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Loreto- Internet, long-term housing rental
Hello, I am wanting to live in Loreto from December to May and I work from my computer. I am wondering what type of internet service I could get in
Loreto? It doesn't need to be super fast, just reliable. 5mbps+ would work. Also, is going through a realtor for a rental the way to go or is there
another way? I am looking for a budget rental studio or one bedroom. Thanks in advance.
woody with a view
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If it was me i would start here:
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Thanks for the suggestion, that was posted a while back and it's in La Paz. I am specifically looking in Loreto. Thanks again!
[Edited on 11-15-2017 by Suchislife]
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Anyone have any ideas, particularly somebody living in Loreto or having recently stayed there for some time?
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Suchislife, welcome to the forum, I hope you find what you are looking for, but I don't think that link will be it.
The add is two and a half years old, and is for a summer rental rate. Winter is snowbird season around there, and the area is a full half day drive
south of Loreto!
If you check it out, and it happens to be a place you could work out of, I could give you a few insights about the area (but not the rental unit)
If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!
"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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Thanks, and you are right, it is an old ad and not what I am looking for. I may have an apartment in Loreto available, just waiting on the realtor to
get back to me on Friday and thought I would check around just in case it doesn't work out. I am also wondering about internet. Haven't been able to
find much online so far. If I come that way, I'll take those insights. thanks again

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Just an FYI, I have rented several houses in Loreto Bay (the development south of town) and the internet was always pretty bad (i.e., really slow).
When I have stayed in town at various hotels (Santa Fe, La Mision & Posada del las Flores, all in the centro) I found that the internet was much
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Thanks Gallesram. I am planning on staying in town so that is good to know. If you were going to rent an apartment or house in town, would you go
through a realtor or is there another way to find a place there?
woody with a view
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check out hotel angra. a very nice boutique hotel off the main drag so it's quiet that does have internet, sorry but i don't understand speeds and
such but was very adequate for my minimal needs but no amenities such as a pool or spa but, great secured parking that is gated at night,
fantastically large super clean rooms and wonderful english speaking family, hands on management that serves coffee and minor breakfasts.
perhaps, negotiate a long time rental.
walking distance to restaurants, bank, malecon and other tourista things.
please just google hotel angra and tell them of your needs.
you won't be disappointed ! great location to all within walking distance.
just talk to ana.
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thank you da rat. I will do.
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Internet in Loreto is DSL and will be 5mbps - 7mbps. Ditto about Hotel Angra above. Best way to find a rental is ask everyone from people at taco
stands to store owners.

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Internet is widely available in Loreto. Through Telemex there are various packages available. Will handle all your needs easily. Go on the Telemex
website to review the details.
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Thanks Billklaser. I will do that. That is the information I need. I do need to download heavy data files which is why I need to make sure of the
internet. Thanks again.
bill erhardt
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Randy Hammon has his finger on the pulse of real estate in Loreto as much as anybody in town. He is primarily involved in sales, but if there are
rentals available he will know about them. (In fact, he has a couple of his own.)
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Actual real time information
I am posting this from Loreto using my DSL which runs through the phone lines.
Using a moment ago the speed was 4.67 download and 0.50 upload speed. Service is mostly good, not great and occasionally goes out but
overall I am satisfied with the speed and service.
The cost is around 400 pesos (around $21 a month) a month for the phone line and the DSL. I don't use the phone but I guess I need it for the
Internet to come through. I think they offer a faster speed for more $ but not sure.
At one time there was a back log to get the phone line but do nit know if there is a delay now. Possibly 500 pesos to the tech could speed things
What price range do you want to spend for a place and your requirement and I can look around. You can U2U me the info if you would like.
We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw
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Wow, thanks Howard. I sent you a U2U.
[Edited on 11-15-2017 by Suchislife]
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Thanks everyone who replied. Thanks Willy Airstream. That is a great idea.
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Reliable internet? Well, when Telmex is working, it's reliable. Telmex is reliably unreliable. Heavy data, who knows? Depends on who else is
downloading at the same time. When I lived in town you could count on sluggish service at opening time for businesses and when school let out. It
does also vary depending on where you live, so check out speeds various times of days wherever you consider renting.
Budget digs high season, December to May, are also hard to find, depends on what you require. The basic on the economy types are not going to be
advertised on line, nor are many realtors going to have them. And internet may or may not be available in those. Ask around, taco stands, taxi
drivers, etc. no central posts for rentals. It's a small town, and seasonal gringo priced rentals are the norm. Buena suerte.
reality\'s never been of much use out here...
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Telmex "offers" 3 different speed options.
But they don't tell you.....there is ONLY one in Loreto right now.
That is the "hasta 10 Mbs" plan.
Anything higher and your wasting your does not exist.
There is no fiber optic cabling from the TelMex server in Constitution that can handle a higher speed.
Confirmed by a TelMex tecnico here in Loreto.
Howard gets 4.7 and I am a stone's throw from his casa and I get 10 mgs day in and day out....
Mr Wahoo KIng, Bill Earhardt, is spot on.....get ahold of Randy Hamman for all things real estate.
[Edited on 11-15-2017 by DaliDali]
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