head north. Two days of good waves and one of them the best in two weeks? We had planned on a longer stay but at least we didn’t get shut out!

The ride home was uneventful. We stopped at “La Mijita” in El Rosario to see Elsa and her family and to give her three Hefty bags of jackets and other clothes from ours and other friends “we don’t wear them anymore” overstuffed closets. Junior and I had a quick lunch while Reeg tried to sleep in the truck. I bought 2 jars of her mother’s famous Escabeche (mussels, pulpo, abulon, caracole) for the Chargers upcoming run for the Super Bowl.

Border wait was 20 minutes at 8pm + 10 minutes giving back our American grown avocados and apples. My mind is already wandering towards…..the next trip!

alright now.jpg - 36kB

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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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Mood: Everchangin'

[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 03:30 PM

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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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Mood: Everchangin'

[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 03:31 PM
Reeg (pre-monkey butt)

[Edited on 1-13-2007 by woody in ob]

reeg.jpg - 48kB

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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 03:32 PM
broken rod

pescado.jpg - 35kB

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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 03:33 PM
sunrise in baja

sun up.jpg - 35kB

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 04:20 PM

Really good report....sorry Reeg!
Nice looking string of fish.
Thanks for the pix

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 04:21 PM

Er, make that nice looking pole of fish!:lol:

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 04:24 PM

Thanks for the story and the pics.:bounce:
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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 04:28 PM

That`s great! You never know when you`lll get lucky with a small window. Thanks for the pics!!
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 04:51 PM

Hard core, man! Surf all day and THEN set up camp just before dark. I guess surfing is like fishing...when the conditions are right, dont waste time with non-essential activities.

Thanks for the report.

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Select Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 05:03 PM

Love the pictures---thanks, and glad you had a great time!


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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-9-2007 at 07:42 PM


when the conditions are right, dont waste time with non-essential activities.

a good motto for all occassions!

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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 09:48 AM

Great trip report and thanks for the great photos Woody.
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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 10:52 AM

You write a great trip report -- Thanks!
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Bob H
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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 11:41 AM

Woody, OUTSTANDING report and photos!

Go Chargers!!!!!

Bob H

[Edited on 1-10-2007 by Bob H]

The SAME boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you are made of NOT the circumstance.
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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 02:06 PM

Unbelievable report. Woody you rock!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

The pictures are amazing. The best I have seen here.:yes:

[Edited on 10-1-2007 by Minnow]

Proud husband of a legal immigrant.
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Bruce R Leech
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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 03:47 PM

best surf report yet thanks Woody

Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 05:52 PM

Great short trip and good pics. What happened to Reeg?

I can see a surfer behind you in the fish photo. Coincidence or ??

Bruce, chk yer U2U
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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 08:24 PM

Nice waves! At least you found a use for your broken pole! Poor Reeg! where are these pics taken, and where do you find fish "a coupla miles upstream and through the desert?":?::lol:

Happiness is just a Baja memory away...
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woody with a view
PITA Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-10-2007 at 08:39 PM

Reeg still has "runny butt" although the upchuck has subsided. thanks for your concerns. he is slowly far as "upstream" goes, just go to the water's edge and turn right!!!!:lol:

[Edited on 1-13-2007 by woody in ob]

[Edited on 1-13-2007 by woody in ob]

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