
Care to give Baja Nomad a little something?

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David K - 9-24-2008 at 05:36 PM

Nomads... the mailing address if anyone would wish to give a gratuity (tip) to Baja Nomad to help him keep this site on the Internet... if you find the inforamation to be valuable... a little reward for his efforts... it is right here:

fishbuck - 9-24-2008 at 05:38 PM

How about we ( meaning you) organize a fundraising party!

Diver - 9-24-2008 at 05:45 PM

Does Doug need/want the funds ?
Or is this just a thought of yours, DK ?

But a fundraising party sounds good - go for it !
And post pictures ! :lol::lol::lol:

BajaNuts - 9-24-2008 at 06:06 PM

I'm wondering if the tienda will be restocked at any time in the future, especially the shirts. I'd love to get one, only been a member since May '08. I'd also like to get a 2009 calender (or 3), but I understand it's hard to sell calenders cuz if you don't sell them.....what do ya do with the leftovers???
I also have experience with etched mugs or margharita glasses?!?!?!?! I can design and facilitate production of glassware for Tienda BN if there is any interest?

shari - 9-24-2008 at 07:51 PM

I like the idea of creative fundraising and I would be happy to help baja nomads remain on-line...what about something like a silent auction where people who either make things, have something to donate, or provide a service could contribute items to be auctioned.....maybe through this site....or at the fundraising party or both....I know lots of us are artists and have something to contribute...maybe make it an annual event...or how bout a fishing tournament?

Bajaboy - 9-24-2008 at 08:02 PM

I think this is a great idea. How about we do it in Asuncion the first or second week of November?

Originally posted by shari
I like the idea of creative fundraising and I would be happy to help baja nomads remain on-line...what about something like a silent auction where people who either make things, have something to donate, or provide a service could contribute items to be auctioned.....maybe through this site....or at the fundraising party or both....I know lots of us are artists and have something to contribute...maybe make it an annual event...or how bout a fishing tournament?

BajaNuts - 9-24-2008 at 08:03 PM

I'm willing to contrubute to the longterm financial viability of the website, ....and I stand by my offer for glassware, but I'm still not sure if financial support is desired or required.

As a junior, I'm not up on all the ins-and-outs of the forum, but I'd like to know if we're getting all excited for nothing.

Does this have anything to do with recent posts about yearly subscription fees?

Hook - 9-24-2008 at 08:14 PM

I have an about persons who continually promote their Mexico related businesses on Nomads actually pay for advertising on the site?

Why expend all those man-hours organizing a fundraiser or auction and dealing with the logistics?

If you gain financial income from promoting your business on Nomads..........then take some of that money and actually pay for advertising here.

I don't think this is a radical new model I'm talking about...............

Sharksbaja - 9-24-2008 at 08:21 PM

Reward? Hell, are we not the reason his forum flew? I want a kick-back.

toneart - 9-24-2008 at 08:32 PM

I would be open to the idea if it were necessary. Since Hose A left I see very little support from Doug. All I have seen is discriminatory deletions from solid contributors whereas offensive newbies' posts are allowed to stand.

I am sure he is busy because the moderator tasks have fallen back on him. But I would need to see a policy statement from him as to his philosophy for the board going forward.

I have been left with the impression (which I can't substantiate) that Doug's philosophy runs along political biases. If this is not true, let him refute it. I would be happy to be wrong in this respect and would publicly declare that I was wrong.

I love and support differences of opinion, but not civil rudeness in the form of attacks and name calling. I admit I am sensitive when it comes to personal issues and what I consider unjust.

As for now, I lurk and post where I see I can contribute responsibly to Nomad's needs as requested. I have made many friends and have received many U2Us of support during my defenses of the Mulege flood situation when my posts were rudely flamed. I have emails of those I would like to stay in touch with. By the way, I have been surprised by the bipartisan friendships that have been extended to me. I also miss the humor and banter among friends. I have not lost my sense of humor but am not willing to share it much anymore here. It used to be play. It used to be fun.

So, to sum it up: I would be happy to financially support the BajaNomad website because I think it is a valuable resource. However, I do have a life, thank you, and don't really need to post here if it continues to feel hostile to me personally; hostile by non-support from Doug, and hostile from flaming trolls.

I am being objective, polite and non-partisan, and I expect the same if I am to contribute financially.

Otherwise, I will continue as a reluctant Nomad and help where I can, unless I am banned. If that happens, well, I am not asking for it. I am not a martyr. You all can be the judge.

Best case scenario is that I am made to feel welcome by management and will happily support this valuable Baja information exchange.

Thank you for considering my plea.

dao45 - 9-24-2008 at 08:32 PM

I would be happy to donate a nice piece of silver jewelry with stones for this project

fishbuck - 9-24-2008 at 08:40 PM

I will donate 1 nights camping on the beautifuls shores of Campo Fishbuck to the auction. Okay maybe 2 nights.:yes:

shari - 9-24-2008 at 09:34 PM

Why expend man(woman)hours organizing something...well...cause it will be FUN....a PARTY...and we might get some nifty stuff too and help make Nomadlandia a better place....I will also pay to advertise if that is what it takes but like the idea of friendly nomad spirit creative funding too.
Come to think of it...even thought I'd end up doing alot of dishes(as usual), it would be really fun to host a nomad party here seeing as quite a few will be here already....we can do our own little thing for doug....but I really like the idea of auctioning off stuff Nomads make...put me down for donating a hand carved yellowtail necklace and lobster dinner for 2!! A raffle with lots of prizes would be cool we have here on Mothers Day....every woman got a prize!

Sharksbaja - 9-24-2008 at 10:06 PM

Ok then, can we at least know why David, you think this place may go away?

dao45 - 9-24-2008 at 10:08 PM

Hey Fish buck would that include Pacifico?
Sheri you have seen what I do.I would also be open donating a number of not so expensive items in silver with stone so everyone had a chance to win something.Within limits of course no more than 10 or 20 pieces

tripledigitken - 9-24-2008 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Hook
I have an about persons who continually promote their Mexico related businesses on Nomads actually pay for advertising on the site?

Why expend all those man-hours organizing a fundraiser or auction and dealing with the logistics?

If you gain financial income from promoting your business on Nomads..........then take some of that money and actually pay for advertising here.

I don't think this is a radical new model I'm talking about...............

What he said!

Sharksbaja - 9-24-2008 at 10:14 PM

Are you saying we should shower Doug with silver and precious stones. No? Then are you suggesting we should buy stuff and give the earned profits or income to Doug?

