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Author: Subject: Gypsy's Trip Report May 2009
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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 08:51 AM
Gypsy's Trip Report May 2009

We are back to the freezing north, :(, and just wanted to post a quick trip report.

The trip down, was uneventful, we left Saskatoon at 5:00 pm, on Friday, and arrived in San Diego at around 10:30 Sat night.

Crossing the boarder with all our stuff was a piece of cake, not sure why I was so worried!

The first sights of the wine fields, made my heart swell, as I knew I was finally home!

When we got to the turn off to Asuncion, I made mr. gypsy get out and take a picture of us at the turn off!

We arrived in Asuncion, in record time, fist time that we showed up so early!!!!(9:00 pm):cool:

The next morning, I was up at 4:00 am (way to excited to sleep), I walked over to our house, stood and had a cofee and just sat and touched our house!

The doors we had made were spectacular, I love the craftmans ship that went into making them.

We got tons accomplished on our house, Mr. Gypsy, got all the electrical run, and the plumbing done! But of course there was plenty of beach time!

Shari already posted about mothers day, but here are some more pictures!

San Roque, is still my favorite place on this earth, I could sit there for ever.

We want to thank Shari & Juan for all their help, and Juan's family for all the fun!

We are busy planning our next trip, and can't wait to get back down!

[Edited on 5-18-2009 by Bajagypsy]

[Edited on 5-18-2009 by Bajagypsy]

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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 08:55 AM

Enjoyed reading about your trip. Glad to hear you finally got down to see your place. We're really looking forward to our trip in July/Aug. When are you returning to Baja?


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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 08:59 AM

I'm hoping we can get back around christmas time, If I had my way we would be heading back today!

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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 09:47 AM

Can't wait till we return in October...hug our old friends and bond with some new ones. Thanks for the pictures...we never tire of seeing everyone's images of Bahia Asuncion and San Roque, the most cherished of places.
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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 10:04 AM

BA - where canada goes to the beach.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

just kidding. we hope to fish later in the summer around them parts.

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[*] posted on 5-18-2009 at 08:27 PM

Glad you had a good safe trip. Sounds like a lot of fun!

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[*] posted on 5-19-2009 at 06:09 AM

It was a blast, way to cold here, need to go back ASAP!

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[*] posted on 5-19-2009 at 06:49 AM

Sorry we missed you, we are heading over to Asuncion this week. Hope to catch you next time. Great report.

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[*] posted on 5-20-2009 at 02:54 PM
Great Trip report.

Your place is really coming along now, would be great if you were down at Christmas again. Its a great time to be down there although the weather may not be as good as now. I just saw today where its snowing up Alberta way, not sure if you are getting that too, beautiful here in Ontario.
It is a special place that BA, we too can't wait to get back down. Hope to see you soon. BY the way, great looking truck and rig.
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[*] posted on 5-20-2009 at 07:57 PM

Did I read that you got blisters from washing clothes by hand??? What was up with that?
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[*] posted on 5-21-2009 at 06:08 AM

the laundry soap I was using (washing clothes by hand) blistered and peeled most of the skin of my hands. Next time, we go down, I guess will all have to be naked!!!!:cool::smug::O

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[*] posted on 5-21-2009 at 07:03 AM

Nice report Bajagypsy. So what was star gazing like up on top of your shed? What a view you must have up there.

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[*] posted on 5-21-2009 at 07:58 AM

well, I'm finally recovering from the Gyspy visit! they sure worked hard and not even one visit to the emergency ward this time! Ms.Gypsy was on her best behavior although she did have to be restrained from BabyNapping a couple times. Here is the picture she didnt include in her report.

for info & pics of our little paradise & whale watching info
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[*] posted on 5-21-2009 at 08:04 AM

I think he is the cutest baby ever! I thought I did good, I didn't take him home!

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[*] posted on 5-21-2009 at 12:09 PM

Bajagypsy, Thanks for the pictures. Your home away from home is looking good.:) Is the name of that soap "Zote". Have used it for catfish bait.:) Where do you cross into the USA? Have a couple of kayaks and racks that you might be interested in. ;)
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[*] posted on 5-22-2009 at 06:01 AM

Cypress We cross by sweetgrass (I15), kayaks would be way fun, I have never kayaked before!

Barb, the view is increadable, we have a big ass bed and you can lie in it and look at the sky and the ocean at the same time, it is magic!

Tiomiguel, we are hoping to be down at christmas, it was way to much fun last time!!!! We like the truck, it gets the job done!

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[*] posted on 5-22-2009 at 06:04 AM

Here are some more pictures of the trip.

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