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Author: Subject: More pictures here
bonanza bucko
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[*] posted on 9-22-2013 at 09:46 AM
More pictures here

I think inspection of this page will show that far more pictures would be posted if the posting rules were a little less restrictive. Baja is full of great places that make great pictures and we don't see enough of them here.

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David K
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[*] posted on 9-22-2013 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bonanza bucko
I think inspection of this page will show that far more pictures would be posted if the posting rules were a little less restrictive. Baja is full of great places that make great pictures and we don't see enough of them here.


Many of us post hundreds... and some here want to restrict that by charging money to add photos! I am with you, the more the merrier.

I don't see any rules that restrict how many photos... and several of us try and help folks with how to or will even post photos for those who a challenged.

Here are the steps to post photos... just follow the steps:

1) Make an album on for the subject or group of photos... or just to put photos you want to share on Nomad and other forums.

2) Set the size of the photos (does not reduce the quality) to fit here by clicking on your account name at the top of the Photobucket page.

3) Click on User Settings.

4) Click on Albums (top of page).

5) Scroll down and see Upload Options and just below that is 'Customize Upload Options', click on that.

6) Click 800 x 600 for maps or max. size to fill the Nomad page or click 640 x 480 for large size photos that don't fill the page. Nomad is an 800 pixel wide frame, and if you don't resize to 800 or less, the entire page will stretch off the standard monitor and require sideways scrolling. You only need to do this step once or if you wish to change it.

7) Click SAVE.

8) Click on the big 'Upload' box at the top center of the Photobucket page and simply select the photos you want from your PC folder.

These are now photos for Internet sharing on forums, like Baja Nomad, Talk Baja, Tacoma World, etc. You still have your original photos in your PC folder, untouched.

To show your photos on a Nomad page:

1) Place your mouse on the thumbnail photo in your Photobucket album and select the IMG link of the links box that pops up or is already there, copy that IMG link with your mouse (left click, right click, click copy).

2) On your Nomad post, paste the photo link by right clicking your mouse, and click paste.

Add a caption below the photo if desired and double space between photo links so there is a separation between them.

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[*] posted on 9-22-2013 at 11:28 AM

I agree David, it's really not all that difficult to post photos through Phototobucket.

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