

Pompano - 11-2-2008 at 06:19 AM


Most everyone who has been to Mulege at least twice has probably eaten at Mely's .."Doneys"

The cafe is located just a block into town from the 'Y'..(or past that godawful monument you drive under nowadays) It's on your right. Parallel parking in front.

I stopped by Doneys the other day...suffering from another severe snack attack. I loved what I ate there..but then I always have for the last umpteen years, so what else is new?

Well...I'll tell you what is new. The whole dang place is new. New colors, new entry and front, new furniture, new menu, new atmosphere, new prices, new's the same old pompano.

Our host....same old good guy, Mely. Shown here applying 'quality control' techniques.

These patrons show thier selections for breakfast....

Deeelicious, they said.

Fair enough, I said..and ordered both.

Hey!, researching/writing cafe reviews works up a huge appetite, y'know.

[Edited on 3-18-2009 by Pompano]

capt. mike - 11-2-2008 at 07:01 AM

the papas Rellenos are uniquely delicious there.:light:
i think Frambes likes the Sunday chicken.:bounce:

i wish i was eating there now!!

Bob and Susan - 11-2-2008 at 10:39 AM

no no no...:P

the saturday bbq chicken...

we like take-out!!! :light:

[Edited on 11-2-2008 by Bob and Susan]

chick.JPG - 41kB

2-tie-dye-4 - 11-2-2008 at 11:10 AM

I like El Candil in Mulege, I don't hear anything about it. Does anybody know if Russ and Tim are still around? I haven't been there in over a year. We really dug it the first time when the Mexicans had it. Only been there once since Scott bought it and it seemed very Gringo, but way cute puppies behind the bar. And, I mean dogs. little baby ones. guess I'll stick with Zulema in Santispac.

bent-rim - 11-2-2008 at 11:42 AM

Does the Doney's that replaced Asadoro(sp) Ramon still have carnitas? Ramon made the best carnitas, I'm sorry he passed.

capt. mike - 11-2-2008 at 12:53 PM

yes, i think Sat is dany's big carnitas day. he roasts a pig for sat.
that place is fantastic!

Phil S - 11-2-2008 at 01:07 PM

Heading down next Sunday (yes week from today) Where the heck is it located. I can't place anywhere from the pic's. Which block is it in???? Looks terrific. Will have to try it out on the way to Nopolo

bajajudy - 11-2-2008 at 01:35 PM

What in the world are those pink things on the plates?

I love that place too. We always eat there when in Mulege.

No offense Roger but...

Sharksbaja - 11-2-2008 at 01:57 PM

Fool me once shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!

Two new menus as well?? I hope the prices are the same.

Just hard to shake off that type of experience. I remember that those were tough times after "John" and we were the only folks in there at the time. Besides, they never laid eyes on us before. Not that that matters.:lol:

Oh, the food. Yes, I ate it.

Of course remember that food IS very subjective. What you see as a great meal, someone next to you might see as ordinary restaurant slop fare.;D

I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".:bounce:

Lauriboats - 11-2-2008 at 02:03 PM

Doney's has become one of our favorite places to eat in Mulege. Very clean, great food, friendly staff and the menu is wonderful as far as all of the great choices. Would highly recommend it to anyone. They are closed on Tuesdays.

KurtG - 11-2-2008 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Fool me once shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!

Two new menus as well?? I hope the prices are the same.

Just hard to shake off that type of experience. I remember that those were tough times after "John" and we were the only folks in there at the time. Besides, they never laid eyes on us before. Not that that matters.:lol:

Oh, the food. Yes, I ate it.

Of course remember that food IS very subjective. What you see as a great meal, someone next to you might see as ordinary restaurant slop fare.;D

I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".:bounce:

Both the English and Spanish menus are priced identically in Pesos. Mely is serious about quality and runs a tight ship. While I am not in the restaraunt biz like you his kitchen looks very clean to me. I've been eating there since it was just the small taco stand and I like that the original taco stand menu is still there as well as the new items. Had some really good chicken enchiladas there last week. The weekend chicken and birria are good and it is a reliable place for breakfast. I would say the clientle is evenly split between Gringos and locals.

