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Desecration: The act of depriving something of its sacred character—or the disrespectful or contemptuous treatment of that which is
held to be sacred by a group or individual.
I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me.
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It's it sad. At least the spray can armada had enough respect to leave the Virgin herself alone.
The entire area needs a major sand blasting or power washing treatment, although it would only clean the easel for the next blooming artist to make a
pit stop.
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Disgusting- It looks like the "artists" have migrated from the Barrio's and railroad yards to the formerly pristine environment we have all enjoyed
for so many years.
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Actually the graffiti has been there for many years. Haven't done a survey to determine how much is newer. I do still remember how saddened I was the
first time driving through the area.
Graffiti is a universal problem. First time I visited Rome years back, it appeared to me that they had LA beat hands down with the amount scrawled all
over buildings.
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"Henry" needs to have his asss kicked.
Barry A.
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------and these tortured souls walk among us---------pretty spooky, if you ask me. (which you didn't)
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Too bad they don't take the time to carve into the rocks, then at least they could be petroglyphs at some point in time in the future..
Never agreed with the "spay paint" thing as being an expression of ones self in an art form...
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Lets just hope the dirtbags don't find, or run across the real Petroglyphs, or cave paintings. What a disaster that would be.
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Quote: | Originally posted by wessongroup
Too bad they don't take the time to carve into the rocks, then at least they could be petroglyphs at some point in time in the future..
Never agreed with the "spay paint" thing as being an expression of ones self in an art form... |
Way back when, in New York City, John Lindsay was mayor. Not sure whether it was born out of the idea "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", but for a
number of years, there was a tacit approval of the "art" as it applied to the subway trains. Anyone who either lived in or visited New York would have
noted that for more than a decade, not a single rail car had even the tiniest spot not covered in spray paint.
David K
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Original La Virgen
Located on the old main Baja road... about 2 miles east of/ parallel to Hwy. 1. Photo by Neal Johns in 2003:
La Virgen in 1956 (Howard Gulick photo):
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Right on point
Quote: | Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Quote: | Originally posted by wessongroup
Too bad they don't take the time to carve into the rocks, then at least they could be petroglyphs at some point in time in the future..
Never agreed with the "spay paint" thing as being an expression of ones self in an art form... |
Way back when, in New York City, John Lindsay was mayor. Not sure whether it was born out of the idea "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", but for a
number of years, there was a tacit approval of the "art" as it applied to the subway trains. Anyone who either lived in or visited New York would have
noted that for more than a decade, not a single rail car had even the tiniest spot not covered in spray paint. |
Thanks, just the one I was thinking about, but the "justification" offered was accepted, like so many others that defy common sense and the voting
Ahhhh you don't know what, your voting for !!!! that from our courts...
[Edited on 11-30-2009 by wessongroup]
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things changed in NY
Things changed radically in NY. Read Malcolm Gladwell's excellent best selling book the "Tipping Point" -- the city went to the broken window concept
of handling graffiti- no train was allowed to go out with a single graffiti mark on it and also the turnstyle jumpers were apprehended and prosecuted.
The crime rate in NY plunged- lots of petty criminals caught in the turnstyle dragnet- no graffiti on subways for about 10 years now and the artists
have pretty much given up as the work doesn't survive overnight. Read the book- it's been on the NY Times best seller list for over a year-and you'll
be shocked at all the little things that signal dramatic change.
I know some won't believe the cause and effect but some cities escape graffiti- why?? they require it to be removed immediately by the property owner
and when it's removed quickly and repeatedly the artist is frustrated and generally goes somewhere else.
One of the things Joyce and I want to try when we get to La Paz next year is ask a block of graffiti covered building owners if we can adopt their
block and paint it over and repaint it every time graffiti appears. We know what will happen - it will stop appearing - but owners have to care enough
to let us do the work. We'll see. Norm
Life is too short to drink bad wine
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A cure for graffiti...
I do what the voices in my tackle box tell me.
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Have you heard of the great Polish-Puerto Rican grafffiti artist, Pablo Kowalski?
Well, probably not. His work isn't that well known...
Seems it's all on chain link fence.
All my childhood I wanted to be older. Now I\'m older and this chitn sucks.
Elite Nomad
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Quote: | Originally posted by Paulina
It's it sad. At least the spray can armada had enough respect to leave the Virgin herself alone.
So the Virgin painting is OK?
If 'she' wasn't there would Henry have stopped?
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We went to San Francisco de la Sierra to see the paintings. There was much talk about interpretation, rituals etc. If you just look at it with no
preconceived notions about there being some meaning to it you can see it for what it probably is, ancient graffiti. At my suggestion, one member of
our group replied that it couldn't have been teenagers because of the effort and danger involved in some of the paintings. I pointed out that it is
SOP for taggers to try to out-do each other by taking risks.
My theory wasn't embraced by the group, they would have to admit to themselves that they rode a mule for 2 days and slept on the ground for 3 nights
just to see graffiti and that wasn't happening. Funny how our foolish pride sometimes won't let us admit to something so obvious....dt
"Life is tough".....It's even tougher if you're stupid.....
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Does anybody remember "Pacman's" solution to taggers in the movie "Colors"?
Thats what I'm talkin about!
[Edited on 12-2-2009 by Curt63]
No worries