Ultra Nomad
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Shari - got any word on whale status for 2022?
I know it's still early, but do you know anything about the migration numbers? Health of the whales arriving? Is the GN salt plant launch site and
camp going to operate as usual?
All the best to you.
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We, here in La Bocana, have seen very few heading south this year so far.
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"
The migration has just begun the last week with whales passing California. There is a handful of whales in Laguna Ojo de Liebre now but we wont start
tours probably for another couple weeks. As far as I know everything is normal but the ejido campground area wont start tours till Jan.15 at least.
We are super booked up and many dates are already full as are most of our Whale Camps.
Ultra Nomad
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Glad for your booming business, Shari. A memorable experience in store for them. I'd enjoy any reports about the whales as you learn about them.
Select Nomad
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"
the whales seem to be recovering from the food shortages by foraging further afield like my friend Fingers was up in Russia! They are also feeding
longer up north which has altered the migration by being about 3 weeks later than normal. Last season we noted whales were in better shape and not so
many emaciated whales.
Also we saw waaaaay more mating than the last 3 years. Gray whales limit reproduction when their food source is compromised. So we had much fewer
calves in the lagoon than usual but increased mating is a good sign they whales have figured out how to deal with the food shortage. So we are hoping
for a big increase in calves this season and happier whales!
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I must be part whale!
Feeding longer.... migrating later.... that's me! It has definitely been a long time since any mating has occurred, but you say there might be hope
for the future? 
[Edited on 1-5-2022 by AKgringo]
If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!
"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
Ultra Nomad
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AK - and the resulting calves?? LOL