Hoo...weee! We'll I guess he's got some real loyal folks here. Something fishy about all this!:lol:

fishbuck - 9-24-2008 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Originally posted by Hook
I have an about persons who continually promote their Mexico related businesses on Nomads actually pay for advertising on the site?

Why expend all those man-hours organizing a fundraiser or auction and dealing with the logistics?

If you gain financial income from promoting your business on Nomads..........then take some of that money and actually pay for advertising here.

I don't think this is a radical new model I'm talking about...............

What he said!

When Fishbuck Airways finally makes a peso I'd be glad to pay for all the free advertising I get. Under my current bussiness model it should only take 10-20 years to turn a profit.

David K - 9-24-2008 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Ok then, can we at least know why David, you think this place may go away?

Hi Corky,

Doug is human, too... and he gets a ton of grief over lack of moderation or too much moderation... really a no win scenario.

Amigos de Baja finally had enough of playing babysitter as they were spending their personal fun time moderating... When the site crashed without warning, they elected to not fix it. Nomad, in this format, has been here since 2002 and most of the posts are still here to read from back then...

Think of it as a 'thank you'... 'a tip' for good service. This is a free service that really does cost something to have. Sure Doug makes some money with Google ads (if you guys click on them for a quick look), the banner ad from BajaBound, and if you buy stuff from the Tienda Baja Nomad... But that really isn't a lot considering how thousands of people use and enjoy this site... and ow much energy Doug invests here, for us.

Here is part of my reply to a u2u I recieved from a Nomad who asked if something 'bad' was happening and thought a web site didn't cost anything:

Nothing bad is going on... don't worry... It does cost money to run a site on the Internet and it takes man hours to moderate it, too... Doug makes some money from Google when you click on the Google ads... as well as some from for their banner ad. It would help if people all used those features or bought stuff from Tienda Baja Nomad. If not, but Nomads still want to help... a donation or contribution is appreciated... Think of it as a thank you to Doug for keeping this great site on line for so many of us to enjoy 24/7!


To donate/ contribute/ tip:

(PS since I know it will get asked, the answer is yes... I have donated to the site)

Hook - 9-24-2008 at 11:24 PM

I'm trying to figure out how much someone would bid for a lobster dinner they might have to drive a minimum of 700 miles, ONE WAY, to collect?

Let's see, the fuel, the lodging there, on the way down and back, the tourist card, the insurance...........carry the 2, divide by 2 dinners...........

You think the bidding would be fast and furious? I'm thinking the Charthouse on my nickel and a 100.00 donation to Doug would be cheaper and more effective.

You see, the problem with this FUN little idea of an auction is that when it is done and Doug gets the proceeds, the expenses of Nomads continue. So, now we organize another one?.........and another? What if future ones do poorly? The expenses still continue.

Donations trickling in here and there when DavidK decides to request it? PULLLEEAAZZE!!!! It's an honorable thing he's doing, but...............

I like the idea of businesses supporting Nomads on a predictable basis with a predictable amount.

Nomads like to support businesses they hear good things about here, right?

San Ignacio B & B, B. A. B & B, all of Graham's books, Baja Cactus Motel, FDT's tours, etc. Problem is; why shouldn't Doug reap some reward for likely increasing sales for these businesses?

How about a BUSINESS membership to Nomads that has an annual fee? Business members are then allowed to promote their services on the boards at will. Heck, some already do, so it's not like it would be a radical difference. :o

Or maybe create a business directory board where people can pose questions to the owners, make reservations, etc. They can do logos, publish coupons, whatever. Declare the regular boards off limits to business owner's promoting their OWN businesses. Regular members comments and recommendations about businesses would be allowed.

I've seen this model work on other boards....why not here? It's not really re-inventing the wheel.

[Edited on 9-25-2008 by Hook]

dao45 - 9-25-2008 at 12:48 AM

Oh my! It always seems to boil down to money.Quit acting like a shark and you will have a more enriching expeirene

good for you call the spelling police

toneart - 9-25-2008 at 09:56 AM

As promised in my earlier post in this string, I am offering an apology to Doug for wondering about any political motivation for some of his decisions. By U2U he has refuted it "100%". I was wrong and I am happy I was wrong.

Chris Holmstead - 9-25-2008 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by toneart
As promised in my earlier post in this string, I am offering an apology to Doug for wondering about any political motivation for some of his decisions. By U2U he has refuted it "100%". I was wrong and I am happy I was wrong.

So it was not a vast right wing conspiracy as you waxed on about in an previous post. I was half expecting you to mention black helicopters and tinfoil hats causing you problems as well.:lol:

Sharksbaja - 9-25-2008 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
So it was not a vast right wing conspiracy as you waxed on about in an previous post. I was half expecting you to mention black helicopters and tinfoil hats causing you problems as well.:lol:

I guess that depends on perspectives Chris. Are you a Republican? Pound for pound off-topic yields a heftier product.

Chris Holmstead - 9-25-2008 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Originally posted by Chris Holmstead
So it was not a vast right wing conspiracy as you waxed on about in an previous post. I was half expecting you to mention black helicopters and tinfoil hats causing you problems as well.:lol:

I guess that depends on perspectives Chris. Are you a Republican? Pound for pound off-topic yields a heftier product.

I do not like the off topic as it has no referees.:lol:

Sharksbaja - 9-25-2008 at 04:45 PM

David, you are such a good friend to seek income. You didn't say this place was in trouble so unless Doug says so I'll make a contribution to a needy recipient closer to home.

No, there is no money in tees, or hats. They pay for themselves thru logo/mark identification not retail sales of them.

Anyhoo I suppose if BN needed......... Doug??

David K - 9-25-2008 at 05:06 PM

See my comments about Doug in the other thread that I first brought up the idea of pitching a few coins to the guy who does so much to keep this site online.

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by David K]

Really love to drop in and check the thoughts here

Baja Bernie - 9-25-2008 at 06:44 PM

That said......I'll do what no one else has commented on here and offer to support Doug by the tune of $500.00 bucks because even though I have been chased from posting here I still lurk and call this wonderful man my friend...............

So Sharkl how say you?????

fishbuck - 9-25-2008 at 06:48 PM

So what about a fundraising party? Maybe FDT can help us plan something. At a hotel/motel with a nice garden or something near the border.
Maybe at the campground near La Fonda. That when when I, er... I mean people drink too much beer they can just crash out there.
$2 a beer or margarita and maybe some food too.
A saturday before it gets too cold to camp.

woody with a view - 9-25-2008 at 06:52 PM

$16/car to camp in the dirt at la fonda!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: maybe your stuff is there after you wake up the next day....

fishbuck - 9-25-2008 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by woody in ob
$16/car to camp in the dirt at la fonda!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: maybe your stuff is there after you wake up the next day....

