
How is the road from San Jose Comondu to San Javier now?

junkyarddog - 2-2-2016 at 05:56 PM

How is the road from San Jose Comondu to San Javier now?

Is it the beast it used to be or is it relatively comfortable and fast for a side-by-side ATV? Transit time?

Many thanks,
Junkyard Dog
San Bruno, BCS

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How is the road from San Jose Comondu to San Javier now?

junkyarddog - 2-2-2016 at 05:58 PM

How is the road from San Jose Comondu to San Javier now?

Is it the beast it used to be or is it relatively comfortable and fast for a side-by-side ATV? Transit time?

Many thanks,
Junkyard Dog
San Bruno, BCS

Desertbull - 2-3-2016 at 11:24 AM

It's easy in a side-by-side ATV/UTV or dirt bike...we did it a month ago and it was quick to Comodu..bout 90 minutes with stops...beautiful and remote.

junkyarddog - 2-3-2016 at 11:53 AM

OK, many thanks for the report on the road condition from Mission San Javier to the Comondus.

I am also wondering if there are any accomodations for an overnight in the Comondus other than camping out? Can you (or anyone?)comment on this or know anyone from there?


David K - 2-3-2016 at 12:20 PM

Until Desertbull or another may get back to you, check out Shari's photo-filled trip reports from 2011, which includes details on the little 'motel' at Comondú: