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Author: Subject: Run south
Super Nomad

Posts: 1040
Registered: 1-22-2006
Location: Margaritaville
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Mood: Circling the drain........

[*] posted on 10-16-2023 at 04:27 PM
Run south

Hola todos,
We’ve been in Bahía Asunción for one week now and I still haven’t got on the water. The Pueblo got hit real hard with the hurricane, but the town is cleaned up and there’s a lot of new construction going on repairing the damage from the storm.
Our old 5th wheel trailer weathered the wind and rain quite well, except that now I will have to make a new cover for the A/C unit on the roof. Our lot is riddled with a few species of NASTY thorns. Folks in town are catching YFT, Dodo’s, Wahoo, and the usual fare. Road coming down Mex 5 was in good shape, went through the Mexicali East POE and drove through the industrial district to hook up with the 5. First night at El Capitan in San Felipe (pet friendly), then on to BA. There is one detour right before coming into town.

Two dirt roads diverged in Baja and I, I took the one less graveled by......

Soy ignorante, apático y ambivalente. No lo sé y no me importa, ni modo.
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Elite Nomad

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Mood: Retireded

[*] posted on 10-16-2023 at 05:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by boe4fun  
Our lot is riddled with a few species of NASTY thorns.

Have you been invaded by the "Goathead" thorns? I found them around the newly constructed home I stayed at in Todos Santos last fall. I suspect they hitch hike on construction equipment, because I didn't find them in other neighborhoods.

If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!

"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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Super Nomad

Posts: 1040
Registered: 1-22-2006
Location: Margaritaville
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Mood: Circling the drain........

[*] posted on 10-17-2023 at 07:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by boe4fun  
Our lot is riddled with a few species of NASTY thorns.

Have you been invaded by the "Goathead" thorns? I found them around the newly constructed home I stayed at in Todos Santos last fall. I suspect they hitch hike on construction equipment, because I didn't find them in other neighborhoods.

Yes, along with some little round buggers that have spikes sticking out in all directions.

Two dirt roads diverged in Baja and I, I took the one less graveled by......

Soy ignorante, apático y ambivalente. No lo sé y no me importa, ni modo.
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