Okay Woody, where's a good place then?

Sharksbaja - 9-25-2008 at 11:46 PM

Perhaps some day Bernie. Sorry but our place is still beat up from the last flood. I'd like to get it fixed up before I send money to Doug. Priorities I guess. :lol:

DR.EVIL13 - 9-26-2008 at 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Perhaps some day Bernie. Sorry but our place is still beat up from the last flood. I'd like to get it fixed up before I send money to Doug. Priorities I guess. :lol:

So,you want to use the site but do not want to pay.

wilderone - 9-26-2008 at 08:32 AM

I like the silent auction idea because you may get more participants, and it would cost money to travel somewhere to a multi-day party in Baja. Regardless of whether or how much money Doug might desire, this would be a fun activity in support of the site. I made a Gonzaga Bay Yacht Club t-shirt for my dad about 30 years ago and he never wore it because it was too small - a one-of-a-kind item. I now have it and could auction it off. I don't know how it would work exactly - posting photos of items, with u2u's to one coordinator with silent bids? The person offering the item would be required to make arrangements with the person with the winning bid, and making sure Doug gets the proceeds (via PayPal account?).
Or, how about someone getting a meeting room in San Diego (church, work site), or some place like Shelter Island - have some tables, BBQ grill - for an evening - bring the items, a pot luck dish, and have a dinner or something and all goods/money changes hands that night. Spread the word, bring guests.

woody with a view - 9-26-2008 at 08:40 AM

i'm out. getting ready for the 10 day trip. i was just pointing out that la fonda is a rip and friends lost 2 boards there once. san miguel is only $3-5/car and you have all of ensenada to have a ho-down.

David K - 9-26-2008 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
That said......I'll do what no one else has commented on here and offer to support Doug by the tune of $500.00 bucks because even though I have been chased from posting here I still lurk and call this wonderful man my friend...............

So Sharkl how say you?????

Thank you Bernie for your generosity... and don't ever let anyone chase you away... Heck, they have tried to chase me away for years... not going to happen... and why should it?

Viva Baja Bernie

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by David K]

think_bajaL.jpg - 47kB

DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Hook
I have an about persons who continually promote their Mexico related businesses on Nomads actually pay for advertising on the site?

Why expend all those man-hours organizing a fundraiser or auction and dealing with the logistics?

If you gain financial income from promoting your business on Nomads..........then take some of that money and actually pay for advertising here.

I don't think this is a radical new model I'm talking about...............

This and Hook's other post makes a lot of sense. Some boards don't even allow the linking to another website if it is at all commercial. Lots of different formats.

Some boards don't have any advertising, paid or not and openly ask for donations to keep them going free from advertising. And, I have never minded donating to those boards.

But, it is Doug's board and he makes the rules. There are a number of paid advertisements on this board and one might conclude that there is enough income earned from those or maybe he would not allow the free advertising, or request the donations directly ---- then, no problem.

David, I read all of your explanations, but IMHO, I still think since it is his board, he needs to speak for himself.

Just a thought


[Edited on 9-26-2008 by jdtrotter]

fdt - 9-26-2008 at 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Hook
Nomads like to support businesses they hear good things about here, right?

San Ignacio B & B, B. A. B & B, all of Graham's books, Baja Cactus Motel, FDT's tours, etc. Problem is; why shouldn't Doug reap some reward for likely increasing sales for these businesses?

[Edited on 9-25-2008 by Hook]
Don't know about the hotels or B&B's or even if Graham has made a killing selling books to nomads but I can say that I have had one (uno) paying walking tour of Tijuana that is a Nomad, bbbait.
I even had a hard time convincing people here to take the tours for free.
I started the web site with the tours on November 06.

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by fdt]

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 12:42 PM

So no fund raising party? :(

Silent auction... borrring!!!

I guess I'll just mail Doug a dollar. :)

palmeto99 - 9-26-2008 at 12:54 PM

If Doug charged money for this site, half the members would quit as they are so cheap.:biggrin:

tripledigitken - 9-26-2008 at 01:05 PM

OK now that DK has floated the idea of donating money to BN, why not some words from Doug? I do believe he is the sole owner of BN and should come forward to explain his thoughts on the topic.

If the situation is at the point that the site would go down without some infusion of cash we should all know. Would hate to see it disappear without some input from all of us.


longlegsinlapaz - 9-26-2008 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Most likely will most all of us.
However... like to hear some input from the upper command on this issue.:?:

If 80% of current members would contribute the tiny sum of $5.00 a year, it would generate the tidy sum of around $ 32.000.00.
Nothing to sneeze at.:(
Seen years my income didn't increase like that.:biggrin:

Don't be putting your calculator away just yet Vandenberg;)

There are 97 pages of members, 50 entries per page.
(Accuracy Police: All numbers are approximate!)

53 of those pages have posted 1 or more times; there are MANY MANY pages of >5 posts
- 10 pages with greater than 50 posts
- 4 pages with 25-49 posts
- 31 pages with 1-10 posts
- 44 pages with ZERO post members
- 18 banned ex-members (who I sincerely doubt would be willing to chip in to the kitty);)

The stats page shows that only 52.8% of members have ever posted.

So according my decidedly non-scientific very fast calculations, it's looking like you'd have to settle for a raise of around $11,500 a year!;)

THEN, of course, you'd have to take a pay cut due to the members who would leave or become lurkers because they wouldn't be willing or able to afford paying an annual fee.

dk continues to refuse to acknowledge the salient FACT that NOT all members are in a position of renewable income; some are actually retired, living on a fixed income & don't have the luxury of tossing money out hand-over-fist like he does. I'm tired of continuously being called cheap because I don't fall into the income or travel pattern dk does.

Like several others, I find it very interesting that Doug's condoned or sent dk out on a "fishing trip" to see what kind of nibbles this idea would reel in, while remaining silent.

The only way I'd consider paying minimal annual fee would be if Doug were to use it in it's entirety to hire one of more full-time moderators to get this site back to the relative sanity & pleasant place it was prior to Hose A's resignation. IMO, the condition of the site makes it abundantly clear that Doug doesn't have the time to devote to the site to keep posts with the board rules, let alone deal with whoever fulano/Nobullchit/tsgarcia69/sanluquena/Coatlallope/tio_foncho/goodfriend/wetbobo/ DR.EVIL13 is (is vs are, because I believe it's just one person!)