BajaGringo - 11-2-2008 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".:bounce:

Looking at the photo I thought the same thing but after a second look I don't think so. A paper plate would bend under the weight of the food being held up for the photo. For you Mulege locals - do they serve the food on paper plates???

Just curious...

KurtG - 11-2-2008 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".:bounce:

Looking at the photo I thought the same thing but after a second look I don't think so. A paper plate would bend under the weight of the food being held up for the photo. For you Mulege locals - do they serve the food on paper plates???

Just curious...

No, those are not paper plates.

toneart - 11-2-2008 at 04:52 PM

Some answers:

Don't confuse Donny's (Mele"s) with Dany's Asadero. Two different places.

Pompano gave exact directions to Donny's(Mele's). See his first post. Mele does a good job. He's got that flavor thing goin' on. the place is well run. Not too pricey.

Scotty's El Candil is great! Scotty is a great chef from Oregon. His kitchen and wait staff are top rate. They are well trained, know the customers by name and give great service. His top line of food is pricey, but worth it. Not nearly as pricy as a comparable meal in the U.S. You don't have to order the top of the line. You can also get burgers and tacos. If you do order his nightly specials, you can get Yellowtail, Cabrilla, Sonora Steak, Camarones, Chicken, Pork. He also has a smoker. There is a great patio in back, parking too. And it is the cornerstone watering hole and social spot in town, catacorner from the plaza. A great hang, too. Mom and Pop are also there, taking care of business and schmoozing. When there, ask if (Trumpet player)Tony is there (after New Year's day). I'd love to meet all Nomads that aren't on my s**t list. :smug::yes::cool:

Just an experience

Sharksbaja - 11-2-2008 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by KurtG
Originally posted by BajaGringo
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".:bounce:

Looking at the photo I thought the same thing but after a second look I don't think so. A paper plate would bend under the weight of the food being held up for the photo. For you Mulege locals - do they serve the food on paper plates???

Just curious...

No, those are not paper plates.

:lol::lol: Of course they're not Kurt. Just at first glance they resemble them.


Both the English and Spanish menus are priced identically in Pesos

Not that day.
Oh, it wassn't me that got irked. It was a friend who just happened to be an ex-accountant. He almost went ballistic and refused to pay the higher amount. I did pay it for him.

I was pretty shocked as well but my meal was the same price as the Spanish menu meal price. Sorry again I shared this story. Not something folks want to hear.:rolleyes:

The food was pretty average imho, actually better than Baja average and a nice clean environment. Darn , I swore off critiquing restaurants. My bad!

[Edited on 11-6-2008 by Sharksbaja]

Pompano - 11-3-2008 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
What in the world are those pink things on the plates?

I love that place too. We always eat there when in Mulege.

Judy..those are cosas de rojo. Deelicious. :rolleyes:

I know these dishes have a name..but for the life of me I cannot remember. Maybe somebody reading this will help me out? Both breakfast items...hmm..the left one is no. 2 o3 on the menu and the right plate is something de Cortez?
I have it! de Cortez!

I agree on always eating there and loving it, we did just a few days ago when my cafe-owner pal from Cabo and his buddy, owner of a fancy French place in TJ, took me there for breakfast. They tipped heavily.
Mely has been at this business since he quit working for the Serinadad as desk manager a long time ago. Here's a pic of him a few years back...

And now ..

Originally posted by toneart
Some answers:

Don't confuse Donny's (Mele"s) with Dany's Asadero. Two different places.

Pompano gave exact directions to Donny's(Mele's). See his first post. Mele does a good job. He's got that flavor thing goin' on. the place is well run. Not too pricey.

