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Author: Subject: Day trip to Ensenada
Ultra Nomad


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Mood: Yeah, what if it all goes right

[*] posted on 7-17-2007 at 10:17 PM
Day trip to Ensenada

Wow, I had the oportunity today of picking up Natalie Ann at the San Diego airport and take her to Ensenada, it was a beautiful day, long border wait in the morning heading north, then went south on the free road all the way to Ensenada enjoying the beautiful countryside. As we got to Ensenada, we kinda got lost looking for our destination (HoseA) and at a stop light, as I'm looking to my right, in the taxi cab next to us is Jaime Fuentes, an ex employee of mine from way back so he helps us find our way. We had a delicious meal @ Cocteleria Mazatlan, Hose A, Magda, Natalie Ann and myself. I finaly had the opportunity to hand deliver some of the last stickers ( There are only a few left)

On the return trip I took the toll road (I did not spot the truck or dogs from the other thread in either direction)
It was a great day, Oh and by the way now I know why Hose A is our moderator ;D (inside joke).
Ahhh, Ensenada, La Cenicienta del Pacifico, Beautiful

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-17-2007 at 10:20 PM

So, 2 women in the house again, eh Hose A ?? :wow:

Welcome back Nena.
Looking forward to more photos and stories of your fun down south.

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 06:54 AM

"The Escape of Nurse Ratchet", eh?
Bienvenidos a Baja California, mi amiga.

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Natalie Ann
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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Hose A
I have taken Natalie's husbands advice and bought a roll of duct tape for the times she get mouthy.

Thanks Gene, I resemble that remark.:rolleyes::biggrin:

Yep, Judy, I made my escape and am looking forward to the next weeks. The ward in Berkeley will have to operate without my oversight. I suspect all the inmates are pleased.

Oh Diver... I left my big camera at home, but Gene promised me the loan of his very nice Kodak. Interestingly, we took it to lunch yesterday so I could get pictures of the historical event. Thing is, ya gotta remember to take the pictures. Gonna try to engage that part of brain today.

And a huge thank you to Fernando, who was so kind as to deliver me from San Diego straight to the door of my Mexican family. I had planned to take the bus from Tijuana, and the scenic tour was a most pleasant surprise. Fernando is such good company, most personable, muy amable... and he knows so much about the area. I saw and learned mucho along the way.

Some of you may not know or may have forgotten that Fernando/fdt offers wonderful walking tours of Tijuana. I highly recommend an outing with him. You're sure to enjoy it and learn interesting stories and facts. Do you have a link to a website for that, Fernando... or should interested folks simply contact you via u2u?

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Gypsy Jan
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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 05:59 PM
Hey, what about what you ate...

at Cocteleria Mazatlan?

I love that place, but get filled up too soon with the clams/cheese appetizer.

What are your faves?

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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 07:14 PM

Where in Ensenada is the restaurant Cocteleri Mazatlan?
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Platinum Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 07:25 PM

By the bus station. I'll give you a map when I see you.
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-18-2007 at 10:40 PM

I'm going to guess he was moderating your consumption of something at the ristorante.......hence, the earned moderator label.

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Ultra Nomad


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Mood: Yeah, what if it all goes right

[*] posted on 7-19-2007 at 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Hook
I'm going to guess he was moderating your consumption of something at the ristorante.......hence, the earned moderator label.

Warm, it would apply to the consumption of :?:
I´ll let him tell ;D

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Ultra Nomad


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Mood: Yeah, what if it all goes right

[*] posted on 7-19-2007 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
Do you have a link to a website for that, Fernando... or should interested folks simply contact you via u2u?

Thanks, here is the link
beautiful summer days, perfect for a nice walk

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Natalie Ann
Ultra Nomad


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[*] posted on 7-19-2007 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by fdt
Originally posted by Hook
I'm going to guess he was moderating your consumption of something at the ristorante.......hence, the earned moderator label.

Warm, it would apply to the consumption of :?:
I´ll let him tell ;D

It's really quite simple... when all y'all are, ahem, inebriated... he's not.:rolleyes::wow::saint:

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
.....Oscar Wilde
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