NEW PROPOSAL: How about the heaviest posters pay a post fee since they're using more of the site?? Let's say anyone with over, oh say, 6,300 posts.:lol::lol:

vandenberg - 9-26-2008 at 01:54 PM

Either there are some hiding or you missed them.:no::biggrin:

TENGOMIEDO - 9-26-2008 at 02:02 PM

You forgot me Grover

Ken Bondy - 9-26-2008 at 02:03 PM

TENGOMIEDO I love your handle. Wish I had thought of it.

Cypress - 9-26-2008 at 02:07 PM

Jee Wiz! Let's get rid of the riff-raff. You know, all those free-loaders that just clutter-up the forum with unwanted, possibly negative opinions that might detract from a Casa for Sale/ Rental/ Fishing Charter/ book etc. They won't pay the fee.:yes: Good riddance to all those cheapos.

Hook - 9-26-2008 at 02:13 PM

Let's see............11.5k per year. Now, hire 1-2 full time moderators. Doug's cut. The web host's cut...........hmmmmmm.

I dont think Doug is looking to Nomads to support his family. But it might be nice if it was at least self-supporting. Who wants to police this bunch and be charged for it, too?

It's astounding the level of "ownership" some of you have for Nomads. You want it bathed, brushed and perfumed, without considering the costs, and you threaten to leave if it occasionally soils itself. Or, you want it to be a jungle and threaten to leave if someone weeds out some underbrush; again at a cost of time and money.

Nomads has some great collective knowledge that saves all of us money and actually earns an income for some. But it takes money to run this thing.

If you couldn't afford to become a member because you are on a fixed income, then I would venture to say that you really cant afford to travel in Baja at all. Some form of membership would likely PAY for itself in short order; whether it be business or individual membership. Retired people on fixed income are the kings of assessing value; if this site has value to them, they will find a way to pay for it. If it doesnt' they wont. But they also probably weren't able to fund the first hand experiences to contribute much to the knowledge base, anyway.

Can you imagine how self-policing this site would become IF there was a membership fee, even 5.00? Suddenly, you would lose the drive-by shooters like the ones some have mentioned. Paid sites dont have drive-by putzes, just regular putzes who tend to tone it down, for fear of losing their membership. Yes, even five dollars.

BTW, longlines, if you think DavidK's style of traveling Baja is somehow extravagant, then you'd think many of us travel as the Sultan of Brunei might travel. He seems a pretty frugal traveler to me.

However, am I right in saying that all we have from Doug is a third hand exchange, through DavidK, that Doug would willing accept some income to defray costs? Is that all that generated this?

If so, I think we might be experiencing another example of, in the immortal words of Alan Greenspan, some "irrational exuberance" by a member.

Osprey - 9-26-2008 at 03:03 PM

I'd be willing to pay but I think otherwise about what that might get me >> could I talk dirty? I've never talked dirty and I've always been curious about it.

BajaGringo - 9-26-2008 at 03:05 PM

I say keep some areas public and make a members area that is private. Pay to get in there and those who can't pay can still participate in the public area. That would solve several of the problems and make the moderating easier as you would mainly only have to focus on a few areas in the public forum. Trolls would crash under their own weight as they would just be talking to themselves mostly. If it is the same person as longlegs suggests (and many believe), it might be fun to just watch how they carry on a conversation by themself???


CaboRon - 9-26-2008 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
OK now that DK has floated the idea of donating money to BN, why not some words from Doug? I do believe he is the sole owner of BN and should come forward to explain his thoughts on the topic.

If the situation is at the point that the site would go down without some infusion of cash we should all know. Would hate to see it disappear without some input from all of us.


Yes, we have only heard from the cheerleader ....

Not from the leader .....

So, not a penny !!


David K - 9-26-2008 at 04:17 PM

I asked Doug for an address where members could send contributions, donations, tips for good service (whatever you want to call it)... and he gave me the link I posted above.

Frankly, if you think there is no cost or value to maintain this site, then why waste your time here? I find it the most valuable of all the Internet Baja web sites... because it is live interaction with people who have just returned from Baja or who are in Baja right now... and in far greater numbers in one or two days than the other Baja forums see all year!

Carlos Fiesta has a great Baja info web site and I have always maintained a link to it on I wrote the brief Baja Missions page on his site many years ago. Carlos has also attended my Viva Baja events and only missed the last one because he was in the middle of a real estate deal that day... Carlos Fiesta's web site is However, Carlos' site is not a forum and is not constantly updated by viewers.

You guys can debate between yourselves all you want about why I am promoting Baja Nomad and not Doug, himself... I did explain why in the beginning...

You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

I support Doug the best I can as a friend and Nomad... There is nothing more to it than that. You either would like to give a tip to thank the web site or not, no big deal... either do it or don't, but would you please stop all the whining about not doing it. If you don't have anything nice to say then why spend so much energy finding fault with my suggestion?

PS Hook is right, my Baja trips are all low budget, simple tent camping trips with an occaisional luxury stay at Baja Cactus for $35 a night!!! You who think I have money to burn, don't look at my trip pages to see how I like the simple stuff. The biggest investment is the Tacoma payments because it is an oustanding, reliable Baja 4WD vehicle... I cannot even consider leasing a lot or investing in Baja, like so many of my friends at Camp Gecko or other places have tried to get me to do... My irrigation installations pay just enough for our Baja time outs!:yes:

Natalie Ann - 9-26-2008 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by David K
You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

David... why don't you have the above as your signature? Then you could stop continually reminding us of 'the facts'.

I believe that if Doug needs or would feel better about receiving donations to fund the forums, then he'll tell us.

All that's happening with your repeated attempt to convince me/us to behave according to your suggestions, is that you're really ticking me off. Please be quiet now. We all understand your position.

No response necessary... please and thank you.


mtgoat666 - 9-26-2008 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by David K

You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

DK, according to profile stats, you alone are responsible for over 5 percent (>1/20) of all posts on the board -- maybe you should pay for 5 percent of operating costs? How about a pay-per-post plan to cut down on clutter like pics of peoples pets and repetetive trip log posts? :lol::lol:

comitan - 9-26-2008 at 05:36 PM


woody with a view - 9-26-2008 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
I'd be willing to pay but I think otherwise about what that might get me >> could I talk dirty? I've never talked dirty and I've always been curious about it.

yes! but only if you talk to yourself.

edit: and leave the biting dolphins out of the discussion.:light:

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by woody in ob]

David K - 9-26-2008 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K

You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

DK, according to profile stats, you alone are responsible for over 5 percent (>1/20) of all posts on the board -- maybe you should pay for 5 percent of operating costs? How about a pay-per-post plan to cut down on clutter like pics of peoples pets and repetetive trip log posts? :lol::lol:

I would NOT ask others to do what I have not already done, my friend... How about people who make posts containing un-nice comments, or repeating the same false statements even after presented with facts pay DOUBLE?:light:

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by David K]

dtbushpilot - 9-26-2008 at 06:03 PM

Let it go David, this has gone on far too long. Some of us get it (I do) and some of us don't. You're a great guy and your heart is in the right place. We haven't met but I'm sure we will and I appreciate what you do and try to do on this board.