Scotty's El Candil is great! Scotty is a great chef from Oregon. His kitchen and wait staff are top rate. They are well trained, know the customers by name and give great service. His top line of food is pricey, but worth it. Not nearly as pricy as a comparable meal in the U.S. You don't have to order the top of the line. You can also get burgers and tacos. If you do order his nightly specials, you can get Yellowtail, Cabrilla, Sonora Steak, Camarones, Chicken, Pork. He also has a smoker. There is a great patio in back, parking too. And it is the cornerstone watering hole and social spot in town, catacorner from the plaza. A great hang, too. Mom and Pop are also there, taking care of business and schmoozing. When there, ask if (Trumpet player)Tony is there (after New Year's day). I'd love to meet all Nomads that aren't on my s**t list. :smug::yes::cool:

Hey Tony..Scottys is just plain good food and good people. I hope to see lutefisk or chicken gizzards on the menu next time..good down home cookin, y'know what I mean?

Tony! I on that s**t list? I promise I won't bring up Ed Schultz or any other whacko commie pinkos...honest. Hey, how about opening a new beachside cafe..."Zulema's"..has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? 'Fast Eddy and the Slow Learners' could play there...along with the 'Soggy Bottom Boys'.

toneart - 11-3-2008 at 09:31 PM

Rog. aren't on the list. There's (barely) room enough for the both of us, but once I learned how to get around you after a good meal, it's all a been a piece of cake.

Speaking of pastel.....Hmmm. Zulema's,huh?I see you mentioned my name to her for that photo. She only smiles like that when she thinks of me. ( Uh, maybe that was a sueno?) Well, suenos is all I have until I can get back down there at the end of the year.
Saludos, amigo!:biggrin:

rpleger - 11-5-2008 at 06:58 PM

Best food in Mulege for the money...always good at a fair paper plates...I eat there at least once a week...I eat other places to spread around my business...
I eat at home too...

Bob H - 11-5-2008 at 08:02 PM

Hey Roger, thanks for the photos of the refurbished Doneys place. Audrey and I love eating there every time we visit Mulege. We plan to spend a week in late January down there. Can't wait to eat there again, as well as El Candil. I love the beer battered lobster chunks with Scotty's special dip sauce for them. Oh, gotta go eat.
Bob H

Natalie Ann - 11-6-2008 at 12:41 PM

Beer battered lobster chunks dipped dipped in special sauce??? The fact that I've managed to miss that dish WILL be rectified during my next Mulege visit. Thanks for the heads up, BobH.


Cypress - 11-6-2008 at 01:06 PM

All those Mulege eateries are great! Those battered and bruised lobster chunks dippped in dip ought to be yummy.:D

KurtG - 11-6-2008 at 03:35 PM

No, those are not paper plates.

:lol::lol: Of course they're not Kurt. Just at first glance they resemble them.

It wasn't your question that I was answering.

Sharksbaja - 11-6-2008 at 06:04 PM


I especially like that "paper-plate presentation".

Oh sorry. How could I know?;D

mulegemichael - 11-6-2008 at 09:00 PM

ate at scotties last night; all is good!!!....wet burritos forever!!

capt. mike - 11-7-2008 at 05:55 AM

what's a wet burrito?? is that like "enchilada style"?

Beachgirl - 11-12-2008 at 09:09 AM

Wow, last two times I saw mulegemichael at Scotty's...couldn't help it...married to the guy and he drags me everywhere...he ate chicken fried steak, and I mean every bite! Heart attack on a plate, but oh baby, it is GOOD!

EUREKA! A New Cafe Discovery in Mulege.

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 07:16 AM

Pancho Villas Cafe..aka Angel del Mar.. on the North River Road

Well, okay, so maybe it's only a new discovery to ME. New because I've never taken the time to pull over at this cozy, old-Baja-style eatery before. The roadside cafe/cantina has been open for at least 2-3 years, but I always just bounced past Pancho Villa's on my way to another great cafe, Tim's Almeja Cafe on the shore...the old El Patron.

