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Author: Subject: Here's an end of trip report that's not so nice, take it for what you will.
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[*] posted on 3-19-2006 at 08:45 PM

We NEED immigrants, for lots of reasons, not the least which is our tradition to except them, but they should be LEGAL.

Freudian slip???
Why don't we try accepting them:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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[*] posted on 3-19-2006 at 09:09 PM

did everyone miss the "guess" worker program?
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Baja Bernie
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[*] posted on 3-19-2006 at 09:24 PM

but I try and not correct others as I have enough problems of my own.

My smidgen of a claim to fame is that I have had so many really good friends. By Bernie Swaim December 2007
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 08:15 AM

Perhaps some attention should be given the Mexican Government and what they might do to correct or alleviate what causes their citizens to leave for the U.S. Is there a Mexican "Middle Class" Could part of it be the amount of money being sent back to Mexico from the illegals. Until the law is changed, most of them are here illegally.

What does the Mexican Government do when an Americano is caught without the proper paper work etc?
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 08:24 AM

The Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions illegally to find work. Legally they have a green card. The problem with most of the bills proposed in congress for a guess worker program involve granting some type of amnesty to the illegals already here. What signal does that send. The same one Reagan sent when he granted amnesty to 6 million or more in the 80s. They just keep coming. The Mexican gov't doesn't mind, they want the billions of dollars that's sent back home. The employers don't mind, they want the cheap labor (in contrast to union labor) that they can get. Many in the public are brainwashed to believe that this illegal labor force is necessary to keep the cost of fruit and vegetables down. The only way you can stop illegal immigration is to confiscate the employers assets and shut them down period regardless of who they are. And throw them in jail. It's not hard to do a background check on someone and if they are not legal they don't get hired. If an employer has done a proper background check and later finds the person is illegal they turn him over to the authorities. Now we can start talking about a real guess worker program.
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by awfulart

What does the Mexican Government do when an Americano is caught without the proper paper work etc?

Give them 30 days to get proper papers - If they don't, deport back across the border.

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And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
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David K
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 09:10 AM

Supply and Demand... That is the magnet... There are many jobs that the latinos come here to perform because Americans are NOT interested in doing them... At least that is my observation, almost daily... Latinos actually want to work! That is a big plus.

They should be documented, so let's figure out why that can't be done without the expense and wait that keeps the masses coming here illegally.

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Don Alley
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.
----and Don Alley: your definition of "guest worker program" sounds reasonably accurate to me-----So?????

What is the problem??? This IS a Capitalist society, not a Socialist society. Would you have it some other way??

Crooked congressmen, bloated with corporate donations, pass legislation creating a new class of laborer. One with limited rights. No social security. No benefits. No unions. Use 'em up and toss them out.

Being a "Capitalist" society, these workers would be very much in demand. So much so, that if some US citizens won't work under similar conditions, the companies can hire the "guest" workers instead.

There is a demand for poor foreign labor to keep wages and prices depressed. That in turn helps keep interest rates down to grease the housing market. And the USA only pretends to try to stop "illegal" immigration to provide some political cover for politicians.

So that's Capitalism?

All presided over by some clown claiming to be a born again Christian guided by some kind of higher moral beliefs.

I think it's Corruptionism.;D
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Baja Bernie
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 09:36 AM

Look around the building trades and you will find that they do not only come here to do the work the Americans won't do.
The last time I had some drywall installed I called a cell phone number and the guy came up from Tijuana and did the work for me. My electrician, born again, left for Las Vegas and my new electrical contractor is a very nice Mexican guy whom I can't understand unless we are face to face (Yes, he is licenced). His 'journeyman' can't speak any English but he is one good electrician. My plumber is always crying about the fact that so many Mexican 'plumbers' have come up that he is losing business right and left because they are'only' charging $40.00 per hour.
No, a lot of them are not coming up here for those jobs Americans won't do.

[Edited on 3-20-2006 by Baja Bernie]

My smidgen of a claim to fame is that I have had so many really good friends. By Bernie Swaim December 2007
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 03:25 PM

Open the borders??? Give back Mexico??? Come on.

First, how many Mexicans lived in the area when it was taken from them? Compared to today's populations?...Very little.

What's done is done. It can't be changed. Should we go back to speaking some native american language too?

As for letting everyone just come on up for the party...give me a break! Ever lived in a 3rd world country??

It is sink or swim...and just like when you throw a swimmer next to a drowner...well, everyone drowns.

Why should we be the solution for them? How about their own countries trying a little problem solving.
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[*] posted on 3-20-2006 at 06:54 PM

People, People!! It's a GuesT Worker program, as in a guest in our country -- not a Guess Worker program. And let's go back to this question, any of you seen the movie "A Day Without a Mexican?"
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Pappy Jon


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[*] posted on 3-21-2006 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Capt. George
No open border but allow immigration for qualifying Mexicanos....who once owned California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico???

You missed one ... Florida.
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[*] posted on 3-21-2006 at 08:45 AM
Whoa - Don't cut them out of Social

Security - we need those guys paying into the bottom of the pyramid.

Originally posted by Don Alley

No social security. No benefits. No unions. Use 'em up and toss them out.

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Don Alley
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[*] posted on 3-21-2006 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by neilm
Security - we need those guys paying into the bottom of the pyramid.

Originally posted by Don Alley

No social security. No benefits. No unions. Use 'em up and toss them out.


Maybe the law (as yet not passed) will have them pay into Social Security. After all, otherwise we will have a portion of the workforce not paying into the system, and that's not good, is it? But if it's a guest worker law, will they be allowed to stick around to collect? No, and that's not good either.
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