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Sometimes I think it's the karma police.
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What a d#ck statement.
Par for the course with you.
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The Mexican cops have their pick of plenty of bad gringo drivers. Why would a Mexican cop pick on a law-abiding driver? I figure that every gringo
driver that says they did no wrong is lieing. It makes no sense for the cop to pick on someone other than a driver that committed an infraction.
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
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Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  |
The Mexican cops have their pick of plenty of bad gringo drivers. Why would a Mexican cop pick on a law-abiding driver? I figure that every gringo
driver that says they did no wrong is lieing. It makes no sense for the cop to pick on someone other than a driver that committed an infraction.
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Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  | [
The Mexican cops have their pick of plenty of bad gringo drivers. Why would a Mexican cop pick on a law-abiding driver? I figure that every gringo
driver that says they did no wrong is lieing. It makes no sense for the cop to pick on someone other than a driver that committed an infraction.
Do you have any MX national friends?
Do ever talk to locals who know how things work in MX. Put your SD newspaper online subscriptions away.
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Quote: Originally posted by WestyWanderer  | Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  |
The Mexican cops have their pick of plenty of bad gringo drivers. Why would a Mexican cop pick on a law-abiding driver? I figure that every gringo
driver that says they did no wrong is lieing. It makes no sense for the cop to pick on someone other than a driver that committed an infraction.
Pretzel logic.
Cops are lazy. They pick on all gringoes.
US Marines: providing enemies of America an opportunity to die for their country since 1775.
What I say before any important decision.
F*ck it.
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The stories are so predictable. The “victim” always says their driving was impeccably legal! Ya, sure you bet’cha 
[Edited on 3-20-2022 by mtgoat666]
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
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Ultra Nomad
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  Rich coming from you. I'm actually relaxing in a nice hotel currently in Tecate.
Will be here for two nights. Once again, no issues at all. I can't even get the immigration people to look up at me.
Guessing you might have some unpaid tickets and hence the wedgie
Don Pisto
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Mood: weary like everyone else
must be the full moon
there's only two things in life but I forget what they are........
John Hiatt
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Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  | [
  Rich coming from you. I'm actually relaxing in a nice hotel currently in Tecate.
Will be here for two nights. Once again, no issues at all. I can't even get the immigration people to look up at me.
Guessing you might have some unpaid tickets and hence the wedgie
Keep flapping your gums and tempting faith. Hopefully your wife has enough dough to get you out if you run into the wrong cop. PM me if you need
Ultra Nomad
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Quote: Originally posted by JZ  | Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  | [
  Rich coming from you. I'm actually relaxing in a nice hotel currently in Tecate.
Will be here for two nights. Once again, no issues at all. I can't even get the immigration people to look up at me.
Guessing you might have some unpaid tickets and hence the wedgie
Keep flapping your gums and tempting faith. Hopefully your wife has enough dough to get you out if you run into the wrong cop. PM me if you need
 Sounds like the cops know you like to hand out the money, too Be a good person, Richard.
Super Nomad
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Quote: Originally posted by Bajaboy  |
  Rich coming from you. I'm actually relaxing in a nice hotel currently in Tecate.
Will be here for two nights. Once again, no issues at all. I can't even get the immigration people to look up at me.
Guessing you might have some unpaid tickets and hence the wedgie
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as norm clueless Mt reports knows nothing about baja. only keep 200 pesos in pocket hide the rest . Dont worry the last thing they want is you go to
station . After bribe wanted
US 41
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I'll be curious as to what my experience is in Baja with the police. I've only been to the mainland, but my experiences have all been good ones so
1) Ojinaga, Chihuahua: Federales pulled me over a few miles west of town asking for my permits. I didn't have any, but I explained to them that I was
just going to the canyon a few more miles up the road which was my side of the old garita. They were cool and they were just going to have me turn
around to go get permits if I was going farther into Mexico. It ended with handshakes.
2) South of Jimenez, Chihuahua: I was on 49D and the speed limit was 100. The limit randomly dropped to 40. The car in front of me didn't slow down,
but I saw the federales up ahead and slowed down to probably 60. I got pulled over because they were suspicious that I slowed down for the speed limit
LOL. They searched my car for drugs. They politely asked for a couple bottles of water because they saw I had a big case of it (I obviously said yes).
We ended in handshakes.
