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Author: Subject: BajaNomad t-shirts, sticker special offer, 2008 Baja Calendar, Abalone-shell jewelry & more...
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[*] posted on 11-20-2007 at 08:47 PM
BajaNomad t-shirts, sticker special offer, 2008 Baja Calendar, Abalone-shell jewelry & more...

Tienda status:

Shirts - An order is being placed right now. More (many) gray t-shirts in XL, XXL and XXXL will be coming in a.s.a.p. (date TBD).

There will also be tie-dyed shirts via this order - although they will take longer to have ready because of the individual tie-dye process for each shirt.

Baja Calendars - I just received 2008 Baja Calendars for the Tienda. Looking good. Theme: "Off the Beaten Track"

Abalone Shell Items - I am in possession of Abalone Shell items, including some cool Baja-shaped earrings. Not many at all at first however and I'll have to reorder many of these items very soon. These are all made in La Paz.

Baja Nomad Stickers - Special offer through December 15, 2007:
(since I will have the time to do this between now and then)

- Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with check or money-order payment of $1 for each sticker you want. Maximum of 4 stickers per envelope.

Make payment to:

Q87 International
4305 Gesner Street
Suite 227
San Diego, CA 92117

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[*] posted on 11-20-2007 at 08:49 PM

I anticipate having some of the Abalone shell items on the Tienda over the weekend. Unfortunately, many of these items right now I only have 1 item in-stock.

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[*] posted on 11-20-2007 at 09:12 PM

I had the unique oportunity to see the items Doug is describing and they are beautiful and I'm sure a great deal. :yes:

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John M
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[*] posted on 11-21-2007 at 06:31 PM

Doug, I assume you'll be listing the calendars on the Tiende site soon?
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David K
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[*] posted on 11-21-2007 at 06:37 PM

Calendars look great... I am happy to report several photos from Baja Nomads were utilized... including two from me! (Big horn sheep & Anita Espinoza museum).

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[*] posted on 11-21-2007 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by John M
Doug, I assume you'll be listing the calendars on the Tiende site soon?


Let's see if I can get them up by Friday morning - and Monday morning at the latest.

Thanks for the question.


When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
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[*] posted on 11-26-2007 at 02:42 PM
Abalone Shell Items

When are you going to have these available?
I need to do some x-mas shopping.

Joe O.
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[*] posted on 12-2-2007 at 11:36 PM


I have only one of each in an initial order to see what was available. Some of it looks like it'll be super-popular, and others, well... we'll find out.


I gotta get that 2008 calendar up.... drat!

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
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[*] posted on 12-4-2007 at 07:23 PM

Great Doug, I will be watching the store to see when in stock, so I can buy what I need. Thanks for getting this done. Later-------- bajafun777

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[*] posted on 12-15-2007 at 09:21 PM

I want the XXL T-shirts-----so the Tienda Store still says no go, no go, and I am still waiting. If this supplier can not or will not get off the dime for you
Doug I am sure there are other suppliers that will. I know you are probably tired of hearing people saying where is the "Bacon", no I got carried away it should have been where is the "XXL BN T-shirt." Later----bajafun777

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[*] posted on 12-18-2007 at 02:33 AM

Calendars are up in the Tienda! Wooo-hooo...

Abalone items aren't posted, but I've already sold the peninsula earrings I have out, and will post other items here to see what's of interest....

...and the shirts not being here is more - well, all - a reflection of my incompetence, not the supplier who I'd refer to anyone, any day.

More later.....


When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
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We know we must go back if we live, and we don`t know why.
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David K
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[*] posted on 12-18-2007 at 10:51 AM

OKAY GANG!!! Get your Baja amigos the goodies for Christmas!

Thanks Doug...

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[*] posted on 12-18-2007 at 04:52 PM

Ordered mine! I had to make sure I get one unlike before when I waited and waited to order a shirt and now.....I wear the same Ensenada shirt over and over.

Can't wait for 2008 so I see Baja everyday.

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[*] posted on 12-21-2007 at 05:55 PM


Got my calendar today, it's great! I feel like I'm in Baja right now.

Please check your email, I sent you a question about the calendar.

Thanks .... Tifosi
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woody with a view
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[*] posted on 12-21-2007 at 06:24 PM

so then, when can one expect tshirts to be "in stock"?

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[*] posted on 12-21-2007 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by woody in ob
so then, when can one expect tshirts to be "in stock"?

Soon, I'm sure. Where have you been? All is well?
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woody with a view
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[*] posted on 12-21-2007 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by woody in ob
so then, when can one expect tshirts to be "in stock"?

Soon, I'm sure. Where have you been? All is well?


working outta town, so no free time......getting my $'s stacked up so i can head south next month and again in march...

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[*] posted on 3-18-2008 at 02:07 PM

I have managed to slim down 45 pounds over the last 6 months, but I still need an XL shirt. I could squeeze it into a large, but no room for fish tacos if I do. Spring and summer are fast approaching and I need a new Baja wardrobe. When, oh when, will there be more XL in La Tienda? Please have a happy answer for me :D

Thanks .... Tifosi

[Edited on 3-18-2008 by Tifosi]

[Edited on 3-18-2008 by Tifosi]
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[*] posted on 3-19-2008 at 08:42 PM

Do you have womens tank tops ? :biggrin:
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[*] posted on 10-9-2008 at 03:08 PM
calendars and baja stuff

So, where is this tienda?? Y, cuanto cuesta el calendario, por favor? Can it be sent by mail (to a Chula Vista address)? So many questions...

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