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Author: Subject: where is Hose A?
David K
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[*] posted on 6-29-2008 at 10:09 PM

I don't rant, but I may defend myself or my country when being unfairly treated... I prefer that we talk about Baja and the people who love Baja without the jabs. When one Nomad states his opinion is that Baja is getting covered up... I sure hope it is okay to post an opinion that it isn't (along with some proof). Is it ranting only because it doesn't follow goose step behind the enviro hysteria?

I wish Hose A all the happiness and rest he deserves... I applauded him often on the board or in u2u replies. However, I did know he was not happy when he started to complain about the 'report' button. Folks, it is the report button that HELPS a moderator know where to check posts that may be in violation of Doug's rules. Even I don't read all posts as much as I am on here... As a moderator, it would be nearly impossible to read all posts and still enjoy or contribute to the site and have a private life, off line! 'Report Post' button is an assest and Doug himself has asked me to use it. Be it a violation of rules or just to report a post in the wrong forum, so it can be moved for better viewership.

I hope the next moderator can enjoy the responsibility and be neutral to all viewpoints... allowing free expression without personal slams or hate speak.

Viva Hose A, Viva Doug Means and Viva Baja Nomad!

"So Much Baja, So Little Time..."

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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 12:23 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
I... believe that many here have a sense of "personal ownership" in this site & hope & want it to move forward in a positive manner which gives us all pride, rather than becoming an embarrassment....which it has been over a LOT of posts over the past couple weeks. That said, is it out of line to ask that you advise the members what's going on? Who is going to be Moderator?

I'm very grateful for the assistance of Hose A in moderating the board since November, 2006. He's done an outstanding job. Originally it was agreed for just 5 days while I was away for a Thanksgiving holiday weekend, but somehow convinced him to continue on - and I feel very fortunate for the additional 19 months of help.

Very fortunate indeed.

Saying thank you doesn't say enough.

As far as posts over the past couple of weeks, I think things have been pretty calm. And prior to that? I think we've got things somewhat "understood" with some people as we go forward.


As for moderating, I'm usually here every day - more often than not, a number of times throughout the day. If there's a post you think needs reviewing, please use the "report" button.

Doug Means
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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 06:02 AM

Doug: I apologise for any of my Posts during the Period of May 28th to the present.
Excuse:/Reason; Emergency Triple ByPass Operation while on a trip to Calfifornia. and all 0f the Medications I have had to take including some DOPE, Makes me "Goofy".
I hereby declare that I will not call Liberals==Weak Minded!
inexchange I would Hope that the Liberals would not refer to me a a"Religious Nut".

Come on you Nomads its all about Baja

I think that HoseA did a great job.

Anon The Preacher
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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
Natalie I am sure you thanked him enough for all of us. I did not start this thread to see how many medals we could pin on Hose A, I just wanted to know what happened to him.

Very classy comment, Bruce.
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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 08:04 AM

I think Hose A was a class act - but I will never forgive him for censoring the only post I have ever made on Baja Nomads that showed I could read.

It was during the "winthy wars" on Real Estate Available, and in an effort to impress my fellow Nomads I posted

1 Corinthians 15:33

and he deleted it!!

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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 08:10 AM

Gnukid seems to have a lot of time on his hands lately . .

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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by rob

and he deleted it!!

Wear your scar with pride and honor. If you've never been deleted by Hose A, you ain't nobody.
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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by rob
Gnukid seems to have a lot of time on his hands lately . .

Seems he's back. He posted a couple of times around here last week.
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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by David K
I don't rant, but I may defend myself or my country when being unfairly treated...


I prefer that we talk about Baja and the people who love Baja without the jabs. .......the enviro hysteria


allowing free expression without personal slams or hate speak.........the enviro hysteria


I don't rant

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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by jdtrotter
Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
What Natalie Ann said! And more....:lol: Hose A volunteered and IMO, he did an amazing job of following a lot of people around cleaning up after them....kinda like the guy walking behind the elephants in a parade with a BIG SHOVEL!!!

I'm actually amazed it took many people so long to miss his presence....I found out well after the fact that he'd sent his letter of resignation to Doug June 13th....but I figured out he was gone before because of the sudden increase in violations of posted Board Rules which were left in place. I'm not sure who is acting as Mod at the present, but IMO, Hose A dedicated more time to it, so a lot of offensive stuff was removed before many people saw it & had a chance to hit the Report Button; he took a lot of flack for all his efforts to keep this site a wholesome, pleasant & informative place....which I imagine was Doug's dream when he started it.

I really miss his efforts & his humor, in performing such a huge & thankless task!! I don't think the question should be "Where is Hose A?", but rather why were we lucky enough to have had him for as long as we did before he got fed up & resigned!!:bounce:

I fully understand that MY thoughts & feelings are in the minority in some circles, but they are after all MINE, and I've voiced them. Now going back to mourning the loss of Hose A!

Doug, I know it's YOUR site, and I respect that, but I also believe that many here have a sense of "personal ownership" in this site & hope & want it to move forward in a positive manner which gives us all pride, rather than becoming an embarrassment....which it has been over a LOT of posts over the past couple weeks. That said, is it out of line to ask that you advise the members what's going on? Who is going to be Moderator? Will Moderating be done according the the posted Board Rules....of some other formula; is that formula secret?:?:

Nicely written.

Miss HoseA, but don't blame him for quiting.

my sentiments prezactly.

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[*] posted on 6-30-2008 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by oxxo
Originally posted by David K
I don't rant, but I may defend myself or my country when being unfairly treated...


I prefer that we talk about Baja and the people who love Baja without the jabs. .......the enviro hysteria


allowing free expression without personal slams or hate speak.........the enviro hysteria


I don't rant

Thank you, this does make my brain spin too.
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