Don't beat your head against the wall to try to convince the nay-sayers, don't try to confuse them with the facts, their mind is made up......dt

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 06:31 PM

Ya know, we could discuss all this over a beer at the fundraising party.
A party. Remember? Fun, laughter, good friends?

vandenberg - 9-26-2008 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
How about a pay-per-post plan to cut down on clutter like pics of peoples pets and repetetive trip log posts? :lol::lol:

You leave my pussy out of it.:mad::biggrin:

DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Let it go David, this has gone on far too long. Some of us get it (I do) and some of us don't. You're a great guy and your heart is in the right place. We haven't met but I'm sure we will and I appreciate what you do and try to do on this board.

Don't beat your head against the wall to try to convince the nay-sayers, don't try to confuse them with the facts, their mind is made up......dt

Yup, some get it and some don't-----yup, some do and some don't-- that is for sure, some get and some don't get it, whatever it is.

Just lots of difference of "facts" also known as opinions. But I guess maybe some opinions are facts, and some are not----does get quite confusing.

Opinions become facts for some, and other opinions are facts for others.

But yes, some get it and some don't --depending on your opinion of what it is, or what the facts of it is.


[Edited on 9-27-2008 by jdtrotter]

I this - I that

Skipjack Joe - 9-26-2008 at 07:10 PM

It all gets very tiresome...

Originally posted by David K
I asked Doug for an address where members could send contributions, donations, tips for good service (whatever you want to call it)... and he gave me the link I posted above.

Frankly, if you think there is no cost or value to maintain this site, then why waste your time here? I find it the most valuable of all the Internet Baja web sites... because it is live interaction with people who have just returned from Baja or who are in Baja right now... and in far greater numbers in one or two days than the other Baja forums see all year!

Carlos Fiesta has a great Baja info web site and I have always maintained a link to it on I wrote the brief Baja Missions page on his site many years ago. Carlos has also attended my Viva Baja events and only missed the last one because he was in the middle of a real estate deal that day... Carlos Fiesta's web site is However, Carlos' site is not a forum and is not constantly updated by viewers.

You guys can debate between yourselves all you want about why I am promoting Baja Nomad and not Doug, himself... I did explain why in the beginning...

You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

I support Doug the best I can as a friend and Nomad... There is nothing more to it than that. You either would like to give a tip to thank the web site or not, no big deal... either do it or don't, but would you please stop all the whining about not doing it. If you don't have anything nice to say then why spend so much energy finding fault with my suggestion?

PS Hook is right, my Baja trips are all low budget, simple tent camping trips with an occaisional luxury stay at Baja Cactus for $35 a night!!! You who think I have money to burn, don't look at my trip pages to see how I like the simple stuff. The biggest investment is the Tacoma payments because it is an oustanding, reliable Baja 4WD vehicle... I cannot even consider leasing a lot or investing in Baja, like so many of my friends at Camp Gecko or other places have tried to get me to do... My irrigation installations pay just enough for our Baja time outs!:yes:

woody with a view - 9-26-2008 at 07:12 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Let it go David, this has gone on far too long. Some of us get it (I do) and some of us don't. You're a great guy and your heart is in the right place. We haven't met but I'm sure we will and I appreciate what you do and try to do on this board.

Don't beat your head against the wall to try to convince the nay-sayers, don't try to confuse them with the facts, their mind is made up......dt

Yup, some get it and some don't-----yup, some do and some don't-- that is for sure, some get and some don't get it, whatever it is.

Just lots of difference of "facts" also known as opinions. But I guess maybe some opinions are facts, and some are not----does get quite confusing.

Opinions become facts for some, and other opinions are facts for others.

But yes, some get it and some don't --depending on your opinion of what it is, or what the facts of it is.


[Edited on 9-27-2008 by jdtrotter]

it all comes down to what the definition of "is" is...

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by woody in ob]

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 07:18 PM

Get what? I don't get it. What is it that I'm suppose to get.

Seems like the only thing to "get" is DavidK. As in "everybody get him".

It's fairly simple. If you feel like helping Doug (whether he asked or not) just mail him a little donation.
If you don't want to help that's okay too. No one will know or care.

Why all the anti-DavidK sentiment?

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by fishbuck]

Sharksbaja - 9-26-2008 at 07:27 PM

Eye don't know?;D

shari - 9-26-2008 at 07:58 PM

this is kind of interesting from my perspective....because here many mexican would NEVER ask for donations or help of any kind.....BUT...sure appreciate the kind gesture of appreciation for a job well done. I dont find it odd at all that Doug hasnt' chimed in here as he probably is a nice humble man who wouldn't dream of asking for many here...they would never ask for a tip or help BUT could certainly use the help. Thanks for pointing this out David.

In the mexican culture it is really hard to figure out what to do as they wont' ever TELL you what they need or want...only living here for a long time helps undertstand this. So I GET IT.....probably Doug is too proud to ask for help and his amigo David loves him enough to put it out there to us what he might need.....

I agree with fishbuck....lets have a good time fundraising and talking about it amongst us who care and we will help out how we can in a baja spirited way....those of you who dont want to ......welll.....whatever modo
I do like it that it is a free site as lots of people join up....mostly good people ....if there was a fee...lots of these good folks might not tune in. We who have been here awhile know the value...and I'm sure are willing to help keep our nomad community alive.

David K - 9-26-2008 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Natalie Ann
Originally posted by David K
You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

David... why don't you have the above as your signature? Then you could stop continually reminding us of 'the facts'.

I believe that if Doug needs or would feel better about receiving donations to fund the forums, then he'll tell us.

All that's happening with your repeated attempt to convince me/us to behave according to your suggestions, is that you're really ticking me off. Please be quiet now. We all understand your position.

No response necessary... please and thank you.


Nena, I didn't see this earlier... maybe we both were posting at the same time... but this is my thread, I started it to help Doug with Nomad... I don't go into your threads and tell you to shut up. If you don't like what I have to say even if it is to help Nomad, then keep it to yourself. We conservatives believe in freedom of speech and not some 'fairness doctrine' to silence those you disagree with.