Yesterday, after a great time battling huge snook and pargo in the Mulege rio, I decided to have a late breakfast out by the lighthouse. The tide had turned slack for angling and the incoming flood was not due until 10:30, so naturally desayuno was the best option left open.

Note: The North River Road is a pain in the butt, the main trail is all tore up with construction. Your best bet is to take the newer riverside trail, lots smoother and quite scenic, too. You will find this new trail right under the highway bridge. Take it!..make new voyages! A plus is avoiding rush hour traffic in downtown Mulege. ;D

So there I was, rumbling along the river road, mentally flipping a coin as to whether I should have huevos rancheros, chiliquiles, or some other delicacy for brunch..when I glanced out my window at this place:

I hit the brakes when I caught a whiff of some wondrous cooking smell drifting on the breeze. Parking quickly, I went into the cafe and entered a quiet & pleasant refuge, far away from the hectic pace of Mulege...:rolleyes:

There within was a Hemmingway-feel cafe, with several tables covered by cheerful tablecloths, all one... occupied by a very-nice-looking woman enjoying coffee while waiting for her breakfast. She glanced at me, politely acknowledging my presence with the briefest of smiles and a nod. Hey! Seizing the Moment, I asked her if I might join her and sat down quickly, effectively blocking her getaway. I feel this was a good approach, as she did finally put down the butter knife and relaxed somewhat. I ordered some great tasting coffee and we chatted...well, I chatted, she mumbled something about today being Friday the 13th and her 'lucky' day. Women.. who really understands them?

The breakfast comes for my new girlfriend and it looks so inviting that I blurted out in my best Mulegenian....'me, food, huevos rancheros.' I always like to impress new acquaintances with my command of TexMex. We chat away and my brunch date seems to have forgotten where she is staying in Mulege.

Our delightful hostess, Lucy, brings my great smelling plate, says 'Your breakfast, Rogelio'... and I start salivating like Pavlov's dog. My shoes get wet...

The plate, boss..the Plate!

That was a great breakfast indeed. I didn't look up from my plate for at least 5 minutes. When I did..I was alone. I noticed a dust cloud on the river trail heading back into town.

If anybody runs into a nice-looking woman who ate at Pancho Villas on Friday the 13th tell her Hi from me....??

Just kidding, was a truly fine time sharing your table! Muchas gracias.


Ah..Baja's sand-floor can you really live well without them?

Beachgirl - 3-14-2009 at 07:34 AM

Roger, I love those sand floored cafes, too, but it's a problem in a way. I have a pile of nice c-cktail dresses, and nowhere to go....or, I could just give in and wear one with flip flops. Start a new trend!

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Beachgirl
Roger, I love those sand floored cafes, too, but it's a problem in a way. I have a pile of nice c-cktail dresses, and nowhere to go....or, I could just give in and wear one with flip flops. Start a new trend!

On you, Beachgirl, they would look great. Or maybe just a sarong and bare feet? Mike can wear his thong, like Juan?

mulegemichael - 3-14-2009 at 07:41 AM

you are a very funny man, amigo...a very funny man..thanks for the post.

Beachgirl - 3-14-2009 at 07:43 AM

I feel cheated. I didn't get to see Juan in his thong when we were there. Jeez. Maybe he can FedEx it to Mike on a loaner. I have a couple of sarongs. Good idea!

Beachgirl - 3-14-2009 at 07:47 AM

By the way, we have been to El Patron a number of times and have never seen anyone else there. Felt like it was a private party each time, smack on the water, another sand floor, candles, great service. The seafood soup is fab. Not sure what the difference is between that and seafood stew, also on the menu. I always bring a couple of Mex blankets with us to wrap around our shoulders when it gets cooler and breezy, so they don't have to shut the windows.

shari - 3-14-2009 at 07:50 AM

Pomp...LOVED this trip report...thanks for the laugh of the morning and that plate looks fantastic...we'll try it next time we're in town..good to know we can dine in thongs!

