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Author: Subject: Gonzaga Bay trip Oct 20-27 Back over the peninsula Part 6

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[*] posted on 11-13-2007 at 05:40 PM
Gonzaga Bay trip Oct 20-27 Back over the peninsula Part 6

We had one visitor as we were taking our tents down that Friday morning.

After breaking camp we head out past the restaurant at Papa Fernandez and out to the main road. We take a side trip to retrieve a cache we had left at the top of the hill almost two years ago. We had left the cache but we had not done our homework and there was another cache already in close proximity so the Geocache site would not publish it. So it sat as Geo-litter for two years. The funny thing is that people kept finding ours instead of the one that was there and published. We looked for “Brandy’s’ cache” and never found it. I took our ammo can (the cache) to relocate it at the “Cardon Cache” in Catavina. We took some photos and one last long look at the beautiful bay.

Shelly spotted this guy, and he sure hit the road as soon as he heard us. I think it was my first Baja coyote sighting.

One last stop for ice for the fish at Rancho Grande and we were off to our overnight stop in El Rosario. We had called a day or two before from Rancho Grande and got a reservation at Baja Cactus and we could not wait to get there. That shower was the first stop when we arrived! It had been a few days without a shower and we were all pretty ripe! Of course we stopped back by at Coco’s. He had been to the hospital since we had been there 5 days earlier. He lay on his back in midst of all that was going on and seemed to be in a good mood considering he was flat on his back, foot elevated. We stayed for several beers and Shelly added some panties to Coco’s famous collection. Coco also made sure we knew about the new editions to his family, 3 tiny kittens. And he did try to get Shelly to take one! I don’t blame him! I was surprised he was not successful in his sales pitch.

The last 15 miles of road to Hwy 1 started out uneventful. We saw many more sand rails and motorcycles coming our way as we headed towards the highway. With the winds dying down, everyone was out having fun.

We were within about, a quarter mile of asphalt when we hear on the radio…”we need to stop”. This was the reason why.

Man, that tire was shredded!

You can see a truck going by in the background that is how close we were to pavement!

The llantera is just at the road, so we stop there to check the air and then we are on our way El Rosario for a hot shower and then dinner!

A couple pictures in Catavina

Almost to El Rosario

Back at Baja Cactus in El Rosario

We ate dinner at Mama Espinoza’s since it was so good a week ago. After we got home we found out that Joe’s mothers husband is Mama’s cousin! It sure is a small world. After dinner it’s off to bed! Tomorrow will be our last day of vacation. Oh and a small side note, I scratched all day, I had been bitten by mosquitoes over 70 times!!!!!!

To be continued…not much left, I promise!
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[*] posted on 11-13-2007 at 09:19 PM

Thank you so much for your reports. Both the dialog and the photos have been wonderful!
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John M
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[*] posted on 11-14-2007 at 06:39 AM

Bajagato wrote:

"The llantera is just at the road, so we stop there to check the air and then we are on our way El Rosario for a hot shower and then dinner!"

A few questions -

Did you get a tire there at the llantera?

How long did the drive from Fernandez to Baja Cactus take? 5 hours or so?

Were those the factory tires on the Jeep?

Lastly - What did Coco have to say about his foot? anything encouraging?

Thanks. John M
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Bob H
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[*] posted on 11-14-2007 at 10:11 AM

Another fantastic photo journey.... really love the shots of the tire and beers! Hahahahaha.... seems like you had a great trip even though some stuff happened. That's the way to take Baja man!
Bob H
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[*] posted on 11-14-2007 at 10:21 AM

John... no we did not get the tire at the llantera. ( just stopped there after to check the air in all the tires) We put the spare on the jeep, and those tires were brand new before we took our trip! I think it takes about 5 hours to get from Papa's to El Rosario, but I think we took about 7! We spent a good hour at Coco's and another hour with that tire. Don't quote me on this, but I think Coco said he wasn't expecting to keep his good foot much longer. He was in good spirits though.

Bob H... yeah we sure had a hell of a trip and the few things that went wrong, well, we just rolled with it. All and all, very memorable!
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