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Author: Subject: Quick TJ Trip
Junior Nomad

Posts: 31
Registered: 1-3-2007
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[*] posted on 1-19-2007 at 11:09 AM
Quick TJ Trip

I made a quick trip to Tijuana last Monday for some food and shopping as well as to see what the situation was like with the local police being disarmed. The locals I spoke with seemed pleased that some action had been taken - though they did seem to speak almost in hushed tones like they were afraid someone might over hear them. It was strange seeing the police without weapons but what was even stranger was that we didn't see a single soldier, even though 3,000 are reported to have been sent and the locals were talking about 5,000.

The real shocker was trying to get back to the border, the police had taped off westbound traffic on Paseo de los Heroes and it looked like traffic was backed up for miles. It was the worst I had ever seen in 30 years of traveling to Baja. We finally decided to try the Otay crossing and joined all the overs that had the same idea. Really wasn't too bad as we waited for about 45 minutes before crossing - I was actually expecting a lot worse.

Was anyone else down there on Monday and does anyone have any idea why the police had taped off los Heroes and creating a huge traffic jam?
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Elite Nomad

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Mood: Inquisitive

[*] posted on 1-24-2007 at 04:03 PM

I'm thinking maybe the phrase "quick TJ trip" has become an oxymarooon, with all the unpredictability of the border and the checkpoints.

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Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262