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Beachgirl
The seafood soup is fab. Not sure what the difference is between that and seafood stew, also on the menu.

Beachgirl, the difference is the same as between consommé and bouillon. ;D

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by shari
Pomp...LOVED this trip report...thanks for the laugh of the morning and that plate looks fantastic...we'll try it next time we're in town..good to know we can dine in thongs!

Oh yeah, shari! Dining in those thongs is great.

We all do our best to promote the style...damn, now I am salivating again..

[Edited on 3-14-2009 by Pompano]

Thonged patron.jpg - 26kB

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-14-2009 at 08:01 AM

I am hungry now...Thanks a lot Pompano!:lol:

Beachgirl - 3-14-2009 at 08:03 AM

Hey, this the chick you had breakfast with? Too bad she can't afford to buy clothes that fit her.

shari - 3-14-2009 at 08:05 AM

glad you snapped a photo of your

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-14-2009 at 08:06 AM

I better shut up or I will be accused of Tijuana Debauchery!

Bob H - 3-14-2009 at 09:14 AM

Pancho Villa in 2007.... what a great place! Had the best pineapple margies there and great food. Local family runs the place.
Bob H

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 09:17 AM

Great photo, Bob! The best I have seen.

They are now building a deck above that will have a killer view of the estuary and Cortez beyond.

Bob H - 3-14-2009 at 09:26 AM

Roger, there was a deck above then... and I think it's been expanded. Wonderful place with great home cook'n. Nice family place indeed. I can't wait to go back there. We stopped by and spent about three hours there... and almost adopted a black lab puppy that sat in our lap as we sipped on our margaritas!
Bob H

Pompano - 3-14-2009 at 09:46 AM

Ah so, Bob...I guess they are replacing the flooring above now.

I love those labs! I will try the pinapple drink and the margaritas, too.

rpleger - 3-14-2009 at 09:53 AM

Pancho Villas...The best, or maybe that new breakfast place across from the Jungle...thats a best place too.
Had the best shrimp c-cktail at El Patron Thursday night.
Don't forget about Rays Place out in the valley.

Wow, so many good places to eat in Mulege...what to do? what to do?

Bob H - 3-14-2009 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Pompano
Ah so, Bob...I guess they are replacing the flooring above now.

I love those labs! I will try the pinapple drink and the margaritas, too.

Hey, here's the pineapple margaritas that we had.... yummy
Bob H

Bob H - 3-14-2009 at 10:08 AM

Here's a closeup of that beautiful black lab that we ALMOST adopted!
Bob H

Now you've done it, Roger!

toneart - 3-14-2009 at 12:23 PM

I had a day goin' where I was just gonna do nuthin' 'cept veg in the sun and read. Now I gots ta git up 'n "force" a trip to Pancho Villa's for almuerzo.

Oh, the stress! Jeez, I might even run into Amy there and I'd have to give my meal my wholly divided attention. :O

rpleger - 3-15-2009 at 10:24 AM

Went to Mely's on saturday night....

Chicken enchalada with red sauce...need I say it...the best.

Lots of people there for dinner..

Los Olivos - A Mulege Riverside Cafe

Pompano - 3-16-2009 at 08:24 AM

Ah...finally got to try Los Olivos cafe on the south river road in Mulege yesterday. A peaceful place and good experience.

I joined some fellow nomads about 10:00 for brunch..ugh..I am not a 'brunch' kinda let's make that a 'late breakfast.'

(..slight detour here. I see Brunch signs and think...tea and crumpets, doilies you don't dare spill on, and your great aunt Abagail serving with the tiny cups that would only fit a doll's fingers. I think 'breakfast' in gallons of coffee in mugs, pounds of bacon, full ham slice, mountains of crispy hash browns, a flat of eggs, 6-inch stack of flapjacks, sticks of butter, hogshead of sryup, sourdough Texas toast, jar of raspberry jam...and a small orange slice...halved. That trencherman's table will do just fine, thanks.)

