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Author: Subject: East Cape - Sometimes we catch big fish

Posts: 322
Registered: 2-28-2009
Location: Buena Vista, BCS
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[*] posted on 4-19-2015 at 09:42 AM
East Cape - Sometimes we catch big fish

East Cape - Sometimes we catch big fish
We experienced unpredictable weather and tough fishing this week. There have been a few calm days and a few windy ones. The weatherman can't seem to get on top of it with his predictions so we have had to rely on looking out the window and taking it as it comes.

The water is blue, clear and 75 to 77 degrees. Getting bait has been a little difficult. One day we departed a little late and were unable to get any live bait. To the South, below Los Frailes, sardines are available but that is a one and a half hour run. Also, to the North, at the southern tip of Ceralvo Island sardines have also been available on some days but it hasn't been consistent.

The whole fleet is trying as hard as they can. Every day a boat or two will score a couple of dorado or wahoo but it is just the luck of the draw and nothing consistent.

I moved to Buena Vista in May of 1991. At that time my wife played the guitar and wrote a song for me titled "The Baja song". One of the verses was "We like to fish a lot and go out on the ocean. Sometime we catch big fish and sometime we pay our dues. When luck is not with us we listen to our tunes". This reminds me that even back 20 some years ago fishing was tough sometimes. I am confident this is just a cycle and in a week or two it will be bent rods again.

Thresher sharks still in numbers

Encountered this big balloonfish walking the beach

A great sign of things to come. Live krill washed up on the beach

Been hard to get the bite. Even with great bait.

Ceviche time! None better than triggerfish

"Vaquero", new addition to Team Jen Wren

Mark Rayor
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