Baja is my passion, as is to keep Nomad alive and well... even if you and other DK haters would like to silence me because you think there is some invisible limit on how much someone can love or talk about Baja.

You also fail to recognize that there are new Nomads and lurkers all the time and when I repost an old photo or repeat an old story it is for THEM... Not for you old Nomads, not my ego, eiither.

Please show some respect as I have for you and your many great posts and photos on Nomad and the Baja Calendar (which Doug still has for sale to help this site)...

DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by shari
this is kind of interesting from my perspective....because here many mexican would NEVER ask for donations or help of any kind.....BUT...sure appreciate the kind gesture of appreciation for a job well done. I dont find it odd at all that Doug hasnt' chimed in here as he probably is a nice humble man who wouldn't dream of asking for many here...they would never ask for a tip or help BUT could certainly use the help. Thanks for pointing this out David.

In the mexican culture it is really hard to figure out what to do as they wont' ever TELL you what they need or want...only living here for a long time helps undertstand this. So I GET IT.....probably Doug is too proud to ask for help and his amigo David loves him enough to put it out there to us what he might need.....

I agree with fishbuck....lets have a good time fundraising and talking about it amongst us who care and we will help out how we can in a baja spirited way....those of you who dont want to ......welll.....whatever modo
I do like it that it is a free site as lots of people join up....mostly good people ....if there was a fee...lots of these good folks might not tune in. We who have been here awhile know the value...and I'm sure are willing to help keep our nomad community alive.

Another well stated "get it" opinion.

Or is it fact? Nah, just another opinion.


David K - 9-26-2008 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by shari
this is kind of interesting from my perspective....because here many mexican would NEVER ask for donations or help of any kind.....BUT...sure appreciate the kind gesture of appreciation for a job well done. I dont find it odd at all that Doug hasnt' chimed in here as he probably is a nice humble man who wouldn't dream of asking for many here...they would never ask for a tip or help BUT could certainly use the help. Thanks for pointing this out David.

In the mexican culture it is really hard to figure out what to do as they wont' ever TELL you what they need or want...only living here for a long time helps undertstand this. So I GET IT.....probably Doug is too proud to ask for help and his amigo David loves him enough to put it out there to us what he might need.....

I agree with fishbuck....lets have a good time fundraising and talking about it amongst us who care and we will help out how we can in a baja spirited way....those of you who dont want to ......welll.....whatever modo
I do like it that it is a free site as lots of people join up....mostly good people ....if there was a fee...lots of these good folks might not tune in. We who have been here awhile know the value...and I'm sure are willing to help keep our nomad community alive.


Thanks Shari... as one who understands the Baja way, I appreciate you confirming what I thought was common knowledge to those on this forum who claim to all love Baja and its people!

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 08:24 PM

Ooohhh!!! Now I "get it".:cool:

Hey David K can you post a few photos of some old pile of rocks that use to be something a long time ago but know nobody knows what it is and you are probably the only person on planet earth who knows where it is or has even seen in it the last 200 years. ("This use to be the outhouse for the Mission San Boring")

Those photos are just soo interesting.:lol:

Just kidding.:coolup:

Okay everybody pay up!!!!:yes:

DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by shari
this is kind of interesting from my perspective....because here many mexican would NEVER ask for donations or help of any kind.....BUT...sure appreciate the kind gesture of appreciation for a job well done. I dont find it odd at all that Doug hasnt' chimed in here as he probably is a nice humble man who wouldn't dream of asking for many here...they would never ask for a tip or help BUT could certainly use the help. Thanks for pointing this out David.

In the mexican culture it is really hard to figure out what to do as they wont' ever TELL you what they need or want...only living here for a long time helps undertstand this. So I GET IT.....probably Doug is too proud to ask for help and his amigo David loves him enough to put it out there to us what he might need.....

I agree with fishbuck....lets have a good time fundraising and talking about it amongst us who care and we will help out how we can in a baja spirited way....those of you who dont want to ......welll.....whatever modo
I do like it that it is a free site as lots of people join up....mostly good people ....if there was a fee...lots of these good folks might not tune in. We who have been here awhile know the value...and I'm sure are willing to help keep our nomad community alive.


Thanks Shari... as one who understands the Baja way, I appreciate you confirming what I thought was common knowledge to those on this forum who claim to all love Baja and its people!

More opinion---seems to be a real problem here. Some opinions think it is right and OK for you to speak for Doug, and other's have the opinion that Doug can speak for himself.

There are NO facts as to the financial need for this forum, do the "paid" advertisements pay enough or do they not. No facts, just opinions.

There is no "get it" here----it is opinion, a concept that seems to be quite lost on many. Do people who benefit from lots of FREE advertising need to kick in, or do all of us who use the forum need to kick in? Please, enlighten us as to the details and needs of this forum.

Your "common knowledge"is also based on YOUR opinion---yes, the opinion shared by some, but NOT ALL.

Just because someone agrees with you does not make it the TRUTH any more than because someone agrees with the other side, does it make it the TRUTH.


Natalie Ann - 9-26-2008 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by Natalie Ann
Originally posted by David K
You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

David... why don't you have the above as your signature? Then you could stop continually reminding us of 'the facts'.

I believe that if Doug needs or would feel better about receiving donations to fund the forums, then he'll tell us.

All that's happening with your repeated attempt to convince me/us to behave according to your suggestions, is that you're really ticking me off. Please be quiet now. We all understand your position.

No response necessary... please and thank you.


Nena, I didn't see this earlier... maybe we both were posting at the same time... but this is my thread, I started it to help Doug with Nomad... I don't go into your threads and tell you to shut up. If you don't like what I have to say even if it is to help Nomad, then keep it to yourself. We conservatives believe in freedom of speech and not some 'fairness doctrine' to silence those you disagree with.

Baja is my passion, as is to keep Nomad alive and well... even if you and other DK haters would like to silence me because you think there is some invisible limit on how much someone can love or talk about Baja.

You also fail to recognize that there are new Nomads and lurkers all the time and when I repost an old photo or repeat an old story it is for THEM... Not for you old Nomads, not my ego, eiither.

Please show some respect as I have for you and your many great posts and photos on Nomad and the Baja Calendar (which Doug still has for sale to help this site)...

Ah, here's the DavidK I've come to know through this forum.:rolleyes:

..."hater".... "shut up" ... your words, David, not mine.

You seem to have no idea that one or two posts count as suggestions, the rest are either badgering folks for money or defensive.