The location of Los Olivos is easy to find, it's next door to La Jungla cantina and has an excellent view of the riverfront and mangroves. Take the highway turnoff where you see the Jungla and Bart's signs..between the Orchard and Hotel Cuesta entries. Down the road you go..all the way to the river and it's right there..on your left. ;D

I had driven by the place the previous day..after eating at the riverside place on the opposite side, Pancho Villa's. I was full, naturally, so only visited a short time with these satisfied patrons. They had such raves about the cream omelette they had just eaten, that I knew I would be coming here soon. The charming hostess came out with her beautiful child to say hello and invite me back.


So now I am back...and joined my breakfast companions, Beachgirl and mulegmichael. I asked how the coffee was? That brought on some hearty smiles.

I think they had some extra Kahlua in thiers, so I hastily ordered the same.
From hostess Blanca. After asking her name, I introduced myself and she said..I know you, Rogelio.

That's the way it is if you live in a small town for so long...years fly by and friend's children grow up on you.
Beachgirl shows me the cafe mascot..what a pair of cuties!

Then our co-hostess, Jeanine, brought me a menu...and I was hit by the thunderbolt...Kaa-POW! I will eat absolutely anything this vision will put before me. Gimme a riverrock, I don't care...

The new love of my life convinced me to order off the menu..which was full of goodies, as you shall see here:
(Spanish on one side - English on the other..What a novel idea!..the clever angels.)


Aphrodite..I mean Jeanine ..brought my breakfast of whatever I had blindly pointed to while looking into her eyes.

The plate was a wonderous surprise...I think she must have guessed my favorite breakfast is huevos rancheros. What a still my heart.

. if that great meal were not enough, Jeanine sets a beautifully arranged plate of tiny empenadas and fruit in front of me. Ahh..the good life is definetely in Mulege. I could even manage one of those tiny teacups for this cafe.

Beachgirl asks mulegemichael and me how we liked the place? This picture says it all...

After another fine cup of coffee and loosening my belt one notch, I go inside to compliment the two businesswomen of Los Olivos..Jeanine and Blanca. Congratulations on a very good cafe. I shall can bet on it.

rpleger - 3-16-2009 at 09:21 AM

Good for you Roger... finally found the best breakfast in Mulege.

Not to take away from Pancho Villa's or Carmalita's tho.

Mulege is blessed with many good places to eat

shari - 3-16-2009 at 09:41 AM

wow...those are beautiful plates and hunky guys too accompanied by the lovely as ever beach girl! We shall be doing more visiting in Mulege and eating....see ya in semana santa.
Makes me poo poo those of you who fear that an influx of gringos in Asuncion will ruin I cant wait till the village can support a yummy, creative new restaurant.

Sophia and Polo's 7-11 Quick Stop Cafe/Store

Pompano - 3-18-2009 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by shari
wow...those are beautiful plates and hunky guys too accompanied by the lovely as ever beach girl! We shall be doing more visiting in Mulege and eating....see ya in semana santa.
Makes me poo poo those of you who fear that an influx of gringos in Asuncion will ruin I cant wait till the village can support a yummy, creative new restaurant.

shari...poo-poo away. Creative people all over Baja are pursueing thier own Field of Dreams, following the premise of ..Build it and they shall come.

Here's one of my favorite creative persons in Mulege. Sophia, owner-operator of the cozy Eleven-Seven Cafe and tienda across from the highway Pemex station and next to Saul's La Palapa.

One of those truly delightful people you love to talk to over a great cup of coffee. She also serves muy tasty this mouth-watering chicken snack I recently shared with Two Dogs. Saturdays are for her famous mini-burgers..mmm. She attracts a regular breakfast crowd of admirers. I make up reasons to run to town and stop here coming..or going. You are sure to meet..or make..some friends.

I would love for my plant experiments to turn out as healthy looking as Sophia's greenery, good going, Sophia.