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Author: Subject: UPDATE!! Please Read! (10/30/02)
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 12:20 AM
UPDATE!! Please Read! (10/30/02)


This forum software is called "XMB" and all of a sudden it has become wide knowledge how to `hack` into all of the XMB (1.6) sites and find out the passwords for all recently logged in `members` -- including me, the admin.

So, we've had some visitors here having fun getting in under my account and first IP banning everyone on the 23rd, then returning this morning and deleting all the topics and users.

I uploaded the last backup I made of the board on 10/22, and `patched` the security hole as best I see able to do at the moment.

NOW, here's the kicker, depending on how much info they've kept, they could still have some of your passwords... so, please CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD.

If, by some chance you get locked out of your `account` -- please notify me and we'll try to rectify the situation.

I'll post any follow-ups here as well.

Doug Means

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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 01:55 AM

Geez Doug! I'm sure glad I didn't use my SSN for my password... if I see someone hacking into my now defunct Napster stash I'll know where they got my password. :cool:
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 09:08 AM
Good deal

As I recall, we had a nasty poster at Amigo's. DK, help me out here, wasn't that guy who slammed me after BBBB from Brazil? We all know the 'N' word is from Canada. Whatever, I'm sure Doug will get stain out. M
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 10:21 AM

There was a "BBBBers Suck" post from Mongolia...I don't recall one from Brazil. "n" is from Vanocuver, not the eastern part of Canada.

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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 10:49 AM
just testing

password changed:P:
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 12:01 PM

Not the BBBB suck post. (love those) But the one that said "M is a Lesbian' LOLOLOL.
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 04:00 PM

Is this why I couldn't log on at all today?, I had to re-register? Also....Does it not show ourselves on the member list? Thanks....Debra
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Debra
Is this why I couldn't log on at all today?, I had to re-register? Also....Does it not show ourselves on the member list? Thanks....Debra

As noted above, a hacker deleted all of the user accounts and threads on the board. I restored the board to the way it was as of 10/22 with a backup I made at that time.

Thusly, if you signed up for the board since the 22nd, you'll need to re-register.

I'm sorry about the inconvenience.

And you do show up on the members online, as I saw you there just a few minutes ago. You should also appear to yourself as well.

Doug Means

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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 04:58 PM

Nomad, I do see myself and others online...what I meant was the 'Member list' just wondering, Thanks,Debra
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[*] posted on 10-31-2002 at 05:02 PM

Never mind, it just popped up....Thanks, just trying to understand how this whole thing works, I see some prattle from someone claiming to be the hacker, any idea who or why? and is this going to continue? anyway to cut this fool off?
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Bruce R Leech
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[*] posted on 10-11-2004 at 01:23 PM

this is please keep us posted on this mater and I hope peple will report any funy thangs haping with there passwords


Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 10-11-2004 at 01:54 PM

This issue was two years ago and hasn't been a factor since a few holes in the forum software were patched at that time.

I'm going to close this thread now.


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