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Author: Subject: palmeto99 - "5 o'clock Charlie"
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 01:37 AM

Really hard to judge a book by it's cover Rick but we've already met and I was amused about that partt of your dialog that day consisted of ragging on Nomads for deeds you deemed unjustified.:?:

Personally tho, I have nothing against you, I found you a gracious and generous host, tokesjokes and all.;) :lol:

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 05:16 AM

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8


That can be taken a couple of different ways, David. Splain, please.
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 07:22 AM

Dennis it appears that federal and state laws may have been violated. By crime scene I mean this can be used against the author. Let's put it this way. I would not want to be in this person's shoes if and when it gets to the point of being prosecuted in federal and/or state court. The consequences are very costly. Court costs, attorney’s fees, possible incarceration and/or fines. Not to mention people aiding and abetting the person may be prosecuted too. Just not worth it.

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 07:50 AM

Thanks, David....... Well splained.
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:21 AM

OK RICK---Why won't you come clean and explain to us why Pierce and Val had to leave Mulege, and Mexico? Should be easy enough. +++C++
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:27 AM
Crime Scene ?????

Now I'm confused. Nothing Pierce said violated any laws, federal or state. He didn't threaten anyone and he is protected by the First Amendment for his views. If I'm missing something, perhaps ELINVESTI8 would care to enlighten us and, perhaps, explain any legal background he has to provide validity to what he inferred.

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:32 AM
Redo for Crusoe:

Crusoe: I explained that on the second page of this thread but, here it is again:

They weren't "run out of town" as Sharky and others has inferred. They left of their own free will to save their hides from unscrupulous persons (one in particular but who must remain nameless) who had "bought" officials who were going to throw them in a Mexican prison for trumped up charges. I know that for a FACT because I was there helping them to defend themselves against these people and to help strategize countermeasures.

There were other reasons, of course, but the aforementioned should suffice. It sure would for me.

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:32 AM

yeah...what happened?? Why did he hightail it out of baja? The one time I met him in Mulege he came off as a pompous a$s.
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:40 AM

Thanks Rick---We have all read this before. " Unscrupulous Persons? Bought off officials?" Sounds very vague! We need solid facts from you!Just exactly what were these trumped up caharges? Please be more specific. Thanks again. ++C++
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Mexrick

.....and to help strategize countermeasures.

Seems like he is good at countermeasures judging from the published email to Doug.

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Mexrick
They left of their own free will to save their hides from unscrupulous persons (one in particular but who must remain nameless) who had "bought" officials who were going to throw them in a Mexican prison for trumped up charges.

Maybe this is where Bruce should jump round out the story.
What do you think, Rick? Could Bruce add anything to all this?
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Mexrick
Now I'm confused. Nothing Pierce said violated any laws, federal or state. He didn't threaten anyone and he is protected by the First Amendment for his views. If I'm missing something, perhaps ELINVESTI8 would care to enlighten us and, perhaps, explain any legal background he has to provide validity to what he inferred.

Mexrick I do not have a dog in this fight between the two parties. I commented out of compassion and tried to be a Good Samaritan. I only wished to point out something in hopes that this would cease and desist before someone did something that could not be reversed. Unfortunately it may already be too late. That is all I have to say about this matter. Thank you.

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:23 AM
Marty !!!!

You disappoint me! You are a bad judge of character! That was just his sweet bubbling personality shining through.:tumble::tumble::tumble::tumble:

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:29 AM
Dog Fights

Understood. I just wanted to clarify that, IMHO, nothing, so far, has escalated to a level that is going to cause anyone grief. I am only trying to point out that, while Pierce was outed as the Troll, it wasn't true and there was absolutely no evidence to show that he was responsible. Many people owe him an apology but none has been forthcoming. That's too bad. I would like to think that people are bigger than that.

I don't have a dog in this fight either. I am just sticking up for my friend.

Rick - MeT
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:42 AM

Ok Rick......So why won't you tell us what he was accused of doing, that made him leave Mexico? What is the problem? Inquiring minds would like to know. ++C++
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:48 AM


Are you saying that Pierce was not Palmetto?

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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Crusoe
Ok Rick......So why won't you tell us what he was accused of doing, that made him leave Mexico? What is the problem? Inquiring minds would like to know. ++C++

Maybe this has something to do with it all:
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

Are you saying that Pierce was not Palmetto?

I have confidence that Doug has a way of knowing but, I'm having trouble with that as well. Most of Palmetto's tenure here seemed to be spent on the OT side, wallowing in a vitriolic monologue. Vile stuff, even for OT. Spreading the filth to the main board was too much.
If Pierce did in fact write the letter above, it seems to me that a huge effort would have been necessary to deteriorate his writing quality to that of Palmetto.

My My....Nomad has been a hotbed of drama lately. Keep it up folks.
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[*] posted on 8-7-2009 at 11:43 AM

They weren't serving turtle soup at the Pelican, were they? :light:

Real estate strongarming, restaurant angle, jail threats.

You dont suppose that...............nah, what are the odds???

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