3) Durango, DGO: Estado Policia checkpoint. They were instantly curious about my Indiana license plates. They claimed to have never heard of Indiana
before, but one of them made a wise crack about Indiana Jones which we all laughed to. I showed them my drivers license. They gave it back. I popped
my trunk. I was on my way.
4) Sinaloa: Two Federales under a bridge in the shade east of Villa Union on 40D. They asked me where I was going. I told them Mazatlan. They looked
in my car and sent me on my way. Before I left I asked "Quieres agua?" because it was pretty hot and they were both very appreciative of the water I
gave them.
Bottom line is I try to obey the traffic laws and when I get pulled over I'm always very respectful and give them the benefit of the doubt. These guys
have tough jobs as it is. Respect and a good attitude go a long ways.
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Well said 41
Select Nomad
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There are 2 types of bad gringo drivers in Mexico. First, there are then lead-footed offroad types, and lead-footed gringos that just think Mexico is
a lawless land of no traffic/speed rules - they deserve to be fleeced by cops.
Second, there are the Mr Magoos that are clueless about their bad driving - cops stop them after observing their dangerous driving, and the Mr Magoos
are incapable of seeing their errors,… cops appropriately fine them,…
Both type of bad drivers go home to usa and tell tales about how they were wronged in Mexico. These people never see the error of their ways. Don’t
listen to such whiners.
Obey traffic laws in Mexico and you will rarely be stopped. The cops normally target people that they observe violating law,…. Why would they
target good drivers when Mexico has an over-abundance of a$4wipe gringo drivers and mr Magoos?
the pay the cop vs pay the govt thing is another matter.
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
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Super Nomad
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you forgot the third type driver the marooon clueless from San Diego

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Quote: Originally posted by US 41  | I'll be curious as to what my experience is in Baja with the police. I've only been to the mainland, but my experiences have all been good ones so
1) Ojinaga, Chihuahua: Federales pulled me over a few miles west of town asking for my permits. I didn't have any, but I explained to them that I was
just going to the canyon a few more miles up the road which was my side of the old garita. They were cool and they were just going to have me turn
around to go get permits if I was going farther into Mexico. It ended with handshakes.
2) South of Jimenez, Chihuahua: I was on 49D and the speed limit was 100. The limit randomly dropped to 40. The car in front of me didn't slow down,
but I saw the federales up ahead and slowed down to probably 60. I got pulled over because they were suspicious that I slowed down for the speed limit
LOL. They searched my car for drugs. They politely asked for a couple bottles of water because they saw I had a big case of it (I obviously said yes).
We ended in handshakes.
3) Durango, DGO: Estado Policia checkpoint. They were instantly curious about my Indiana license plates. They claimed to have never heard of Indiana
before, but one of them made a wise crack about Indiana Jones which we all laughed to. I showed them my drivers license. They gave it back. I popped
my trunk. I was on my way.
4) Sinaloa: Two Federales under a bridge in the shade east of Villa Union on 40D. They asked me where I was going. I told them Mazatlan. They looked
in my car and sent me on my way. Before I left I asked "Quieres agua?" because it was pretty hot and they were both very appreciative of the water I
gave them.
Bottom line is I try to obey the traffic laws and when I get pulled over I'm always very respectful and give them the benefit of the doubt. These guys
have tough jobs as it is. Respect and a good attitude go a long ways. |
Thanks for sharing these; I see that most of the encounters were with the federal police, which in my experience tend to be honest and professional
(like cops in the US). As you move down the geographic ladder (estado, municipal, etc.) they tend to get worse and worse. Without a doubt the worst
are the traffic cops in the larger cities; unashamedly targeting tourists with trumped up infractions. In those cases I typically don't play the game
and will hold out paying a mordida, although I always remember that I'm in a foreign country and at the end of the day they'll win if they want to
really push it.
The only issues I have had in Baja were in Ciudad Constitucion several years ago (we all remember that) and a few traffic cops on motorcycles in La
Paz & Tijuana. Nothing in Loreto or Mulege in 30+ years. I don't use the Tecate border but have definitely read of other mordida stories. This
forum is really helpful to share stories so everyone knows where this kind of activity is taking place at any given time. I used to use a Sindicatura
sticker and I think it has helped, but who knows.
Select Nomad
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I was in tecate the other day and photographed a gringo driver that Tecate PD had pulled over:

[Edited on 4-30-2022 by mtgoat666]
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
Prefered gender pronoun: the royal we
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