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Author: Subject: Travel Companions or Convoys
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[*] posted on 12-2-2007 at 11:22 PM
Travel Companions or Convoys

Based upon previous suggestions (and open to further input), I've moved the "Baja Travel Companions" forum from the classifieds section to the main forums listed near the top of the front page... and renamed it "Baja Travel Companions or Convoys".

I know, super-complex.

Okay, not really.

Got any better thoughts? Let me know.

Doug Means

[Edited on 12-3-2007 by BajaNomad]

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
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We know we must go back if we live, and we don`t know why.
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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 07:16 AM

Thanks Doug........

Given the need, this forum should develop into a well-used tool.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 07:30 AM

Crossing at Tecate on Dec 18 if anyone else wants to join us.
Heading for San Quintin first night.
U2 for more info.
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Ultra Nomad


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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 09:03 AM

Good Doug, it will be very helpful.

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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 11:50 AM

Good job Doug. You do a great job while keeping an open mind.
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Platinum Nomad

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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 02:27 PM

Let's keep this bumped up for a while so everybody gets a chance to see it. This is a viable answer to questions of safe passage.

This precaution isn't limited to the long distance traveler. It could be utilized for border region passage as well. For instance, those who live in Ensenada wanting company in late night or early morning trips could get together. This has lots of possibilities.

[Edited on 12-3-2007 by DENNIS]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 12-3-2007 at 09:16 PM


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