So long as we're having this discourse, I'd like a direct answer from you.... yes or no. Did Doug ask you and/or did he tell you he openly condones your requesting operational funds for this site? Like I said, yes or no.

I'm asking, because I wrote him and assured him that if he needs or wants funds that of course I'm happy to contribute. Just let me know. So far I've had no response. And generally Doug responds to my queries.


DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by David K

.... but this is my thread, I started it to help Doug with Nomad... I don't go into your threads and tell you to shut up. If you don't like what I have to say even if it is to help Nomad, then keep it to yourself. We conservatives believe in freedom of speech and not some 'fairness doctrine' to silence those you disagree with.

I didn't realize that threads belonged to anyone so if anyone disagrees with the creator of the thread they should keep silent---now that is REAL freedom of speech. Are those the rules?

Gee, I think I remember someone reminding everyone that this is a public forum---guess that is only when it is convenient.

Does the creator only speak the truth and others only speak opinion?

As always, you sneak in your political bias--also very convenient.


fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 08:54 PM

Este caballo está muerto! Por favor, no lo golpearon ya!

(This horse is dead! Please don't beat him anymore!!! )

Or does everyone on Nomad need to chime in on this with there "opinion"

Por favor, no mas!!!

We conservatives?

Sharksbaja - 9-26-2008 at 08:56 PM


We conservatives believe in freedom of speech and not some 'fairness doctrine' to silence those you disagree with.

and the rest of us are what exactly? Liberals? Do you think there are only two types of folks out there?

How.......................... Fox news of you!:P

I think you bit off a lot asking for dough w/o qualifying it first.

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 08:57 PM

Who cares!!! Just stop.

DianaT - 9-26-2008 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
Who cares!!! Just stop.

Ah, just quit reading it..

Diver - 9-26-2008 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
.... does everyone on Nomad need to chime in on this with there "opinion"

Chime !!!

As I recently told Nena;
In an effort to remain calm, I have been practicing aroma therapy.
I don't think it works but it smells really good ! :biggrin: :cool:
Is your room spinning too ? :lol:

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by fishbuck
Who cares!!! Just stop.

Ah, just quit reading it..

I have. I'm not reading it now either.:lol:


ELINVESTIG8R - 9-26-2008 at 09:19 PM

fdt - 9-26-2008 at 09:23 PM

No manches!

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-26-2008 at 09:31 PM

No, deveras, el JR va a jalar a los pies de gente aqui de abajo sus covijas. Hahahahaha

mtgoat666 - 9-26-2008 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by David K

You all know that I am the Nomad with the highest number of posts... for two reasons, I am the longest active registered Nomad online after Doug and I enjoy sharing my Baja trips and history with fellow Baja nuts... as well as enjoy interacting with you guys...

DK, according to profile stats, you alone are responsible for over 5 percent (>1/20) of all posts on the board -- maybe you should pay for 5 percent of operating costs? How about a pay-per-post plan to cut down on clutter like pics of peoples pets and repetetive trip log posts? :lol::lol:

I would NOT ask others to do what I have not already done, my friend... How about people who make posts containing un-nice comments, or repeating the same false statements even after presented with facts pay DOUBLE?:light:

[Edited on 9-27-2008 by David K]

DK and facts, ahhhh,... where do I begin?

How about all posts of pics of dirt island or Toyota Tacomas or abuse of exclamation points be charged triple?

longlegsinlapaz - 9-26-2008 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Hook
BTW, longlines, if you think DavidK's style of traveling Baja is somehow extravagant, then you'd think many of us travel as the Sultan of Brunei might travel. He seems a pretty frugal traveler to me.

Hook, after reading your comment to "longlines" & taking the liberty of assuming you were addressing "longlegs" re-reading my own words, admittedly my point could have been more clearly stated. The travel comment in no way referred to the mode or style of travel, it was to point out again that many Nomads live here year-round & permanently; a salient point that dk refuses to GET. The majority of his posts refer to people who vacation here & go back to the states to earn more money to refill their travel coffers. There are a lot of Nomads who live in Baja full time & for whom money is not a renewable, nor a plentiful resource.

It gets real be constantly "measured" by a ruler made in dk's image & constantly coming up short because not everyone happens to fit his mold of all Nomads being travelers.

The having money to throw around comment was a separate issue driven by dk's comments in the 2 "Dollars for Doug" threads simultaneously going here at the moment, as well as many posts he's made in the past about his generosity in tipping everyone from gas station attendants, to food servers, to grocery clerks. Not all enjoy his level of income.

IMO, it would be a really refreshing change for an occasional acknowledgment that all Nomads are not cast in his self-image. I believe that Nomad members are a unique & diverse group of individuals with uniques thoughts, feelings, experiences, interests, lifestyles; some shared; but we do not all measure up to dk's ruler, nor SHOULD we.

Finally, at the risk of redundancy, I believe it's time for Doug to chime in here with some facts to establish some credibility to all these conjectures.

fishbuck - 9-26-2008 at 11:08 PM

Dead Horse!

bajaguy - 9-26-2008 at 11:22 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
Dead Horse!

Yup, I think so.....after 5 pages, either write a check or don''s that simple

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 05:18 AM

Time to put this one down,

Hook - 9-27-2008 at 05:51 AM

Sorry, longlegs. I guess longlines was a Freudian fisherman's slip.

I think I misunderstood where you were coming from on this issue, too. We are more in agreement than at odds.

capt. mike - 9-27-2008 at 06:34 AM

Baja gringo nailed it. have a members only section of the site with password access just like BBP does.
so, there are sections all of the public can see, use, and there are sections only dues paying members can use. simple really.

and yet............Doug Means continues to voice silence here. is he embarrased by all this or is he following the "baja way"?

i'd gladly enjoy the free section. Don't look for any donations from me tho regards a pay per view section - unless it has pictures of Vandenburg's, i mean cat.


Bucky - quit reading this, you'll go BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o:o:light:

oxxo - 9-27-2008 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Time to put this one down,

Oh, noooooooo, please no, this is WAY too much fun! :bounce:

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 08:11 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz

The travel comment in no way referred to the mode or style of travel, it was to point out again that many Nomads live here year-round & permanently; a salient point that dk refuses to GET. The majority of his posts refer to people who vacation here & go back to the states to earn more money to refill their travel coffers. There are a lot of Nomads who live in Baja full time & for whom money is not a renewable, nor a plentiful resource.

It gets real be constantly "measured" by a ruler made in dk's image & constantly coming up short because not everyone happens to fit his mold of all Nomads being travelers.

