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Author: Subject: Fiestas De La Vendimia
Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 8-16-2009 at 08:52 PM
Fiestas De La Vendimia

This past Saturday we joined Bajabound 2005 (Kathleen Taormina) and several Punta Banda residents on the bus tour to several wineries in the Valle De Guadalupe. What a fun group of people!
This was Jana's and mine first Vendimia. We decided to take an earlier tour preview (on our own) on Friday, and it was a disapointment because all the wineries except for two were actually closed! Even during our bus tour, we felt as though we were intruding on the wineries' business. While on the tour, our tour guide kept making phone calls to even see who could take us (about 20 ticket paying customers).
Pehaps I am wrong in my thinking (and I will accept any corrections), but If I was in the wine business in the Guadalupe Valley during the Vendimia festival, I think I would be open at least 12-16 hours a day to accomodate the people traffic!
Another bit of information: even though there is a posted schedule of events, The are other worthwhile events happening at the Vedimia festival that are not posted. One almost has to be a local, or be in the know, of these events. It appeared to me that only the wineries that paid to be included in the program were the only ones having any festivities. But in fact once in the Valle, one noticed billboards and posters depicting other events (like the lobster and Chardonay festival, as well as the lamb and Cab. festival at other local wineries).
However, it was really fun taking the bus tour and picking out our favorite wines, as well as our least favorite wines.
Nomads should look out for the next week's festivities, and if not, look out for next year's festivities.
The other one that is fun is in October...the Tequila Expo downtown Tijuana, across the street of the Fronton Palacio (the jai-alai palace.):O


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[*] posted on 8-17-2009 at 08:19 AM

Hey, Udo - in looking over the schedule the Lobster & Chardonnay event is indeed listed. At least it's on the website now, but may not have been when you first got a copy of the schedule.

We thoroughly enjoyed Saturday's Winemaker's Tour. We felt very welcomed by each winery. The calls Ignacio were making were to see if he get add a 4th winery to our tour (at the request of some of the passengers), although we were only scheduled for the 3 we went to. They do the Winemaker's Tour every Saturday during Vendimia and it's a great way to see wineries you may not otherwise get to. The tour includes the bus (from Ensenada), a wine glass, tastings at 3-4 wineries and lunch. The price was $300 or $350 pesos. And you don't have to drive.

We would all definitely do it again next year.

Oh, Beachbum1a was on this tour with us, too.

[Edited on 8-17-2009 by bajabound2005]

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David K
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[*] posted on 8-17-2009 at 08:28 AM

Hey... sounds like fun... We would have joined you! Next time perhaps?

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[*] posted on 8-17-2009 at 12:22 PM

Hey Udo, weren't we on the SAME bus/tour? Maybe we got separated some where along the line. Ummmmmmmmm.

I experienced nothing but great vibes on the tour and would not hesitate going on the same tour next year.

Where did we visit, a fellow Nomad might ask?
Well; Mogar-Badan, Vinos Fuentes, Pijoan, lunch @ Liceaga, and then a final stop at La Casa Viega. What a great day!
I think my (2) favorites were Mogar-Badan and Pijoan.

Of course the munchies brought aboard by Nancy & Keith were pretty good too! :yes:

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 8-17-2009 at 07:19 PM

I will second the munchies that Nancy & Keith brought...a touch of class!

And I also will second beachbum1A's wineries as favorites. Pijoan is where I purchased the most wine. Too bad we were only allowed to return with two bottles (even though we had five). We were never asked to declare anything at CBP, the people in front of us got busted into secondary and we didn't even get a second look or asked any questions.
Now that we got our feet wet with this year's tour, we will follow Kathleen's as well as Nancy and Keith's suggestions for next year. Including the opening day event. Jana and I already planned on making a 4 day weekend of it next year.


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[*] posted on 8-19-2009 at 08:57 AM

Sort of appears that you both are enjoying yourselves doesn't it?! hahahhahaaa

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