The having money to throw around comment was a separate issue driven by dk's comments in the 2 "Dollars for Doug" threads simultaneously going here at the moment, as well as many posts he's made in the past about his generosity in tipping everyone from gas station attendants, to food servers, to grocery clerks. Not all enjoy his level of income.

IMO, it would be a really refreshing change for an occasional acknowledgment that all Nomads are not cast in his self-image. I believe that Nomad members are a unique & diverse group of individuals with uniques thoughts, feelings, experiences, interests, lifestyles; some shared; but we do not all measure up to dk's ruler, nor SHOULD we.

Finally, at the risk of redundancy, I believe it's time for Doug to chime in here with some facts to establish some credibility to all these conjectures.

Sorry, I got in the box.

From CaboRon ,

Thank you for putting into words feelings that I have felt about David K's cheerleader posts.

I many times get the feeling that everything seems aimed to the part-time and vacationing Nomads. There is definately a mindset difference for those of us way down here in Baja California Sur :bounce:


[Edited on 9-27-2008 by CaboRon]

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 08:17 AM

Guess I had better get more popcorn for this one

David K - 9-27-2008 at 09:00 AM

Long legs in La Paz and Cabo Ron... I too sometimes have 'selective reading' issues, but I did write this earlier in this fun filled thread (you missed?):

"Frankly, if you think there is no cost or value to maintain this site, then why waste your time here? I find it the most valuable of all the Internet Baja web sites... because it is live interaction with people who have just returned from Baja or who are in Baja right now... and in far greater numbers in one or two days than the other Baja forums see all year!"

>>> The part that says '...or who are in Baja right now...' is refering to you guys who live full or part time in Baja.

Now, for a lot of you: shame on you! You use or abuse this site and then complain when a member SUGGESTS voluntary contributions be mailed in, IF you would like to TIP the host for his hard work and EXPENSE to provide a forum for all of us to SHARE Baja experiences and information.

In the voice of Gomer Pyle: SHAME SHAME SHAME!:light::rolleyes:

For those of you who have u2u'd me support for my action, many thanks... Having a lot to share about Baja shouldn't make those who share less jealous... I am not competing with you. I suggest you just enjoy what is offered on Nomad or move to a different thread. Taking all the time to bad mouth me or my style is just so childish and adds NOTHING to help other Baja travelers (or residents)!

Bernie says Nomad is about 'People Helping People'... What I am trying to do, and hope other Nomads do as well.

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 09:13 AM


ELINVESTIG8R - 9-27-2008 at 09:16 AM


vandenberg - 9-27-2008 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
unless it has pictures of Vandenburg's, i mean cat.

cat finger.gif - 43kB

capt. mike - 9-27-2008 at 10:40 AM

now that's funny right there i don't care who you are!:tumble::tumble::tumble:

BajaGringo - 9-27-2008 at 10:44 AM

Our youngest cat looks at me and I know that is what she is thinking sometimes...


longlegsinlapaz - 9-27-2008 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by David K
Long legs in La Paz and Cabo Ron... I too sometimes have 'selective reading' issues, but I did write this earlier in this fun filled thread (you missed?):

"Frankly, if you think there is no cost or value to maintain this site, then why waste your time here? I find it the most valuable of all the Internet Baja web sites... because it is live interaction with people who have just returned from Baja or who are in Baja right now... and in far greater numbers in one or two days than the other Baja forums see all year!"

>>> The part that says '...or who are in Baja right now...' is refering to you guys who live full or part time in Baja.
Since you brought up "selective reading issues", I can't & won't assume to speak for CaboRon, but I didn't miss it, I read & absorbed what you wrote immediately upon reading it. You musta skimmed over the words "majority of his posts" in my post.

Now, for a lot of you: shame on you! You use or abuse this site and then complain when a member SUGGESTS voluntary contributions be mailed in, IF you would like to TIP the host for his hard work and EXPENSE to provide a forum for all of us to SHARE Baja experiences and information.

In the voice of Gomer Pyle: SHAME SHAME SHAME!:light::rolleyes:
David, what right do you have to stand in judgment of the rest of the members here; painting us all with the same brush simply because it's YOUR brush (thought/idea/feeling/experience/OPINION). Well guess what, we ALL have our own personal thoughts/feelings/ideas/experiences/OPINIONS & because they don't parallel yours, that doesn't make any of the rest of us pond scum (MY words for how you make me feel, NOT implying YOU have ever used those words!), it doesn't reduce the value of our individual contributions. You have a bad habit, IMO, of overusing the terms "we" & us" when stating YOUR opinions. Please stop assuming that you have some inalienable right to speak for the masses; the masses have individual voices & can speak for themselves/myself if they so desire.

For those of you who have u2u'd me support for my action, many thanks... Having a lot to share about Baja shouldn't make those who share less jealous... I am not competing with you. I suggest you just enjoy what is offered on Nomad or move to a different thread. Taking all the time to bad mouth me or my style is just so childish and adds NOTHING to help other Baja travelers (or residents)!

Bernie says Nomad is about 'People Helping People'... What I am trying to do, and hope other Nomads do as well.
You couldn't be further from the truth in YOUR OPINION that I'm speaking from a position of jealousy. I've yet to read anything in your posts for me to be jealous of. Childish? Stating my thoughts/feelings/OPINIONS is childish? Did you actually say that with a straight face?

Wise words from "hope other Nomads do as well":?: David, what planet are you living on? Have you missed the point of this entire site? According to that logic, you only acknowledge your own input as having any value. Wake up & smell the coffee! This is not "the DK site", there are a lot of fine & generous people here who give of their time, knowledge, experience in many ways....for you to belittle someone or their actions because you may not be personally aware of it is the height of hypocrisy! I've personally helped a lot of Nomads off-line, and I know many, many others who have as well. Because I/they choose to do it out of the public eye for varying reasons, does NOT make my/their value to Baja Nomad any less than yours because you choose to publicize all your good deeds.

David, before you blast off a whiny response, please do at least you & I a favor....get off your high horse & reread my words several times to see if you and find ANY grains of personal truth in them. Before you classify this as just another "personal attack" the phrase constructive criticism in your vocabulary?

Do you want to do a quantity comparison of how many U2U's we each received in favor of our individual posts?:lol:

mtgoat666 - 9-27-2008 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
This is not "the DK site",

It's not? His post count suggests otherwise. Possession (bloviation) is 9/10s of the law :lol:

CaboRon - 9-27-2008 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
This is not "the DK site",

It's not? His post count suggests otherwise. Possession (bloviation) is 9/10s of the law :lol:

Words, in this case, shout it out ..... :lol::lol::lol:

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